Chapter 35

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Feel free to change the outfits if you want if you don't like them, I'm not that good at finding good ones. Also I don't really know your style so.. yeah. lol

"Where ya going, Y/N/N?" My dad asked. "Just off to meet Pamela, she's going to help me pick out an outfit for tonight," I replied. He nodded. "Oh, okay. Be back soon, you're not the most... stable.. at the moment," He demanded. "Yeah.... I'll be an hour or something," I told him, deciding to ignore his remark."

I decided to get an Uber to the mall which cost $3.50. I saw Pamela leaning against the wall outside Forever 21. I walked up to her and she smiled. "Y/N! Are you okay? You've been through so much recently," She asked, hugging me. I hugged back. "Yeah, I'm cool, I guess. So, I can't be gone long. After my... incident, I doubt I'll be trusted on my own for long," I explained. She nodded. "I understand. And if you ever need anyone to talk to, I'm here, k?" She smiled. "Yeah. Thanks. Shall we-" I was cut off by a male voice calling my name.

I turned around to see Daniel and David. My first instinct was to hug them, but then I remembered that they took Laurel's side. "Y/N, we were hoping we'd see you. We really need to talk. We're sorry for what we did, but you're our surrogate sister," Daniel apologised. "And if we were part of the reason you did what you did then we swear we'll make it up to you. Anyway you want," David added. I looked over at Pamela who nodded, allowing me to leave her for a moment. "It wasn't your fault. Laurel is like one of the most manipulatvie people around. Too bad she had to be a b*tch," I chuckled. "So we don't have to take you to England so you can just go to Flamingo Land?" Dave asked. I shook my head. "No. Where did you even get that idea?" I inquired, laughing. "Daniel said," David replied. I laughed again as Daniel began to go red. "So, when you come back, can it be like the old times, y'know. Just hanging out, causing trouble, pulling pranks? Fergal can even join in too!" Danny changed the subject. "Yeah. Honestly that's just what I've wanted ever since this drama began," I chuckled, agreeing. "Good. So we'll see ya later?" David asked. "Yeah. Sure," I laughed, going back to Pamela.

"So? You guys bros and sis again?" She asked. "Yeah. This thing is just gradually getting better. The baby might not even be Fergal's!" I yelled excitedly. "What? That's great! You two can finally be together, no distruptions!" She giggled. "I prey to you God! Make that baby NOT my precious'," I preyed, in Gollum's accent whilst smirking. Pamela laughed and so did I. "Okay, okay? So let's look for a shirt first. And don't you dare point out any dresses!" I suggested, yelling the last part. She put her arms up and laughed. "Okay, I'll stick to sparkles," She giggled, and went into the shop, me following.

We looked around for a while, not really saying much. "Y/N! I found the perfect one!" I went over to where she was and she was holding a beautiful shirt. "Yes. That's the one! Now, onto the pants. I don't think ripped skinny jeans will work on this occasion," I joked, referencing my ususal outfit. "No. I say shorts, denim ones, and just some knee high boots will match this shirt," Pamela declared. "I'd say so. But with sparkles! And I'm thinking a black leather jacket. With like.. umm.. gems? I forgot what they're called," I laughed. "Sequins?" She asked. I clicked my fingers. "Yeah! Let's get shopping!" I declared, leaving Pamela to look for the clothes.

In the end we got the perfect outfit. It wasn't the most fancy but it was me trying to be fancy, so Fergal would probably accept it as it is. "Thanks again, Pam. You've been so helpful. I'll see you later, k?" I asked, giving her one last hug. "Anything. I ship you two. If you ask me, you guys are perfect for each other," She admitted. "I hope so," I chuckled, getting into my Uber.

I walked into the house and into the kitchen, grabbing an apple before going to my room and placing my bags in the corner. I laid down on the bed and Fergal walked in. "Gra! You're back! Did you get an outfit?" He asked, walking over to the bags. I quickly stood up and pulled him away. "No! You can't see till tonight. I wanna surprise you!" I told him. He shrugged. "But I wanna see now. C'mon, please," He begged. "Nope. There isn't that long. Only like 4 hours," I replied. He groaned and took his shoes off, then his shirt, leaving him in sweatpants. "Wake me up at 7," he told me, climbing into my bed. "Without me? I'm tired too! I haven't had much sleep for a while!" I protested. "I'll set an alarm on my phone, I'm getting up at 6:30 because I have to do my foundation and mascara, because that's pretty much my limit," I smiled at him. "Hurry up and get in," He moaned, patting the bed.  "I need to get changed first, legoman," I giggled and got some simple pyjamas and went to the bathroom.

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