chapter 9

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"Thanks again tae." I smiled to taehyung after he brought me to the nurses office

"Hey, i just did what anyone else would've done." he smiled.

I can say, when I'm with taehyung i just feel happy. I feel safe around him and he makes me feel comfortable.

"come on let's go get some lunch" taehyung invited me.

"ouh..  Ummm okay. " to be honest i felt really nervous sitting with the boys because first, minseok is not here. She had to take care of her dad at the hospital. Secondly because i think jimin is somehow mad at me. I think he's got some kind of illness.

When we arrived, i got my daily share of death stares and i seriously didn't mind them. Taehyung and i got our food and headed towards bts' table.

"oh! Sae ron.  Annyeong! Come and sit with us. " rapmon said as he patted the seat next to him.

"oh...  Thanks for letting me. " i said as i nervously sat down next to rapmon facing jimin.

This is the most awkward moment in my entire life. So the entire time i just looked down as i ate. I have no idea why I'm avoiding jimin's eye contact.

"sooo... Saeron, are you and tae something now? " rapmon asked as if he was a mom.

"w-what? N-no we have nothing to do with each other. I mean we are pretty close but just as friends" why am i stuttering? 

Taehyung just smiled. But a somehow painful smile. What caught my attention was jimin.

"hyung, why would you even ask that question. Of course she has nothing going on with tae. " he explained which actually surprised me since he was pretty quiet before this.

"umm i mean....  They look like friends? " jimin cleared his throat.

"uhh guys,  i think i should get going. I think i the teacher called for me. " damn it!  What kind of excuse is that?  Nevermind that,  i just quickly escaped the awkward situation.

Once again i bailed on them.
My head was filled with thoughts and just like i do every time i bail on them,  i went up to the rooftop to get some fresh air.

I opened the door and felt an instant breeze hit my face.
"huh...  If only the world was this calming. " i said to myself.
I sat down on the bench and plugged in my earphones with spring day playing.

Before i knew it, dreamland took over.

Third person'sPOV

A few minutes after sae ron fell asleep, jimin entered and noticed sae ron sleeping uncomfortably, so he decided to do her a favor.

"you better be grateful that I'm doing this for you" he said to the sleeping girl.
Jimin gently put saeron's head on his lap while admiring her beautiful face.

"since when were you this pretty?" jimin removed her hair from her face.

Saeron's POV

My eyes fluttered open. That was the most comfortable sleep I've ever gotten at school. I quickly checked my watch.

"holy mother of all cheeses! Schools over! " i took my phone and ran to class to grab my thing.
I ran into class like a crazy maniac and stuffed everything into my bag.
"what's with the rushing in like a crazy person?" well it looked like i was such in a rush that i didn't notice jimin leaning against the locker just staring at me like a creepy stalker.

"holy crap!  What's with you guys and scaring people? You freakin gave me a heart attack. " i fell down .

Jimin giggled and helped me up.
"you wouldn't be in a rush if you didn't sleep for an entire 6 periods. "

" WHAT THE?!  You knew!? Why didn't you wake me up? " i scolded him.

"you just looked so peaceful sleeping" he pouted.
"urghhhh unbelievable! " and i stormed out the class.

I could hear jimin following me from behind.  What does he want from me?suddenly he appeared next to me. 
I made a grumpy face.

"come on,  you seriously can't be mad at me. " he lowered his head to make it the same level as mine.
I was suprised.
"s-so what i-if i am? " i tried to make it not obvious that he made me nervous and i walked ahead of him.

"okay then, i guess i was gonna ask you if you wanted to get some ice cream, but i think you're too mad right? " Jimin smirked knowing that he knows my weakness.

I stopped in my tracks and turned around.
" hey jimin, you know i was thinking about forgiving you. How bout we go get some ice cream huh? " i smiled cheesily. I can't freakin believe I'm doing this for ice cream. There goes my reputation.

Jimin walked to me with a broad smile on his face. " that would be nice,  wouldn't it " he smiled at me.

"of course it would,  especially since you're  paying right? " after i said that i walked as fast as i could, leaving him behind.

"yahh!  Yahhhh!  Wait for me! " jimin was yelling trying to catch up with me.

Hope you enjoy this chapter  😘

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