Chapter 11: A First Step

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Andromeda's POV:

After Sayuri had left for the night I was still restrained. It had been ruled by the village council and the Hokage that I be restrained until they came up with a way to handle me to ensure the safety of the village. I wasn't upset at this decision, their fear was understandable as even I was afraid of myself. I just wished I could go see Shino and apologize for what happened.

These people called Anbu were guarding the door and window to my room, yet somehow I didn't feel this was enough. I didn't know who or what I truly was, but I felt strongly that if my memory took over again then they wouldn't stand a chance.

The next day

There was a familiar knock on my hospital room door. I beckoned them to come in. In came Sayuri, with her ninja hound Hitsugi,  Lord Kakashi, and a boy with blonde hair and vivid blue eyes.

Sayuri: "How are you feeling today Andromeda?"

Andromeda: "I'm fine. I just wish I could leave this hospital room. I need to see Shino, I have to apologize to him and the others."

Kakashi: "In due time you may. The council and I have come up with a method of, I hate saying it this way but dealing with you."

I looked at the New boy in confusion, was he part of how I was to be dealt with?

Boy: "Sorry, I guess I forgot to introduce myself you know. I'm Naruto Uzumaki, future Hokage!"

I giggled at his informal introduction.

Andromeda: "Nice to meet you Naruto, I wish I could be meeting you under other circumstances. I suppose my name is Andromeda, I don't know my last name or anything else about myself though."

Kakashi:"Now that introductions are out of the way."

He walked over and removed the restraints holding me to the bed. My heart raced in fear. I sat up and looked down at myself. I was wearing a beautiful kimono, was this the one Sayuri told me about?

I stood up and felt something odd on my head. My hair was wrapped in a turban and a paper was across it binding it in place.

Kakashi: "That is one precaution, a seal to prevent you from attacking with your hair. Not much can be done in the way of your eyes except placing a seal but then you wouldn't be able to see."

Andromeda: "I understand Lord Hokage, what is there for me now? How will you control me until I learn how to control myself?"

Kakashi: "You're going to the interrogation chamber in our village. It is one of the most secure buildings here. Don't look so frightened, you won't be tortured or anything. My sister and Ino Yamanaka will help you regain your memory there. They already have the bag over there that you were found with, perhaps it can help retrieve your memories. The vast majority of the anbu will be there guarding the building as well as our best Jounin and Shinobi such as Naruto here. I will be there as well."

I nodded, it was a first step to truly finding out who I was.

Andromeda: "Yes Lord Hokage, but before I go please let me see Shino."

He pondered this and then through his mask I saw a smile.

Kakashi: "You may, so long as these two accompany you. I'm heading over to the chamber now."

With that he disappeared into thin air.

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