Chapter 54

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So, y'all probably gon hate on me for this but I don't know his family.... if you know then feel free to tell me but it's too much effort to look it up, so I'm just gon make it up, and then rewrite the chapters if I find out even one. I know three brothers, one sister so.... yay. Also, sorry for the late update I've had a lot of exams and one of my bestest friends is really sick so I'm busy looking after her. Don't hate me please lol, this will be a long chapter to make up for not updating.

"Y/N/N," I said, gently slapping the sleeping woman's face in order to wake her up. "Hmm?" She opened one eye. "We're about to land. Put your seatbelt on," I whispered, careful not to wake the sleeping baby. Not again. I shuddered at the thought of the baby's screaming and how she pulled Y/N's hair so hard, some of it came out. She groaned and lifted her head off my shoulder and fastened her seatbelt. "Are we meeting your family there?" She asked. "We're goin'  to get a cab down to my house," I smiled at her. She sighed and leaned back in her seat. "You nervous?" I chuckled. "Not really, you're family's really nice and I get along with your family," She kept the same smile.  I nodded and groaned silently as I heard high pitched whimpers from behind us. Y/N gulped and put her hair to one side. 

"No need to be rude," The dad of the baby grunted. "I wouldn't be but your daughter literally ripped my hair out. I'm just taking precaution, 'cause I like my hair," She smiled innocently, yet stared holes through the man who just rolled his eyes. "She's a baby," He spat. "Exactly why I'm moving my hair," She kept the scary facial expression. "Stop trying to get smart, kid," The man grunted. "Sam, stop it. Leave the poor girl alone," His wife soothed. "Yeah, listen to her. She's smart," Y/N chuckled. "Y/N," I said sternly. "You listen to your husband," He retorted back to Y/N. "He's my boyfriend actually, so get your facts right," Y/N was still keeping that disturbing smile. "Listen kid, shut up before I make you," The man, Sam, was furious at Y/N who only laughed and turned to face forward. "Handle your bird more," Sam said to me. "He satifies me more than you can satisfy your 'bird'. Oh, and thanks for calling me a bird, bird's fly and I'm pretty fly. Wait, you're like 65 years old, that means I'm the opposite of you. Cool," Y/N smirked and sat back properly on her seat again. 

The man looked like he was about to rip Y/N's head off. "When we get off this plane, kid, watch what I'll do to you," Sam bent over and grabbed Y/N/'s shoulder and made her dart her head to face him. "Sam please.." His wife pleaded as she hid the baby's head in her shoulder. "Dude get your hand off of me. Now." Her eyes were cold, staring holes through Sam. He smirked. I didn't do anything, I knew she could handle myself. Her eyes said it all. Her verbal attacks could make the toughest people hurt. "Shut up, Alissa. This kid... she thinks she's tough. She thinks she can get away with everything. I tell you know, disrespect me and I'll get my boys to rip your head off," Sam growled. This was a dangerous man. 

When I sat on the plane, I thought the little family behind me were nice, never did it occur to me that this man was associated with a gang. Who would probably kill Y/N without hesitation. 

"Your boys? Why? 'Cause you're too pus*y to hurt me yourself? Shame," Y/N smirked. His grip on her thick shoulder tightened. "Muscles, huh? You're tougher than I thought, kid," He was smirking now. "At what point did it occur to you that I'm  a kid, dumbass?" She spat.  "You're smartass personality. It disgusts me. You're disgusting. Disrespecting my child!" He growled. No one was watching because they were talking quietly. 

I was seeing red. I grabbed Sam's wrist and shoved it with so much force, his whole body went backwards. "Touch my girl again, I'll rip your f*cking head off," I yelled quietly, yet in an intimidating tone.  "Sir, please! I'm really sorry, please. I don't want trouble,"  His wife said with pleading eyes. "Tell him not to touch my girlfriend. She literally almost got raped by her old abusive stepdad less than a week ago!" I was fuming, the words just came out. I wanted to hurt him emotionally as well as physically. "Fergal! Please! Stop! We don't need to know about that!" Y/N slapped my arm. "NO! I want that rat to know who the f*ck's girl he's messing with!" I retorted. My anger controlled me at that time. No one. I repeat. No one. Disrespects my demon queen and gets away with it.

"SHUT UP!!!!" The lady in front of us yelled. I recognised her from somewhere. Then a litte head popped out. It was a little boy's with brown bangs hardly covering his hazel eyes. "Oliver!" Y/N cheered. The kid climbed over the chair and went to Y/N. 

"FINN! Y/W/N!" He cheered as the pair hugged. "Oh, hey," She greeted. "Aw, this your son that your broke ass had to get rid of, slut."  Sam butted in. "Sam!" Alissa yelled. 

"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to move," A flight attendant said. "Fine," He spat and followed the flight attendant to his new seat. 

"Can I sit next to you?" Alissa asked, since there was a spare seat next to us. "Uh, sure," Y/N replied uncertainly. "What're you doing here?"She asked Oliver. "Seeing Uncle Frank," the child responded, joyfully. "Ah. Are you excited?" She asked and Oliver nodded. "Who's this?" Alissa asked once she'd taken the spare seat next to Y/N. I was next to the window, then Y/N with Oliver on her lap, then Alissa with her daughter. Alissa seemed pretty shaken. I could've sworn I saw a bruise but I just shook it off. 

"This is Oliver. One of my favourite fans. Me and Fergal are wrestlers," She smiled pridefully. "Oh, so that explains the muscles," Alissa giggled. "She's strong!" Oliver cheered and I nodded my head. "You guys are cute," Alissa said. "Thanks," I smiled. "No, I meant as a family. You... Y/N? And Oliver,"

 Alissa kept a sweet smile on her face. "He's my son," Oliver's mom butted in, peeking her head over the seat. "I know, but, it's just, he seems to really like Fergal and Y/N," Alissa reasoned. "He idolizes them, that's why," His mom said. "I see. It may just because of the love then," Alissa smiled, stroking her sleeping baby's cheek. "What do you mean?" Y/N asked. "Oliver loves you two and you two clearly love each other, that may be why you look like a family," Alissa explained. "I want Y/W/N and Finn to be mommy and daddy!" Oliver cheered, hugging me and Y/N. "But you've got a mommy who loves you already," Y/N's face flushed red. "She likes her boyfriends more," Oliver whined and his mom looked offended.

The belt sign flashed. "Oliver, go sit down," Y/N told Oliver who climbed and sat back next to his mom, who had gone completely red. "That was awkward," Alissa whispered to me. I nodded. "Alissa, can I ask you something?" Y/N said out of nowhere. She nodded. "Why are you with Sam. Your makeup doesn't hide the marks on your arms, and trust me, I know when someone's being... tortured," Y/N looked dead serious. I looked at Alissa's arm and sure enough, marks. Alissa's facial expression was shocked and she was looking down. "I-I... he's the father of my baby, Y/N, I can't let my little princess grow up without a dad," Alissa looked ashamed. "He'll hurt her. When she grows up. I've been through it and now I suffer from depression and recently got released from a hospital from a suicide attempt. I don't want you, nor your daughter to go through that," Y/N had no expression whatsoever and that scared me. "I-I.... can we talk about this after, off the plane," Alissa requested and Y/N nodded. 

I know that wasn't good, the fact that Alissa was getting abused, but I couldn't be prouder. Y/N was helping her, because she'd been through it before and she couldn't bare to have anyone else to, so the fact that she was helping Alissa and treating her as if she'd known her for years, despite the fact that they'd known each other less than half an hour. 

"Alissa, can you promise me you'll never, never, neglect your child. My mom did that to me. Please. Leave Sam. He'll make your baby go through the same Hell I've been going through the past 20 odd years,"  Y/N was still serious. "I'll have nowhere to stay," Alissa said. "With us. I've got an apartment. 2 bedrooms, it's in Texas. Come back with us, I don't want anyone to go through this," Y/N said. Alissa nodded. "Thank you. Thank you so so so so so so so so so so so so much," She had the biggest smile on her face. "Fergal, don't ever let this woman go," Alissa put her hand on my shoulder. "I don't plan on it. I plan on keeping her for as long as I live,"  I smiled.

 "Katie. Katie May Ryan," Alissa said. "Not Kaidenson. I should've known that Sam was bad news when I met his bitchy ass sister, Lauren," Alissa laid her head back. "Wait... Lauren Kaidenson?" I gasped. "That's Sam's sister?" Y/N added and Alissa nodded. "She's literally set herself out on a mission to kill Y/N so she can have me!" I pointed out. "What?!" Alissa gaped. "Yeah, she's using my depression to make me.... end it..." Y/N looked down. "A lesson for life: if you meet someone with the last name 'Kaidenson', make a run for it," I laughed. 

Sorry for the sucky chapter, but I wanted to add a new character in respect for my friend who  I mentioned is sick and I wanted to make Laurel seem more.... villainous??? Aaaaaand sorry for any mistakes

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