Chapter 22: The Five Kage Summit Part One

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Sayuri's POV: 

After talking with Obito I decided to head home, but first I stopped by Lee's to get Hitsugi. I knocked and waited until Lee finally came to the door. His hair was messy and he yawned loudly, then he seemed to realize who I was and pulled me into a tight embrace. 

Lee: "Are you okay? You look like you have been crying... did Kakashi do something to upset you?"

I giggled softly at his words, it was just like him to worry so. 

Sayuri: "I'm okay, just tired. I came to pick up Hitsugi if that's okay."

Lee: "Of course, I will go get him for you and walk you home."

Sayuri: "You don't have to do that Lee. I'm a tough girl."

Lee: "True, but I'm not letting my fiance  walk home alone in the dark."

I smiled and eventually agreed to let him walk me home.

Lee: "Well here we are, safe and sound. Get some rest Sayuri."

He kissed my forehead and disappeared into the night, leaving me with Hitsugi. I figured brother was already in bed so I didn't bother knocking. I unlocked the door and went in.

I was mistaken, he was embracing me in an instant.

Kakashi:"Sayuri where have you been? I was worried that something happened to you."

I was still hurt by his actions so I pulled away and ignored him.

Kakashi: "Sayuri I'm sorry. I want you to know I don't feel like that, but I'm Hokage now whether I like it or not and I always have to base my decisions in the worst case scenario."

Deep down I knew this to be true, but I guess I hoped that for once he would do what he percieved as right instead of falling in line with traditions.

Sayuri: "It's okay, I understand.... I should be going to bed, we have a long day tomorrow I assume?"

Kakashi:" Yes, the Kage have agreed to meet. I haven't told them what the summit is concerning but I expressed the severity. They are already on their way, they should arrive by tomorrow.... I have even summoned Sasuke. He is already in the village."

The way he said that name was filled with pain. I alone knew how much Sasuke's actions hurt him and haunted him. I was fearful as to what the result of their deliberations would be, fearful that I would fail brother Obito.

Sayuri: "I will welcome them into the village brother. I know that it would typically be Shikamaru's job but seeing as you assigned him to watching Andromeda, I will do it in his stead."

Kakashi: "Thank you, I was going to ask you to anyways."

He let out a relieved sigh.

Sayuri: "I will be heading off to bed then. Goodnight elder brother."

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