Chapter 50

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I stroked his cheek and shook my head.

"Why?" I asked him. "Why am I here? In this position?" I added. "Well your real mom and your real dad performed sexual reproduction and your dad's spe-" I cut him off and laughed. He smiled when he heard that. "Seriously now, Grá. Because of me. I was foolish enough to let you go. You. The baddest girl to ever step foot in a WWE ring. For Laurel. She's a liar. She's fake. She's a thot begging for attention. I can go on but... you already know it all," he got serious, yet kept a heartwarming smile. "I lied to you, and worst of all; I hurt you. Badly. I mean I bet you've thought about suicide at least once,"  I nodded ashamed. He only held me tighter. It was true. When Eric was.... y'know and when Fergal ditched me for Laurel both times. "I'm a jerk, and I understand that you're mad at me and but I've said it before and I'll say it again. You're the one for me,"

I didn't respond. I just stared at him. "Let's get you cleaned up. And I'll call Hunter and tell him that we won't be able to make it to the meet and greet. I'll get us in a hotel and you can go to sleep and I won't let you suffer through a nightmare, okay? I'm sorry. And I'm gonna make sure you know that," his soft voice and his hand running through my hair was enough to make me nod and lean my head into his chest and sigh. "David and Daniel... they didn't come after me when Eric was taking me... but they would've. Daniel was about to kill Eric if David didn't hold him back," I told him. "C'mon. Let's go see them," he grabbed my hand and opened the van, letting a wave of light in.

I climbed down and was surrounded by people, asking questions and police trying to get to me. Fergal wouldn't let them. He hid my face in his shoulder and kept me close, shoving past anyone who approached.

"Y/N!" It was Jasmine. "That's your mom, isn't it?" Fergal asked me. "Stay here," he whispered and left me on my own.

I got a chance to look. Police were arresting Eric and looking at the van. People were talking and muttering, some concerned and some excited. I turned behind me and saw something I didn't want to.

Jasmine had a knife. Not a kitchen knife, but a knife used by killers like Jason Voorhees or Michael Myers in horror movies. And she was holding Daniel, knife pressed to his throat and David trying to make her put it down. Then there was Fergal. Coming from behind.

"Miss Calaway?" An officer asked. "Are you okay? Do you want a drink of water?" He asked. I nodded. "Yeah. Thanks," I faintly smiled. "Come with me. I need some words. I know it's not what you want but it'll be quick," he said. "But sir, my friends, look!" I pointed to where I saw Daniel, Dave, Fergal and Jasmine, but they were gone. "What about your friends?" He asked. "They were right there! Jasmine... that man's wife! She had a knife," I was terrified. "Are you sure you saw that?" He asked. "Yes! My boyfriend- well ex boyfriend ran up to help them! You gotta do something!" I panicked, my breath hitching.

"I'll go talk to another officer, to get them to look for them, but now you must come with me for questioning," he grabbed my wrist but I broke free, and took pulled up my now ripped jacket and ran away.

"Fergal!" I yelled. "Fergal!"

It was a big park. There was a huge field, big enough to fit at least four mansions in. It was empty other than a tree here or there. There was a few families and friendship groups, some looking at me weirdly. I looked around and saw the field was surrounded by a forest. I ran in.

It was cloudy, meaning the scenery was dark. The towering trees stalked me as I continued my pursuit. "Fergal! Daniel!" I called out. "David!" I looked around. "Y/N!" I heard a faint cry. "Y/N! Thank goodness I found you! Who was that man!? Who was that woman that took Fergal and your little friends," it was Laurel. I never thought I'd say this, but I was happy to see her. "I-I don't know," I lied, quietly. "I'll go talk with the police, I'm sure they went that way," Laurel pointed right. I didn't trust her and I didn't like her, but I ran off anyway.

"Daniel! David!" I yelled. "Y/N!" A male voice yelled. I was shaking but I had to do it. I was terrified but it was for Fergal. For David. For Daniel.

I stopped when I got to a circle. It was a circle where there was no trees, just mud and leaves and logs, like where teenagers would camp and tell scary stories.

"Y/N! My baby!" I turned around and became face to face with Jasmine. "You are not my mother," I spat. "I am! I raised you! I loved you!" She gave me sad eyes. I laughed. "You never loved me. But I'm not here to discuss the past. Where are they?" I had a smirk on my face. "Oh, you're so much more brave  than you used to be, sweetie," she chirped. I stepped closer to her, my eyes staring holes through her. "Where. Are. They?" I asked again. "Your friends? Oh they're dead," she said like it was nothing. "They're WHAT! B*TCH!! I SWEAR TO F*CKING GOD IF YOU KILLED THEM I WILL BEAT THE SH*T OUT OF YOU AND MURDER YOU!! I SWEAR IT WON'T BE A QUICK DEATH!" I snapped. I stormed up to her and wrapped my hand around her throat tightly and pulled her soft, brown hair.

"Okay, okay! They're somewhere looking for you! I heard your voice and ran off for you!" She admitted, gasping for air. I shoved her to the floor like she was nothing and walked away.

"Fergal!" I yelled. "Daniel! David!" I was worried. I'm not sure how deep in the forest I was but there was nothing aside from mysterious, secretive trees.

"Fergal!" It was like his name was the only word I knew. I couldn't breathe because I was so scared for them. I love all three of them more than anything.

"Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Oh my gosh, my precious queen! Oh, Y/N!" It was Fergal. I ran over to him and held him close to me. "Oh my god! I was so worried!" I told him. "I saw what you did! I'm so proud of you, Grá," I looked him in the eye. "Before you ask, I didn't let you see me because I wanted to surprise you like this. Also there was a spider in front of me so I couldn't go past it," he smiled sheepishly. I kissed him and he kissed back. "I love you. And Daniel's with David. David's hurt pretty bad," he said. "Where?" I asked. "Probably back in that field," he replied. "Oh? So they're fine," I smirked. "What're you doing?" Fergal asked as I took off my jacket. "Going exploring! Coming?" I said, tying my jacket around my waist.

He smiled and grabbed my hand. "I hope they catch her, and that she doesn't press charges for you choking her," he added. "Even if she would, I'm not mentally stable, and I was provoked and she was going to kill Daniel so..." I went off as I climbed over a rock. "Fair point. We should come here more often," Fergal suggested. I nodded.

"Are you okay?" He asked. I smiled and nodded.

What a day.

Sorry for any mistakes

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