Chapter 36

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By the time you got back to your house, it was around half ten. You wasn't tired, far from it so you agreed to go with your plans you made at the restaurant. Your dad was watching TV in the living room and didn't hear you come in until Fergal tripped over on the stairs, causing you both to laugh loudly. 

Mark came out of the living room and laughed too. "Watch your step, Fergal," He folded his arms. "It's not my fault! Someone messed with the stairs!" He accused and Mark just shook his head and you tutted. "Yeah sure. Dad, where's everyone else?" You asked. "They went to bed, so be quiet," he replied. "Okay. We were just gonna watch a movie anyways," You said. "Uh huh. Yeah sure," your dad smirked. You faked an offended look and Fergal just snickered. "You two just couldn't wait. What's that on your neck, and why are your lips so swollen?" Mark pointed out. You blushed in embarrassment. "Um.. well.. he got um.. he wanted to.. um... we didn't do anything other than make out, I swear!" You tried to defend you and Fergal, throwing your arms up. "For now," Mark mumbled, barely audible. You glared at him and he laughed. "You kids have fun, don't make too much noise," Mark gave you two a smirk before he left.

"What was that about?" you asked Fergal as you sat on the bed. "He saw the hickey, and your swollen lips and assumed that we were making out and thinks we're going to have sex," Fergal smiled innocently. You made a high voice and mocked him and he laughed. "Is Titanic on Netflix or do you have it on DVD?" Fergal asked, taking his t-shirt off. "I don't think it's on Netflix, I think that it's with all those books," you replied, eyeing his toned abs. "Like?" He chuckled. "What? I um.." You blushed again. He laughed and went to search between the mixture of art pads, DVD's and mainly books. "Don't worry, I know you can't resist me. I'm so gorgeous," He bragged, keeping a firm smirk on his face. "You damn are," You whispered. "Even my girl knows, and she doesn't even know how to sort DVD's and books," he added. Your face was bright red by now. You knew he was going to take off his pants in order to put on some sweats so you knew you had to get out of there.  "I'm going to get changed..." you told him, grabbing the Star Wars pyjamas that had been left on the bed and rushed off to the bathroom. 

You couldn't bare the bathroom. It reminded you of that dreadful night. The night which caused you to take a break from wrestling. The night which caused you to go insane. And just being in that bathroom almost drove you back to it. There was no blood around, but you still saw it, like the children from IT. You would shake whenever you saw the blade you did it with. You tried to ignore it but it would just leave you feeling paranoid. 

You left the bathroom, looking shaken and saw Fergal struggling to work the PS4 DVD player. You chuckled and took the controller from him. "I'm only used to Xbox," Fergal grinned sheepishly. "I prefer PS4," you pointed out and turned off the light.

You lifted up the covers and climbed in, Fergal doing the same. You snuggled into his chest and he wrapped an arm around you as the two of you watched the first few minutes of the movie. You flipped out over the dog and Fergal laughed. You didn't talk much until the point where Jack had got the tickets.

"You okay? You're shaking?" He asked, concern latched in his voice. "Yeah, just... cold," you lied. "You sure? You can tell me anything," Fergal encouraged. You smiled at him and nodded. "Yeah, I'll be fine in the morning, let's just watch the movie," Fergal nodded and held you tighter, as if you were the only thing keeping him alive. 

You ended up falling asleep halfway through the movie. Well, I say halfway but I mean just before the ship sinks and Rose and Jack are... y'know.  

Fergal tucked you in and turned off the TV so that you could have a more peaceful slumber. He wasn't tired and so watched as your body raised and fell with each small snore. Your arm was wrapped around him, loosely. He grabbed it and looked at your scars. He did that often. He could only think about how he could've prevented that, and how there's someone out there who's using those scars to her advantage. He liked one thing about them. The fact that they tell a story. The situation with Laurel and you was intense, yet meaningful as it brought you and Fergal closer together, and how it brought him his true love, as he saw it. He had a strong feeling telling him that you and him were made for each other. He tried to see the light in all situations, that was the only one he could find at that moment. 

He eventually dozed off, and the fact that he's a heavy sleeper that made him regardless to your squirming and moaning as a nightmare took over. 



"Oh stop moaning," Eric ordered as he took another sip of beer, as young 7 year old you cried. "But, Eri- Daddy.." you began shamefully. "This boy at school was really mean to me! He called me a ratbag and a stupid girl!" You sobbed. "Why should I care? You are a ratbag. Now go get me another beer," He shoved your head harshly, making you think it was going to be ripped off. "Where's my mommy?" You asked before opening the door. Eric thought for a moment. "Work, now my beer! C'mon you little sh*t, get it!" Eric yelled, scaring you into the kitchen of your small apartment. You reached into the fridge and grabbed a bottle of beer, tears still flowing harshly down your cheeks. You brought the beer to him and the second you tried to walk away he grabbed you by your hair, making you yelp. "What took you so f***ing long?" He growled. You shrugged, shaking. "Don't shrug at me young lady! What took you so damn long?" He asked again, his voice raising. His breath stunk of beer and you scrunched up your nose. "Um.. I... couldn't find it," you lied. You didn't even think you were long. "Couldn't find it? You know where my goddamn beer is! You stupid b*tch!" He shoved you onto the floor, making you squeal again. "Shut your damm mouth!" He yelled as he kicked you in your stomach. 

He undid his belt quickly and you backed away from him in fear, nearing the wall. He held the belt in front of your face as you shook in fear, crying uncontrollably. "No, Daddy, no!" You squirmed. You screamed loudly as you felt a sharp pain on your stomach and chest. You  were in so much pain and the fact that you were young, meant that you wasn't as strong. You felt the pain again and again, all over your body as you looked into Eric's malicious eyes. He was enjoying this. You felt pain all over you, you was bleeding and bruising quickly. 


You woke up a sobbing mess. You were shaking and acting just like you were in the dream. You cried in Fergal's chest and that was what caused him to shoot his eyes open. "Babe? Gra? What's the matter?" He inquired. You shook your head. "I had a nightmare," you replied, the visions coming back to you, as if it had only happened yesterday.  "You know nightmares-" you cut him off. "Not real! But it was! I- well... he.." You stammered, still crying.  "Who? Gra, what do you mean?" He questioned, holding you tightly and rubbing small circles on your back. "Eric. I remeber.. I was like.. 7 he was beating me," You shook more and it pained Fergal to see you like that. 

"You want your dad?" He asked. You shook your head and hugged him. "You," You whispered. He placed kisses on your forehead, trying to calm you down. "Gra.. do ya wanna talk?" He asked. You shrugged, reminding you of the dream. "Don't shrug, gra. I need to know. I really wanna help you, okay? Do you wanna tell me more about the dream, or do you want me to go get you a glass of water?" He offered, in the most gentle of voices. "Yes please," you nodded. "Water? Well then, gra, your wish is my command," He tried to laugh but seeing you as an emotional wreck again killed him inside. 

He walked slowly down the stairs, careful not to wake anyone. He grabbed a glass and filled it with ice cold water. He walked back upstairs slowly again and finally got to your room, where you were looking at a photo of you and Fergal from your NXT days. He handed you the glass and you took a long sip. 

"I remember that day. It was the day before I won the NXT championship. We'd just had a killer workout," Fergal smiled. You nodded. "Yeah, and you're forgetting one thing," you pointed out. "Um. Oh yeah! And you won the NXT women's championship!" He added, chuckling after. You smiled proudly. "You ready to go back to sleep now, and if you have anymore nightmares, don't be afraid to wake me up, I'll help you through it," Fergal smiled. You nodded and snuggled closer to him again. The two of you laid down, Fergal wrapping his arm around you, protectively, drooping his leg yours and resting his chin on your waist. "You can breathe, right?" He made sure. "Yeah, somewhat," you replied. "Night, gra. I love you," He kissed your forehead again. "I love you too," You whispered. 

"I cannnottt waiittt for Mondayyy," Fergal sang after a few minutes of silence. "I gettt tooo wrestlleeee. And althooughh I'm gonnaaa feeeeel pain, I willll enjoy living my dreeeeam," He did his classic smile and you slapped his chest playfully. "What?" He chuckled. "Go to sleep, don't forget we're working out soon. I need to get fit again, I've lost my abs," you moaned. "I don't care how you look, although your looks do make me like you even more," Fergal drew lines on your side. "Fergal," You glared. "Fine. For real now. Goodnight, and if you have ANY problems, ANY whatsoever, tell me, k? If you're having flashbacks of your past, tell me," Fergal explained. You nodded and finally closed your eyes, sleep taking over.

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