Chapter 54 ( Last chapter!)

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It rained.
On Namjoon's funeral day, it rained.
If you asked someone that attended his funeral, they would've said that god must hate him as the rain is pouring down heavily, but if you ask me...

It was beautiful and sad. It's as if the sky was crying with us, letting it's sadness seep through our skin, making us realise we have just lost a great person.

But the thing I like the most when It rains is because no one will notice how much tears run down my face .
But that probably did nothing because the funeral was inside so all the tear stained cheeks could be seen very clearly.

As I was staring at the guests that were arriving, I saw all the members come in and this is the first time I've seen them this down. Of course they're down! They basically lost their brother!

Taehyung entered first with a white rose in his left hand as he walked slowly with his head down and if you looked closer, a few drops of tears could be seen but taehyung wiped them away before anyone else could see them.

He put down the white rose gently and took one look at namjoons smiling face in the frame infront of him before bowing down to pay his respects.

One by one I saw each member coming into the room to pay their respects for their beloved leader and brother that passed on and not one of them had broke down into tears. Well, at least not infront of me.

Lastly Jimin came in and just like the rest did, he placed a white rose and payed his respect to namjoon but instead of standing up and walking out like the others did, he stayed.

Suddenly Jimin started to mumble about something but I couldn't really put my finger on it, so I scooted a little closer to where Jimin was and tried listening again.

" Hyung..... not one of the members cried today.. do you know why?"
Jimin started off slowly.

" It's because they wanted to show you that you don't have to worry about them, that you've raised them well, that they believe you're in a much better place than here. They knew you wouldn't want them to feel down hyung.... they love you so much just even thinking about your presence can trigger them."
Jimin started sniffing and by the looks of it, another word could break him down.

" h-hyung.. you saved my life.. y-you ....." Jimin covered his mouth with his hand , holding back the tears that threatened to spill. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

" y-you saved me and I-I will never forget that. I promise to look after our brothers and always watch over them.... I hope you would do the same... Thank you for all the happy and sad memories that we've been through together and thank you for always becoming the big brother all of us ever wanted. You practically raised us." Jimin chuckled a bit, probably remembering all those silly moments with the group.

" before we both go our own ways, I just want to remind you how much you were loved. Bye hyung, It was nice to know you....  thank you." With that Jimin raised from his knees and smiled softly at the framed picture of namjoon infront of him before bowing and walked out of the room.

Suddenly Jimin turned around and walked towards me.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room .

" Jimin.. what's wrong?" I asked him .

His gazed was fixed on me and out of nowhere his beautiful fluffy and cute smile appeared .
" nothing, I just didn't want to see my princess crying." He said as he slowly put back the strand of loose hair behind my ear.

That's when I realised that I had been crying the entire time Jimin was giving his little speech.

I quickly brush my tears away with the back of my hand and smiled back at Jimin.
" are you ok?" He asked me which made me chuckle.

" whats so funny?"
" no, it's nothing . I just realised I was the one that was supposed to ask if you're okay. Not the other way around." I started.
" what do we do now?" I said as I looked up into his wondering eyes that fell upon me.

He thought for a moment before answering me.
" well, we're going to start a whole new life. A life where we stick together until the end and live happily ever after." He smiled at me as he said those words.

" what about the boys?" I asked.

" I guess they can come ?" He said while making a thinking face which made me burst out laughing.

" okay okay I get your point." He said as he rolled his eyes playfully.

Suddenly the air was silent and peaceful. The sun came out, birds started chirping and I somehow felt like somewhere up there, namjoon was agreeing to our plan... and that made me happy.

And that was saying something because not a lot if things make me happy.

My happiness was having a friend sleepover and gossip all night long while eating tubs of ice cream, greeted by my loving parents everytime I come hone tired from school and although all those things are practically impossible from now on,

my true happiness was having the person I loved most stay beside me.

And now I'm glad to say that I feel...... happy.

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