Chapter 15

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"W-what?" My face turned bright red.

" i know it seems like a sudden confession and i dont expect an answer yet. But just think about it okay?" With those words taehyung left me alone to my thoughts.

"what just happened?" I asked myself.
I was speechless .


The next day at school, things between me and taehyung got pretty awkward. I guessed jimin didn't notice it because he told me to eat with the boys. Oml save me.

When we entered the cafeteria me and jimin went to get our foods and sat down at the table. The whole table was quiet since usually it was taehyung that started talking. Today he was quiet and kept staring at me which made me feel twice as awkward.

"What's with this awkward situation?" J-hope whispered to suga.

"How am i supposed to know? Why don't you ask them." Suga answered quietly. J-hope just looked at suga with the WTF face and continued eating.

Jimin seemed to noice the weird situation between me and taehyung but i guess he didn't want to make things worse so he kept quiet.

Suddenly rapmon giggled while eating. The whole table turned to rapmon including me. He was smiling . He looked like he figured out why the whole situation was awkward.

"What's with him?" Jungkook asked.

" i think he's finally going crazy " j-hope answered.

"Probably didn't have enough sleep like me" suga said .

"Hyung, what kind of explanation is that?" Jimin asked with a judging look on his face.

Suga made his 'im a genius ' look .

"Just continue eating" rap mon voiced out and stood .
" im just gonna get some fresh air" he said and headed out the cafeteria with his hands in his pockets.

"Sometimes i wish i know whats going through his 148 iq brain" jungkook said after he left.

I giggled.


After eating i had an extra 15 minutes so i headed to my quiet place , the rooftop.

When i arrived , rapmon was sitting on the bench while staring at the blue sky. It was like he was waiting for someone.
I walked over to him and sat down beside him, looking up to the sky.

"So he likes you huh?" Rapmon asked suddenly turning to me.

"W-what? I don't know what you're talking a-about". I turned red.

He returned looking up the sky.
"Come on sae ron, you're so bad at lying." Rap mon smiled and i swear i heard him laugh a bit.

I gave up. " he told me yesterday and I don't know what to answer him. I'm scared i might hurt him." I told him.

"Or is it because your heart already loves someone else?" He asked.

I didn't know what to answer him so i kept quiet. What happens if j say something wrong?

Rap mon just chuckled and stoop up .
"Love is love ,but don't go hurting yourself for it." He patted my shoulder and left. I was confused. What did he mean?

Throughout all of my classes i was distracted by my thoughts. Nothing was making sense , the puzzle pieces weren't coming together.


I walked home and was suprised to see the door opened . My heart started beating fast. Cold sweat started forming on my forehead, i walked inside slowly opening walking inside.

"Mom, is that you? This isn't funny ." I said.

Suddenly i heard someone upstairs in my room, i walked up the stairs carefully trying not to make any noise. I opened the door and noticed that my whole room was a mess. There were knife marks on the door and cupboards, my bed was a mess, my papers and books were ripped and the bouquet of flowers jimin got me were on the floor , smashed.

That's when i heard a person outside my window that was broken because i guessed he/she jumped out the window.

It a mysterious person wearing a mask and to me he looked pretty much like a man .
"Arghh shit!" He painfully cursed. It seemed that he cut himself on the leg from the glass.

And as soon as he saw me, he stood up and ran as much as he could limping.

It wouldn't do much for me to catch him since i would be far behind. I turned to look at my room again. Tears were filling up my eyes .

"I can't believe someone would do this to me" i said with tears rolling down my cheeks and was about to call jimin but i stopped.

My foot kicked a familiar object. It was the knife that chaeyoung used to threaten me. But it was with me when i cut the ropes. The only person that was there at that time was-


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