Chapter 46

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" Plus you guys need a break. So it's fine . Mr kim just wants me to bring her to him and trust me I wouldn't even think of getting myself involve with one like her." Jimin said.

Ouch. But that I bet it didn't hurt as much as I hurt jimin.

After a few more convincing excuses, the men left us and headed to the other direction. Jimin waited until the coast was clear and grabbed my hand and pulled me downstairs.

" Jimin! What are you doing?!" I whisper yelled hoping the guards won't notice us trying to escape.

" I'm getting you out of here." He said sternly as he smoothly ran down the stairs.
But why would he save me? I've already said too much that already hurt him though.

We both reached at the bottom of the stairs and I slouched down , panting heavily. Damn, I really need to start exercising more often because sooner or later I feel like I might die from running down the stairs.

Jimin grabbed my shoulders and made me face him, gazing into my fear filled eyes.
" Listen to me carefully sae ron. Outside there will be a black car in the front most part if the yard, just near the entrance where the gate is. When I count to three , I want you to run as quickly as possible to the car and enter it. Lock all the doors." He instructed me full if caution and worries.

I stared into his eyes.... The beautiful bright eyes I knew have finally come back and that's when I knew that I could trust him. Jimin was finally back. Just before I got too happy, jimin looked down.

" I put my cellphone in the dashboard of the car so I want you to call the cops the moment you enter the car . If I'm not there in the next five minutes, just drive sae ron ... don't look back." The last three words came out  soft and comforting which made my eyes soften at him.

" Jimin ah.... do you still love me?" I whispered to him as he held onto my hand dearly.
He nodded without saying a single word , not even hesitating. That's when the guilt hit me. How could I ever hurt someone as precious as him? He may look tough and scary on the outside but he is just as soft and frightened as a small kid on the inside and what made me even more guilty is because I knew I hurt the small and frightened kid on the inside.

" If you still love me," I held both of his hands and made him look down at me.
" make sure you don't make me leave this place alone . Make sure you'll come for me ." I whispered in his ear as I pulled him into a hug.

He nuzzled his face in the crook of my neck Before giving me the kiss that I yearned for ever since all this started. The kiss that made everything fell better and safe, the kiss that made me sure that the man that I loved...... loved me back.

" I love you." I whispered one last time .
" love you too. "

" on the count of three follow exactly what I told you to do . Do you understand?" He made sure I remembered everything.

I ran as quickly as I could passing through the front door before taking a second to turn back but Jimin was already gone.
So far so good sae ron. Keep it up.
I kept reminding myself. That's when I heard it. The sound I had prayed I would never hear.


I heard the gunshot again. The shots kept firing and could be heard from outside the house. As much as I wanted to turn back and help Jimin, I promised him that I'll do exactly as he said so there's no turning back now.

I rushed as quickly as possible and finally reached the enormous entrance gate where the awaited black car was parked. A took a good 3 minutes to reach since jimin had parked it quite far from the entrance gate but It seemed the most logic place so people wouldn't suspect it.

I ran eventhough I probably looked like a living corpse a.k.a Zombie that hasn't eaten any brains for the past few days. I finally reached the black car that jimin mentioned.

I got into the car and shivered a bit from the coldness before realising that the windows to this car were all tinted, which made it a whole lot easier. With out waiting anymore, I locked all the doors and found the dashboard where Jimin said he kept the phone.

I practically trashed the whole dashboard thingie trying to find the phone and finally after what seemed like hours, I found the shiny metal object that that was promised to me.

I unlocked the phone and opened the keypad but just as I was about to dial the number , two men wearing black suits started walking towards the car . Panicking, I quickly grabbed the phone and basically stuffed it in my pocket before crouching down where the pedals were since the two were probably not going to see anyone there even though the windows are tinted.

" why the hell is a black car doing here? This looks like one of ours right?" One of the men said as he started knocking the window before leaning his face closer so that he could get a better view of the inside.

I started to clutch my shirt tighter around my hands while sweating nervously.

Stay still and don't move a muscle sae ron. Hang on!

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