Chapter 21

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Fergal's POV

My heart was a beating drum throughout the whole car ride. It was beating so fast and so loud I was sure it was going to fly right out of my chest. That would be gory. Y/N could tell I was nervous and kept trying to make small talk with me, I would say something and then it would be awkward silence. I didn't mind it, it meant I could keep my mouth shut so that I wasn't judged.

I was so lost in thought, thinking about whether her all-female family would approve of me, that I didn't even realise that we had pulled up in front of a huge house, a little creepy but huge and posh. I guess being WWE's biggest legend really pays off. See what I did there? Because he gets paid and I said pays off.... okay, I'll shut up now.

"Here we are, come on, Ferg," Y/N said, happily grabbing my hand as she took off her seatbelt, I did the same and got out of the expensive car. I grabbed Y/N's hand and held it tightly. "Hey, Y/N/N, what happened to your lip?" Gunner asked, pointing at the swelling. "Oh, um.. whilst training with Pamela, she kicked me in the face accidentally," Y/N lied. Gunner nodded, believing her story. "Oh. Maybe you should put Savlon on it, it looks pretty bad," He suggested. "I might, if it starts to hurt," Y/N replied, rubbing my shaking hand with her thumb in an attempt to calm my nerves. "Come on, Ferg, be brave. They'll love you, I promise," Y/N whispered before kissing my cheek.

We walked down the pathway to the house and Mark walked right in, so did his eldest children. I froze, causing Y/N to turn around since we still had grip on each other's hands. "Come on, it'll be fine," she told me. I nodded and took a step inside the large house, being greeted with posh beauty. I was never really fond of big rich things, unless it was a video game, I preferred the simpler things. "Um. This is a big house," I pointed out. "Never, I thought it was a tiny little cottage," Y/N replied sarcastically. "What do you expect, my dad's The UNDERTAKER, a one roomed house?" I chuckled at her and continued walking.

"Y/N!" A child's voice yelled. Y/N's face lit up immediately as we turned around and saw what I'm guessing to be her little sister. "Kaia!" She greeted excitedly, dropping to her knees as the child ran towards you. "Man, you've grown. And it's only been about 2 weeks," she chuckled, hugging the little girl. "It's because I've been having a new type of cereal. Shredded wheat," the girl explained, arching her back proudly. "Oh, cool," Y/N said. Kaia looked up towards me and smiled excitedly. I grew shocked and confused as she broke away from Y/N and ran towards me, hugging my leg. "Hello," I greeted. "Y/N! It's Finn Bálor!" She pronounced my name wrong but I didn't care, she liked me. "Yep," I smiled. "Where's devil you?" She asked, cutely. She thought my demon persona was real. I guess I could play along. "I left him at home, I don't have issues with anyone here, do I?" I asked her cheekily. She giggled and shook her head. I heard a camera click as I look up and see Y/N with her phone out, pointing it at us. "Perfect for Instagram," she smiled as she began fiddling with the screen. "Pick me up!" Kaia demanded. I did as she said and she raised her hands as though she was flying. "I hear you have Lego?" I asked her. "Yep, do you wanna play with them with me?" She offered. I liked this girl. I really did. "Sure," I smiled as I put her down and she grabbed my hand.

Y/N's POV:

"Think you lost your boyfriend," a teenage-like voice said from behind me. "Nice to see you too and I know. I swear that man will kill for Lego,"  I told Chasey. "He's cute, how does he treat you?" She asked. "Like He always has. Like a best friend in other words except with more affection," I replied. She nodded. "Well then... he's a keeper. Why'd you come back? Dad said something about you wanting to get away from the drama," she asked as we began walking to the living room. I didn't worry about Fergal, I knew it'd be a while until he wanted to find me. "Well... ya know Laurel. Kaiden? The girl who I roasted last night," I began. She nodded at the third explanation. "Well she was trying to steal Fergal from me. She'd said some things to Dash and Scott so they don't wanna hang with me anymore, and I couldn't cope with Laurel trying to ruin me," I explained. "Why not just beat her up? Isn't that basically your job?" Chasey suggested. "We did get into a fight at one point but I don't wanna risk getting suspended. I'm so close to becoming champion," I answered excitedly. "I know! I can't wait for you to bring home the gold! It's been a while since I've seen any," Chasey chuckled. "Don't you worry, lil sis, you'll be seeing some in a few weeks. I-I don't know when I'll see you again," I said. "When do you leave?" She asked. "Friday," I answered as we reached the living room. I plopped down on the couch and my sister did the same. "That's not enough time. I barely see you. How did you and Gunner cope when Dad was going away every week?" She groaned. "He had Jodi and then when I came we had Sara so.. we were fine," I explained. "But you? I mean you came out of a very traumatic life. How did things go for you. How did you feel?" I tensed up when she mentioned my past. "Why are you asking me this?" I looked over to her at the other side of the sofa. "Oh. Sorry, I was just curious, I didn't think.." Chasey apologised. Let's just go ahead and say I'm a moody person when someone talks about my old, living hell. "It's alright. Where's Gracie? And Michelle? Where is everyone?" I ask her, noticing we're the only people. "Michelle went to the shops for eggs because someone smashed them. Ya know... Gunner. Him and his friends are sooooo annoying," Chasey groaned as I chuckled. "And Gracie would most likely be in her room. Dad and Gunner? No idea,"
"I'm gonna go see Gracie, don't miss me too much," I chuckled before walking away.

I forgot how big this house was until it took me 5 minutes to get to my sisters room. And I'm a fast walker so... it's big. I hear a ping on my phone and see it's from Pamela.

Pamela 💖💖💖
Not sure if u wanna come back anytime soon, Laurel began some sort of hating on u gang. She's spread so much lies about u

I sigh. Typical Laurel. I hate her so damn much. I knocked on Gracie's door. "What?" She asked, in a moody tone. Dad said Chasey was moody, not Gracie so I was a little confused. "Don't ya wanna see your favourite sister?" The door opened instantly and I felt arms hug me tightly. "I missed you. I wish you were here. Chasey won't stop talking about boys! All because she has a boyfriend now," Gracie sighed, letting go off me. "Does she? Who?" I asked. She thought for a second and seemed to click. "Lance. Lance Driver, he's a year older than her and lives about 3 blocks away," she explained. "Wanna come meet my boyfriend?" I asked. "Sure. It can't worse than the last," she agreed. "Where is he?" She asked. "With Kaia playing Lego. It's the guy who you have a crush on," I winked. "Finn Bálor?!" She questioned excitedly. "Yep," I smirk. She always had a thing for Fergal. I didn't blame her. MAN HE'S ONE SEXY HUNK. And mine. So stay away. This is to you if you're reading, Laurel!

Anyway moving on from that, I took Gracie to the living room where Chasey was on her phone , texting. "Chase, come on, we're meeting her boyfriend. It's Finn damn Bálor!" Gracie bounced. Chasey rolled her eyes and put her phone in her back pocket before getting off the sofa and following me and Gracie.

I opened the door to Kaia's room and saw the cutest thing ever!

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