Chapter 27

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"What's the good news?" Fergal asked, nervously. He was shaking for multiple reasons at this point. Sarah placed a hand on his shoulder reassuringly. Garrett took a deep breath. "Well Y/N's going to live, and will be fine," Garrett fake smiled. "And.. the.. bad news?" Fergal questioned, praying that she would be able to come home to him so he could hold her and tell her how much he loved her. "She's... in a coma. Blood failed to travel to her brain, we're not sure how long but it'll be more than 24 hours," Garrett explained. Fergal's stomach dropped. "A coma?" Fergal stuttered. "Yes. I'm so sorry. You can go home or stay here, not all of you can though," Garrett pointed out. "Yes. Yes I'm staying. I need to be with her," Fergal stood up which made him feel suddenly dizzy. "Try not to move too fast, you've lost two and a half pints of blood. That's a lot, and you need a lot of rest, Mr Devitt," Garrett justified. (I used a thesaurus because I used the word explained a lot so yeh) "I wanna stay with her. I can sleep on the chair next to her, please, you don't understand," Fergal begged, no matter how nauseous he felt, he would refuse to leave Y/N.

"Fergal, please listen to the doctor, he knows what he's doing. I'll stay here with Y/N and you can Uber here once you wake up, you've done enough for her, go back to my house and get some rest, everyone else is going back too," Mark explained. "I-I," Fergal tried to argue but he knew it was pointless. He lost. "You're right," he gave in. "Michelle and the kids are going now, go quickly catch up to them and get rest. It'll be good for you," Mark ordered.

Fergal stumbled out of the blood donation room when he saw paramedic JJ.
"Where's Y/N?" Fergal asked, giving him pleading eyes as he 'ran' over to him. "7th door on the left," JJ replied before going about his business.

Fergal debated on whether or not to see Y/N. "Ughhhh!!" Fergal groaned. Everyone looked at him weirdly and got told to be quiet as it was around 4 am.

"Screw it, I-I-I..." Fergal groaned. A doctor  walked over to Fergal. "Are you okay?" She asked. "I feel... so.. dizzy.." Fergal moaned. "Come with me," the doctor said, as she allowed Fergal to put as much pressure on her as he wanted.

It was at that moment Michelle, Gunner, Chasey, Gracie and Kaia walked by. "Fergal! What's up?" Gunner said, slowly jogging over to him. "I-I.. think it was.. blood.. trans-transfusion," Fergal barely got out. "A blood transfusion? How much was taken?" The doctor asked as Fergal got weaker and weaker. "2.. and.. and a half... pints.." He mumbled but the doctor was able to work out what he was saying. "That's a lot of blood," the doctor turned her attention to the family. "He'll need to take antibiotics to produce more blood cells," (I rlly don't know I'm no doctor nor scientist so don't judge if there's any medical errors) The doctor explained. "Okay, I'll come with you," Gunner offered. "Okay, we'll wait outside,"  Michelle replied as she took the kids away from them.

"You okay, Ferg?" Gunner asked. "Do it look it?" Fergal grumbled. "Just askin', geez," Gunner mumbled in response.

The pair were lead down a corridor where the doctor disappeared behind a drug closet. "Just a minute, shout me if he passes out, that's a risk at this point," the doctor said. Gunner caught a glimpse of her name badge. Claire. "Have you heard anything about Y/N Calaway, room 7 on ward 4?" Gunner asked. "I have, why?" Claire answered. "She's my sister and I think his girlfriend, she's the one who he donated blood to," Gunner replied. "She's in a coma, do you know much about it?" He added. "Oh that's so nice and you've told me all I know. She'll be out a while and will have to be fed out of a tube until she wakes up but that's every coma ever so there's not much I can say," Claire replied. 'Sounds like she doesn't give one' Gunner thought. He was right. Claire was trained and a great doctor  but she wasn't much of a nice person. "Oh.. Okay.. will there be any way we would know if she woke up if we were at home?" Gunner asked yet another question. "If someone's there, they'll be responsible for the call and if not, we'll call you," Claire explained, annoyed as she walked out of the closet holding pills. "Take 3 a day for 5 days, you'll begin to feel better and your body will get stronger," Claire smiled as she handed Fergal the pills but handed them to Gunner, who he had chosen to be his stabiliser as he was near unconscious from losing 2 and a half pints of blood. That's the same as two and a half pints of beer I think. I got the word pint off a TV show where the main character did the same as Fergal so yeh.. idk if it's wrong but I'm only human and not a very smart one "Okay, thank you," Gunner thanked as the much older man clung onto him like a koala.

That's when things took a turn for the worst. "Why'd you sleep with that hoe, Lauren?" Gunner asked, glaring at Fergal. "Because.. I- I was drunk, and..." Fergal failed to continue. "That hurt my sister. That might be the reason she did this to herself! You basically did this to her!" Gunner yelled, stepping away from Fergal. "I-I'm sorry, rea-" He failed again. "We'll talk later, you're weaker than a baby at this point. Sorry, man," Gunner patted Fergal on the back and almost sent him flying to the end of the corridor where Michelle and the kids were stood outside.

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