Chapter One: Forgotten

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You wake up in a large, white room. Fluorescent lights shine above you. You moan softly in pain. All of a sudden a woman with light blonde hair rushes in. She looks concerned. She sits in the chair next to you.

"Are you okay? Is there anything I can do? It will hurt, but soon I can make it better... I-i just need Genji to come explain something."

She starts to get up, before you touch her hand and look into her eyes. You manage to get out a few words.

"Where am I? Wh-who are y-you?"

The last question is quieter as you are in a lot of pain. You realize that your legs are on fire.

"Oh, I'm so so sorry. When I'm nervous, I get sidetracked. I forgot that you don't know. Well, you were in the middle of the city when Talon attacked. Everyone else managed to escape, you were so focused on getting your brother out that you didn't see the debris fall. I-it crushed you. But not all of you." Her face paled, obviously thinking about the sight. "You-you injured your legs."

Now your face pales. "My-my legs?" You look down and sure enough, a white sheet covers your lower torso. From the woman's pale face and nervous expression, you don't want to see them.

"There's a friend of mine who had a more severe, yet similar situation, but I wish to give you a choice in the mater, as he couldn't live and you can." She gets up and turns toward the door.

"Wait! What's your name?" You ask before she exits.

"Me? My name is Dr. Angela Ziegler. Or on the field, Mercy. And you?"

"(Your/Name). (Y/N) (Last/Name)." You reply.
"Nice you meet you (Y/N)."
She smiles her warm smile and walks out the door.
Angela soon enters, and gestures to someone outside the door. The machine walks into the room. His green visor kind of scares you. "Hello." He says as he sits down. You then realize that he doesn't sound Omnic at all, but human. He chuckles, and your confused face.

"You know I used to be offended when people where confused by me. But now? I have peace."

"So, you're not an Omnic?"

"No. I am not completely human either though." He explains. He takes off his face mask, and you see a scarred human face underneath. His green eyes shine with peace, happiness. He puts the mask back on clicking as it locks back in place.

"The point of me coming here was to show you that there is still hope. Your legs are injured to the point that they are useless, but you can have something back. We can either replace your legs with cybernetics, and you'll have to learn to walk again, or you could spend your life in a wheelchair." He sighs, and Dr. Ziegler comes over.

"The choice is yours (Y/N)"

You manage to speak two more words before the pain shoots up from your legs through your chest.

"Fix this."


Oh hi. I plan on making the chapters longer. I have some free time right now, so there may be another chapter within the day. I hope you've enjoyed what you've read. Oh, and if you're wondering where McCree is, my answer is:


Anyway, the next chapter will be better, I promise.

JESSE (Mcree X Fem Reader) | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now