Chapter 4

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Well. I had no idea what happened then but I hear my new theme play and once again, I do my old entrance.
I didn't realise but it kinda matched my new theme.

"Introducing first from Y/H/T, Y/W/N!" I hear JoJo yell.

I hear Nia Jax's theme play

She walks down to the ring and the bell rings. The match was officially underway. She went at me but I ran out of the way and she fell out of the ring. I smirk at her and she glares and slides in the ring. She comes at me with full force, knocking me down. I try to stumble to my feet but end up failing because she kicked me back down to the mat. Nia grabbed my hair and said to my face "You're not the best Y/N! I am! You're just pathetic like your father" she yelled. I slapped her across the face, causing her to get angry and hit me back. I got to my feet and began kicking and punching her.  Nia fell to one knee and was close to the turnbuckles. I ran against the ropes and grabbed her head and caught her with a DDT.

I stood her up, she was dazed and with all my strength I manage to pick her up but she reverses it putting me on her shoulders. The next thing that happened that I remember was hearing the referee count 2 and having to lift my right shoulder off the mat.

Fergal's POV

Y/N had just kicked out of the Samoan Drop which is impressive.

She got to her feet, only to be sent back down by Nia. "YOU CANT BEAT ME!" Nia yelled. I was wondering when Y/N would 'snap', something she would do when she was disrespected.

I wasn't wrong because after Nia called her a 'pathetic wannabe', she snapped.

She jumped on Nia and began punching her. Y/N was shoved to the ground but caught Nia with a drop toe hold sending her to the mat.

Y/N was constantly stomping on Nia and then she stood her up and put her head between her legs, lifted her up and gave Nia her Last Ride.

It wouldn't be as effective as that of her father as she wasn't as tall, but it was effective as it kept Nia down for the three count.

Y/Ns music played again and she celebrated in the ring and eventually came backstage .

She came up to me and hugged me, like she's done so many times before but this one was different. To me anyway. Usually when she hugged me it as lightly, like she does to everyone, but this time she hugged me tightly and got really close to me.

She pulled away and smiled at me. "You watch my match?" She said excitedly.
"Yep. Ya did good, lass," I told her. She grinned wildly and hugged me again.

"What's up with you?" I ask taking her off me. "I can't believe I'm on Raw! And with you!" She yelled.
"I'm proud of ya. So... wanna go for a meal? Or-" I was cut off by Lauren Kaidenson also known as Laurel Kaiden. She has a huge crush on me and is Y/N's best friend. I don't like her. She loves to get her boobs out and is a real jerk to lots of the grown female fans. And even worse, she was a jerk to poor Y/N, who didn't even realise it.

"Y/N/N! What are you doing?" Lauren said. "Oh I'm talking with Fergal, I can't believe I finally debuted," Y/N replied. "Oh, congratulations, love, can you just go to my locker and get my bags," Lauren said.

Y/N left, the poor thing. I feel sorry for her whenever she was with Lauren.

"Fergy, I haven't seen you in ages," she said kissing my cheeks. "Me neither, Lauren, how's your dog, last time we spoke you said Bruno was sick," I replied. Bruno was her pet dog, a shitzu who was used as an accessory. "Oh the dog? It's fine, my brother's looking after it," she said.
"Him. The dog's a he, not it," I told her. "Whatever? So wanna get food? Come on!" She said, dragging me with her. I would've loved to have waited for Y/N but there was no chance of escape from Lauren.


I went back to where I left Fergal and Lauren but they weren't their.

Nah, it's ight tho. I'm used to it by now, it happened a lot back in NXT. I think that the two of them have a crush on each other, and I ship them, considering the fact that they're both my best friends and I love them and they both probably hate me, haha.

But as sad as I was, I decided to go back to my hotel.

I left a note by Lauren's stuff which were left on a bench.


At my hotel I got changed into this:

At my hotel I got changed into this:

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That's what I call pyjamas. And I can not sleep without my bedsocks. My mum got them for my 18th and I've worn them night after night ever since.

I lay on my bed and listen to some music (Green Day obvs) and scroll down on Twitter and reply to Snaps on Snapchat when my phone begins to ring.

It reads 'King Devitt' and I answer it.

Fergal- Hello
Me- hey what's up
Finn- where are you?
Me- Back at my hotel, why?
Finn- oh, just wondering because Lauren's stuffs hers alone and you aren't here
Me- what? Do you really expect me to wait over an hour for you guys?
Finn- well... Lauren did
Me- surprise *sarcasm*
Finn- haha, well just checkin yer ight, see ya Monday

He hung up. The little rat didn't even tell me what they'd done, but I appreciate the fact he called me.

I looked at the clock 11:30 pm. I might call it a night, Ive got to get up early tomorrow to fly to the next city.

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