chapter 10

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" one chocolate ice cream please" i told the cashier .
"jimin,  what do you want? " i asked jimin who was looking around.
"hmm?  Oh, um I'll take vanilla. " he said and found A place to sit.

" that will be 4$ ." the guy behind the register said.
" okay hold on. " i took out my money and handed it to him. He thanked me and i sat down with jimin at the table.

" jimin,  you owe me 4$ . You were supposed to pay you know." i told him.
" alright geez woman I'll pay you tomorrow " he said as he gave me a weird look.

I continued to enjoy my ice cream and was occupied with my train of thoughts but was interrupted.
"im sorry. " i heard jimin say.

" w-what?" wait, am i actually hearing this? Jimin is apologizing? To ME?!

"i said im sorry. About the other day when you fell and i didn't even help you but just look at someone else help you. " he explained. He looked down.

"hey, it's not like i died or something right? It's my fault anyways, i can trip over anything trust me. I'll even trip if there's nothing there. " i giggled.

He laughed and looked relieved.


"Thanks for walking me home" i said to jimin.
" it'll always be my pleasure" he smiled and waved me goodbye.

"mommmm! Im home~" i yelled when i went inside.
"oh hi honey. How was school today? " she asked while preparing dinner.
"it was fine. Boring as usual. " i answered as i sat down at the table.
"omma, what have you always wanted? You know like jewelry or something. " i asked mom as she put the food on the table. Kimchi stew! Yum!

"well,  I've never really thought about it but a necklace or a pendant would be pretty nice. " she said as she shoved spoonful of rice in her mouth.

A necklace huh?
"why do you ask? " she said.
"ohh nothing. Just asking. " I smiled and continued eating.

After eating i went up to my room and took a shower, got dressed and sat at my desk with my damp hair in the towel.

"a pendant would be nice as well" i thought.
It's gonna be omma's birthday in a few weeks and i wanna buy her something special.

"that's it!  It's gonna be a perfect present. " i quickly wrote down the idea before it vanished.


"kringgg! " finally the bell rung.  Meaning it was recess. I quickly tried to find minseok to hear about her father.
"MINSEOK!" I spotted her walking down the corridor.
I ran to her as fast as possible.

"tell me everything. A-Z" i told her.
"so,  it turned out that dad tried to save a little girl from getting hit by a motorcycle and he got hit instead. " she almost cried.
"i dont know what I'd do without him. " she cried.

I tried cheering her up.
"he saved a persons life. I would be more than proud if my dad ever did that. Think positive minseok aahh. " i cheered.

"thanks sae ron" she hugged me and i hugged her back. What would i do with her.

After eating,  i forgot to get some books from my locker so i told minseok to enter class first.
I quickly ran to my locker and grabbed the books i needed. But before i could turn around i bumped into someone and fell on my bum.

"oww!  Hey watch it will you. " i cursed. But was surprised to see jin standing in front of me.

"oh im so sorry,  i didn't see you" he helped me up and help pick up my books that were everywhere.

"here, your books. " jin handed me the books while smiling.
What is wrong with this guy? I thought he hated me.

"umm yeah,  thanks. " i said quickly but before i could leave, he caught me by the wrist and pulled me into a hug.

I was shocked. What is he doing?
" Jin,  please stop this. What are you doing? " i demanded while truing to get him to let go.
But he just held on tighter.

"im so sorry about the other day. I didn't know what had gotten into me. It's just that chaeyoung doesn't really like me hanging around girls that much. " he explained.

What's with boy apologizing to me these days.

" then what are you doing here with me? You should go find your girlfriend" i said cold heartedly.

"you just don't understand sae ron. I can't " he said.

"that's enough jin,  I've had enough. Stop trying to play with me, I'm not your toy. " i yelled and quickly made my way to class.


I couldn't stop thinking bout jin. I can't concentrate on what the teachers talking about. He's clouding my thoughts. Why does he come back to me and say that he's sorry when i was just about to get over him. It's freakin confusing.

I continued to be unfocused until school ended.

"hey sae ron,  k cant walk with you today since i have to visit my dad okay. " minseok told me.

"it's okay, that's fine just make sure you send my regards to him." i yelled.

"i will. " she replied while running off.

"okay, just need to go to get some things from my locker" i said to myself.

Before i could open my locker, a note caught my attention.

Meet me in the gym after school

He wants to meet me now? Should i go?

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