Chapter 41

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"Get out!" The first man who I came to know yuki yelled as he slammed the van door open.

" ryu jin , inform boss that we've arrived." Yuki ordered the second guy .

"For the love of god ! How many times do I have to tell you to get out?!" He yelled at me for the second .

Scared, I immediately let myself out of the van and looked around to see that these men brought me to some kind of mansion in the middle of nowhere.

Yuki came over and tied my hands up with a long rope that looks like the kind that people use to hang themselves with. I winced in pain as I felt him tighten the rope , making sure I don't escape. I looked at yuki and my eyes widen as I just realized something.

He was the man that fought with jimin the other at my house! I started to panic. Jin was right, I was basically playing with fire.
My heart raced as he then blind folded me and pulled me by my arm to who nows where.

After a series of going up stairs, I heard a door opening and us entering. I could feel the cold tile underneath my feet and later I would feel some carpet. We kept walking until I heard another door open and this time we were heading downstairs. I had frightening feeling about this room, as soon as The door opened a gush of cold wind brushed against my skin and instantly sent shivers down my spine.

" open it." I heard yuki say.

I heard the squeaking of a somehow metal gate and immediately I was pushed into it , falling down and scraping my hands.

Suddenly someone opened my blindfold but left my hands tied together.
" let me go you punks!" I yelled at the two guys that had just finished locking the metal gate. I looked around to see I was in what seemed to be a prison cell.... but there was only two cells.

" now now sweetie, you're not getting anywhere with that kind of attitude." Yuki chuckled as he crouched down towards the metal bars that held me captive. while he was too busy having fun teasing, I stood on my knees and spat at his face.

He froze and turned to me with such a furious face I could see his veins popping out of his head. His face turned red due to anger as he harshly wiped my spit off his face.

"What the hell did you just do?" He said as he gritted his teeth.
I instantly regretted doing that. I looked up towards his other colleagues who seemed to be a lot younger than he was and by the looks on their faces, I screwed up.

Before I could answer him , his hand went through the metal bars and I received a big fat slap across my face. The stinging pain had me fall to the side as I started to whimper a little.

"That'll teach you, you bitch!" He chuckled angrily.

My eyes started to water and I could already feel a bruise forming on my cheek and since my hands were tied up I was even more hopeless.

After they left, I started crying to myself, pulling my knees to my chest as my tied up hands sat in between them. I needed someone right now, I needed jimin.


It's the third day I've been here and I probably look like a complete mess. My hair looks like a birds nest but still presentable, I probably stink from being in the same clothes for three days and lastly I most definitely look like a living zombie. My body clock was probably broken my now. I came to know that I was help captive in the basement so I don't even know if it's day or night. I couldn't sleep and 100% couldn't eat. Not because  I'm a picky eater of something, but the food they served me was almost likely inedible and looked like leftover food from yesterday's meal.

My body ached because of a lot of things. Mostly because I had to sleep on the cold hard concrete floor that reeked of something horrible which I don't hope to know and also because every time I shouted or screamed or did something that made them angry, I got a beating. From getting kicked in the guts to yanking my hair. That's where most of the visible bruises and cuts come from.

But that wasn't what was bothering me. What bothered me the most was me still being clueless about the whole kidnapping, holding me prisoner thing .
Yeah I get that he hates jimin but Why me? How about jin ? My dad? And why was namjoon in that picture in the bedroom I stayed in?

A lot of questions just dashed through my mind, longing for the answers. Out of the blue, I heard voices from upstairs and it seemed like they were heading downstairs. I clenched onto my shirt more and more tighter the more closer they got.

This time two men stood in front of my cell and started to unlock the door. I looked at them , confused and scared at the same time.

" It's time miss sae ron."
One of them said.

"Oh shit." I mumbled to myself

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