My name is Sora. I died at age 104. When I went to heaven, I was given a choice- to be related to myself, have the same name as myself and be my daughters daughter. I chose this. I was sent into the world. Into my mansion. It was mine in both lives...
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The first life...
Galactical's perspective...
I stared across the clearing. Blake trotted up to me. I looked into his eyes.
Something wasn't right.
He bit my leg, digging his fangs into it. I screamed. Blake let go. I fainted.
(By the way, Galactical knows none of this)
Connor burst out from the underbrush. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?" He growled. "Connor, I,-" Connor jumped onto Blake, and the two started fighting. Connor defeated Blake, knocked him to the ground, and Blake fainted.
I came to. I lifted my head and took in the sight. Connor stood near me, and Blake was on the ground. "It- hurts." I moaned. "It'll be okay." Connor helped me to stand. He carried me over to where Sky was. Sky was working on a potion that she had spoken of earlier. She had already given it to all the other members of our group. I was the last one to get the potion. The potion would protect us from any harm, yet not from fatal harm, or death. Sky had been finishing the final touches and was about to come give it to me.
Sky gasped. "Galactical!" She said, looking at my leg. "What happened?" "Blake..." I breathed. "Blake bit my leg." Sky changed into Sora. Sora's eyes grew wide. "It won't work. The potion can't work, since Blake already had it in his system." Connor stepped forward, setting me down. "It has to work." Sora saw the pain in his eyes. She nodded. "The only way for this to work is if I give up half of my soul. That means I'll switch from good to evil and it's nearly impossible to reverse." Sora collected herself, then nodded. "I'll do it. Galactical, I'm going to help you."
I shook my head. "I can't hurt somebody just for my life. I'm not going to let that happen." Connor shook his head. "No. I'm not letting you hurt yourself, there are so many more great things that you can do. I'll save her." Connor stepped up to the plate. He readied himself to let half of his soul go. "NO! Connor, you can't do this!" He turned to me, came over to me and hugged me. He whispered in my ear. "I have to."
I watched as Connor gave up half his soul. He screamed, then fell over. Sora gave me the potion. I stood up, and felt much better already. Sora changed into Sky. "Connor, thank you." She said.
Connor stood up. Blake yelled. "SKY!" Sky ran toward his screams. Connor walked up to me, grinning. "Connor, you saved my life." He put his paw on my shoulder.
His nails dug into it. "Ow! Connor, OW! That HURTS!" He stopped, and leaped away, whining. I whimpered. "Connor, stay away from me!" Connor ran into the woods.