chapter 11

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I looked at my watch. 4 :30pm, i guess mom wont mind me being a little late.
"i'll just text her" i said to myself .

saeron: hi mom! i think im gonna come a bit late today.

mom: okay, im working late as well but dont back too late.

saeron: okk byee love you.

mom: love you too

done. i should just go to the gym, see what jin wants and get outta there.


i opened the door of the gym that was dark. i saw a figure standing in the middle of the gym.
"jin? is that you?" i asked.

the figure just chuckled. it was weird though because it sounded a little girlish.
"so you really thought i was jin? how dumb can you really be?"

i walked closer to take a glimpse of the person who was talking.
as i stepped further my heart almost popped out when i saw the person.

"what do you want chaeyoung? why do you keep bothering me? i havent done anything." i told her eventhough i was scared. who knows what shes capable of doing.

"ouh that." her smile faded.
"you seriously dont know? come on sae ron. i thought you were smart, think saeron think." she intimidated me .

i was confused. what did i do , i have never done anything to her.
"i dont know what youre talking about chaeyoung, im leaving." i turned around to leave but stopped immediately.

"you dont even remember hugging jin?" she sounded angry.
"you dont remember how he hugged you tightly and wouldnt let go?" she yelled
i turned around.

"you know i wouldnt hug him. he hugged me first i swear! " i told her the truth.

"oh come on saeron! stop lying, i was there, i saw you not even resisting him". she shouted.

i kept quiet. even if i say anything i know nothing would change. she still wouldnt believe me.

"that's it. girls get her." chaeyoung ordered.

suddenly, her two best friend came outta nowhere , one holding a chair and the other holding a long piece of rope .
i started to panic. i needed to escape, so i ran but chaeyoung was quicker. all the doors were locked.

"you see saeron, this is what you get when your'e messing with me. i always get what i want ." she came at me with a small knife in her hand.

"ch-chaeyoung, p-please, d-dont do this t-to m-me. im innocent, i s-swear!" only god knew how terrified i was.

before i knew it, the two girls tied me to the chair and dragged me infront of chaeyoung. as soon as i was seated infront of her , she gave me a tight slap.
i could feel the sharp sting on my face and i couldn't do anything about it.

chaeyoung and her minions just laughed.
tears welled up in my eyes. i almost couldn't stand it anymore but i didnt give up.i didnt want to act all scared infront of her because i knew she just take advantage of it .

"come on chaeyoung, you know i didnt do it." i turned back to face her.

"you know what? how bout we talk about this tomorrow? because if i stay here listening to you denying it..... i just might have to kill you." she said as she walked away with her friends.

"chaeyoung! come back here! you cant just leave me here!" i screamed. but she acted like she didnt hear anything.

before closing the door, she smiled at me and said " i just did honey." then i heard the lock turn.


jimin's POV

i laid on my bed doing nothing but stare at the clock hanging on my wall. 12:30  i dont know why i couldnt sleep, something seemed to bother me. i picked up my phone about to call sae ron but i thought maybe she would be sleeping so i feel asleep in my train of thoughts.

"krriinggg!". i was woken by a call. i rubbed my sleepy eyes to see the caller id.
it was taehyung and i immediatly picked up the call
"yahh! why are you calling me at 3 am?" i scolded him.

"jimin ahh! how can you be sleeping! sae rons missing! have you seen her?" taehyung screamed over the phone .

i quickly sat up from my position.
"what?! you gotta be kidding me tae." i asked him immediately.
"i wish i could jimin. minseok called saying that saerons mom called her to ask where saeron is and that she has'nt seen her since after school." tae explained.

"oh shit!" i quickly woke up from my bed and grabbed my jacket.
this was gonna be a long night.

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