Chapter 20:Tension

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Kakashi's POV:

It was in times like these that I hated being Hokage the most. I hated the way I had to be towards my sister and the others, but the world just couldn't handle another Kaguya and this girl was the closest thing on Earth to that. I just didn't expect Sayuri to be so upset by my actions, I especially didn't expect her response.

She had always been so level headed, so unshakable and understanding. She alone seemed to understand all that was expected of me as Hokage, and what that title meant. Had that all been a ruse for all of this time to protect me? Had she hid how she felt about every decision I made since becoming Hokage?

I decided to pull her aside after dismissing the gathering of ninjas at the interrogation chamber but she brushed me off and in her eyes I saw a pain that I hadn't seen in a long time. This wasn't just about my actions in the chamber, something else was going on. I couldn't worry about it then however, I had to call for a five kage summit to decide Andromeda's fate. I would talk with Sayuri that evening. 

I went about my work day as best as I could, but I just couldn't get her out of my mind. The look of utter betrayal and disappointment in her eyes, the way she used my own words, my own mantra against me with such contempt. This was never my dream, I never wanted to be Hokage.... that was Obito's dream. 

With difficulty I finished my work day and rushed home to talk to her so we could come to an understanding, but she wasn't there and neither was Hitsugi. So I went to Lee's. I knocked hoping he was home, he was at the door in an instant.

Rock Lee: "Lord Hokage I mean Kakashi, what is it? Is something wrong?"

Kakashi:" Yes there is, is Sayuri here with you?"

Rock Lee: "No, she said she was going to be busy the rest of the evening and asked me to watch Hitsugi. You don't know where she is? Do you think she is okay?"

His eyes echoed the worry in mine but I put on my typical air of nonchalance.

Kakashi: "I'm sure she is fine, she is probably working a double shift at the hospital. Thanks."

I went to the hospital next but they hadn't seen her. I was overwhelmed with worry, but I had nothing else to do but sit at home and hope for her return.

Sayuri's POV:

All night I studied the physiology of the human body, the chakra network, herbal cures, the list goes on. I just kept repeating in my head the events of the day and how everything had gone so wrong. I had to find a way to help her. I closed my medical texts for the night. The library had long since closed, but due to my ninja status and title I was given free rein of the place. It was dim except for a few lamps that I left on so as to not cause suspicion for the library being opened.

I decided if I was going to help her then I needed to know more about her people, but the only contact we had with her clan was through Kaguya and Toneri so our information would be quite limited. If I was to truly understand I would have to start there. In the dim light I found myself wandering through the shelves in search of any text that could help.

That was when my eyes fell on one particular book.

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