Chapter 33

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My dad froze at the question and the look on his face looked like he hoped none of us would ask this question. Unfortunately I was just to curious, i had to know the answer.

"N-No sae ron. I wont tell you, it will just get you into some serious trouble and i most definitely don't want you to get involved in this bullshit." He raised his voice a little.

I stayed quiet.

"Sorry, it's just that i finally got you back and i dont want you to be involved in what i am. I don't want you to regret anything." He said.

"but it's already too late. Im already involved." I whispered so he couldn't hear.

"It's okay , i know how you feel . Sorry for asking such question." I smiled softly at him.

Maybe right now wasn't the right time. After all we did just meet, so it's not really proper to ask him a sensitive question.

I looked at my watch and i was already late , jimin must be waiting for me in my room. I bid farewell to my brother and dad and headed off. Before i exited i promised to meet chan sung oppa one more time tomorrow.


I entered my room and was face with a worried jimin.

"Sae ron! " he called my name.
"Where the hell have you been? I was worried sick about you!" He pulled me into a hug .

How much more can I love him. This guy just keeps making more reasons for me to love him.

I giggled a bit at his reaction before pulling away for the hug and looking up at him.

"Jimin, i told you im alright. You don't need to worry about me." I assured him again.

He smiled softly and cupped my cheeks.
"How can i not worry about the one person that captured my heart."

I hugged him again and helped me carry my stuff downstairs.


It was Monday again and i had to go back to school. To think about again, maybe the hospital was way better because i can already sense that something's gonna happen again. Why does trouble always seem to find me ?

But to be honest i did miss school a little. just a LITTLE.
I entered class and sat down in my seat next to jimin. A few moments later a guy came stumbling in with papers flying everywhere. Must be a new teacher here just by looking at how messed up he is.

The class monitor gave the greetings and everyone else followed.

"Okay class, so I'll be your new home room teacher from now on since your other home room teacher got transferred to a better school. So before anything else, my name is Yoo il san but you guys can call me mr Yoo." He introduced himself.

New home room teacher? Well that's new. Pretty sudden too. After that he continued with a little ice breaking and he started teaching.

I looked at the time on my watch. 5 more minutes until calculus class finishes and i can go to lunch which i cant wait to go to because i was super hungry. The more i kept looking at the time the slower it went.

Everything the teacher was talking about sounded like gibberish to me and which is why i fail calculus in mostly every single exam.

"Kringgg~" the bell finally rung. Because i was such in a hurry, i ended up stuffing all my books into my bag and dropping a few pencils on the way. I rushed out of class and headed to the cafeteria where i met everyone already sitting at the table.

"Hey sae ron! How you doing?" Hoseok asked.

"Hey. I guess im doing better?" I smiled at hoseok who looked awfully cute today.

But something seemed off. I looked around and didn't see jimin at the table with us and before i could day anything,

"He's not here, he had to handle some business." Namjoon stated making me wonder what kind of business he was involved in.
I shake the thought out of my head.
Come on sae ron , it's probably nothing.

I nod my head to namjoon as a sign that i understood. But not to mention how sleepless namjoon looked. Does he have problem?

After lunch we headed back to class and the day continued like a normal day, which to me sounded off. Plus chaeyoung was nowhere in sight today and everytime one of her friends bumped into me 'accidentally ' , they smirked.

This is not what I expected, there's definitely something more to do this.

Thank you for 1k + reads!❤️❤️❤️❤️
And again if you're free y'all go ahead and visit my friend's wattpad acc
( they write in malay tho)


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