Chapter 1: Forgotten

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POV Unknown:

I slowly awoke from a dreamless sleep, my vision was hazy and my entire body ached. My head throbbed as I let the light of the room fill my vision.

Where am I? What is this place, and most importantly, who am I? I tried to think and remember these details but my mind was a complete blank.

I still couldn't see properly, and when I tried to sit up a voice said gently "Lay back down and rest, you're injured quite severely. You're in Konoha hospital, you're safe now, I'm not an enemy."

I looked towards the sound of the voice, and as my vision came in focus I saw a beautiful girl with brown curly hair, brown eyes and a freckle on her chin. She was sitting by the bed I was in and a warm green glow came from her hands. Before I could ask her name she spoke again.

"My name is Sayuri Hatake, you don't have to tell me yours if you're not up to it."

I spoke for the first time since waking up, my voice was more of a croak and choking sound. "I don't remember who I am, or how I got here."

Sayuri got me a glass of water and for the first time I realized just how thirsty I was. It felt as though I could never drink enough to parch my thirst.

After drinking that water I could speak much better.
"I'm in konoha hospital you said, where is Konoha and how did I end up here?"

She responded, "Konoha is in the Land of Fire. As for how you came to be here, I'm not sure of the entire story but I will tell you what I know.

She explained that I was found in the woods outside of Konoha's gates, the forest around me was a mess of fallen trees. This was normal for any training though in this village, trees are destroyed all the time so no one really thought anything of it. That is until a passing by ninja squad noticed me passed out, half dead and brought me to the hospital. Apparently the leader of the village is this girl's older brother Kakashi or something like that.

He ordered that I was to be healed immediately and closely guarded and obsereved until my identity was discovered. It was a precaution should I be an enemy.

Deep down I hoped I wasn't an enemy, I would like to meet my rescuers and make friends with the people of this village, starting with Sayuri.

I asked "What was the names of those who rescued me?"

She responded "Hinata, Shino, Kiba and Akamaru."

I nodded in gratitude, but this action was so painful I had to grip my head in agony. Then suddenly my pain was gone, she had lain her hands on my head and the pain left. I was amazed, she told me to get some rest and I was more than happy to do so. As I lay back and watched her leave I saw her grip her own head and turn pale.

Then I drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

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