Chapter 10: Turmoil

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Andromeda's POV:

I woke up in a familiar room, the same hospital room I had been in before. I had no memory of how I got back into the hospital, and I still had no memory of who I was. The last thing I remember was going into the woods with my friends.

I tried sitting up only to realize I was strapped down to the bed, I began to panic. Sayuri was at my side immediately.

Sayuri: "Easy, easy. Careful or you'll hurt yourself. I'm sorry about the restraints, it was Lord Hokage, I mean brother's orders."

I slowly calmed down and looked at her, she seemed concerned.

Andromeda: "What happened? Why am I in the hospital restrained like this? What's going on?"

Sayuri: "You really don't remember do you... I should consult with Lady Tsunade and brother before...."

She turned to leave, I couldn't watch her go without answers.

Andromeda: "Wait, please. Just tell me, please. I know it's probably breaking orders but I can't just sit here without knowing. The anxiety would consume me. Please Sayuri."

She hesitated.

Sayuri: "If it will make you feel better then I will do as you wish. We took you to the forest to hopefully find your memories, but we got more than we bargained for to say the least...."

Amdromeda: "Please, go on."

Sayuri: "When we reached the spot where you were found, you changed, you became someone unlike yourself. You attacked us but you were so weak that after your first attack, you passed out. You were carried on Akamaru's back all the way to the village, while Hinata, Kiba, and Lee went ahead to alert the Hokage what happened.

Wait, something she said wasn't right.

Andromeda: "What about Hitsugi, You and Shino?

Sayuri: "Well.... Shino was injured in your initial attack, so he was carried on Hitsugi's back all the way to the village while I followed healing you both."

The thought of me hurting someone when I attacked didn't even cross my mind, but now my heart dropped. Sayuri went on to describe in detail how I attacked and how Shino was hurt, answering every question I asked despite being given orders not to.

Andromeda: "So we went to those woods for nothing.... I'm still no closer to finding out who I am and in the process I hurt my friend."

Sayuri: "It wasn't for nothing, we did find out your name after all, it's Andromeda. Each of us knew there was a risk to going on this mission, but you're our friend and we would gladly do it again.You should rest, I'll see about getting those restraints removed."

As she was walking out the door I noticed her arm was bandaged.

Andromeda: "What happened to your arm?"

Sayuri: "Oh, this? I'm just trying to look like my fiance. You know, couple stuff."

I tried desperately to believe her, but deep down I knew that I had hurt her as well.

Sayuri's POV:

She probably saw straight through that lie, but I didn't want her to know she burned me, even Lee and the others didn't know. With the fighting they didn't have time to notice and as soon as we returned I put on a long sleeve shirt. The sleeve must have shifted when I grabbed the door. I couldn't let them find out she hurt me or they may begrudge her for it.

That night at supper Lee came over to join us and I made the mistake of favoring that arm as I cooked.

Lee: "Sayuri are you okay?"

Kakashi: "Yeah, you seem to be having a hard time. I'll help you cook."

Sayuri: "I'm just tired."

Lee: "All the more reason for us to help."

They both came over to help despite my protests.

Kakashi: "You didn't tie back your sleeves so they don't get messy, you always tie them."

Sayuri: "I guess I forgot."

Lee: "Here, I'll tie them for you blossom. "

Before I could pull my arms away, Lee had my sleeves tied back and both he and brother stared at my bandaged right arm.

Lee: "What happened to your arm? Why didn't you tell us you were hurt?"

Sayuri: "Its nothing really."

Before I could protest further, I was seated at the table by Lee as elder brother unwrapped my arm. I gritted my teeth in pain and desperately tried to keep back the hot tears. My right arm was a mess of second degree burns and blisters. The two of them gasped.

Lee: "Did this happen during the fight."

I nodded, trying not to focus on the pain in my arm.

Kakashi: "I understand why you didn't tell us, you were afraid we would hold a grudge against what was her name... Andromeda. Afraid that we wouldn't trust her."

I nodded again.

Lee: "I'm sorry that we made you feel that way blossom, come on."

Sayuri: "Where are we going?"

Lee: "To Lady Tsunade. It's time the Dr. becomes the patient. She will heal you right up."

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