Chapter Four: Spar

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You didn't know where to go. You didn't really feel like exploring, they might think that you're snooping or something. So, you just stay on the balcony. Watching everything pass beneath you.

"I take it that you've never seen a real fight before." Startled, you turn around, it's Jesse. He chuckles at your surprise before leaning up against the railing like you were just a moment ago. You do the same and you just watch.

But it's not awkward like it was with Morrison, it's nice. The silence means something, it's not just an empty void. "Where are you from?" He asks, eventually wanting to talk with you. "Oh, I'm from (Y/City) (Y/State (optional)) in (Y/Country). And you?" "I'm from Santa Fe, New Mexico. Good old USA." He looks out into the distance. "I have some things to settle back home though."

You think of your home and the troubles that you have there. "Yeah. I have things to do too, and I should go back- but I just don't want to." He smiles slightly at your response and says, "Sometimes it's easier to pretend your problems don't exist, than face them." You sigh. He's right- it is easier, but it isn't right.

"I see that you've been watching the agents sparring all day." He smiles his crooked smile at you. "Yeah- I have." You admit. "You wanna do that? You seem interested in this, and I can tell you like it here." He sees right through you. You smile even more.

"Yeah, I do."
"Well, let's get started."
"Here?" "No, you'll have to follow me."

You follow him throughout the East buildings, seeing all sorts of people and expertise here. Eventually he finds an open space. It's walled in with glass, and the floor is springy. Then he says,

"There are training suits over there, and bathrooms are across the way. Meet you back in five." You go your separate ways, and you change into the training suit. It's black and flexible, made for movement. It's one piece, making it easy to get on. You also grab a hair tie from a small dispenser on the wall. You look in the mirror. You never saw yourself as "pretty" but you looked pretty good in black.

You saw your silver ankles peeping out through your shoes, and wonder what this mean for you. What will people think? You shake your thoughts away and head back to spar with Jesse.

He's waiting for you when you get there. He looks so much different without his hat on. "Okay. The first thing you need to do is stretch..." he walks you through all of he stretches and warm ups, before he simply aims a punch at your face. You catch it with your hand, and just like that, you're sparring.

It takes awhile to become natural to you. After lots of failed attempts, when he kicks this time, you grab his leg and pull your elbow towards his, well, lower area. You know you hit your mark because he yelps a bit and steps back as you let go.

You gasp. "Oh my gosh I am so sorry. I didn't mean to hit you that hard." He chuckles, still wincing. "It's okay, Reyes has hit me harder. "Reyes?" You haven't heard of this man. He realizes what he said and his face falls.

"He was my old mentor. Taught me a lot of things. I miss the old guy, but he deserved what he got. Well, again?"

You carry on for another hour before you gather a crowd of newer agents. They're wearing the same suits as you. They even start making bets. After he pushes you down for the 3rd time in a row, he says quietly "Are you okay?" "Yeah I'm fine. I guess everyone watching is just getting to me."

"If you want to stop, we can." You consider this for a little while before tackling him and pinning him to the ground. "Not a chance." You say. He smirks before shaking you off. And you spar once more.

You walked back towards the middle building after you took a shower and changed. Lena saw you sparring and left you some of her clothes in the locker with your stuff in it. It read:
Hello (Y/N)! I saw you sparring with Jesse. You did really well! Anyway, you can't wear a hospital gown forever, and you'll be eating with us no matter what Commander Morrison says. Anyway- you can have these for the rest of your stay!

Lena (Tracer) Oxten.

You smile as you put the white shirt and jeans on. She even left you a light jacket to go over it. It fits well, you're the same size as her. You find Jesse in his hat again, and you walk to diner together.

You'd taken all of the other meals in your room, so you'd never seen the announcement hall this way. Tables and benches take up most of the room, there's even a couple on the platform that Morrison and Ana Amari spoke from the other day.

You and Jesse get your food, then choose a seat up at an empty table on the platform, and soon Lena and Dr. Ziegler, come up and sit. The tables are long, so a few more come over as well, like the girl with the pink face markings, and Lucio, the DJ at the party.

"Hey Ange." Jesse greets Dr. Ziegler casually, then jokingly says, "You come here often?" This causes a couple of people to laugh. Jesse was "flirting".

"I'd slap you if I could Jesse McCree." She says in the same joking tone. "But I'd have to get up and walk over-" "I don't think it'd hurt much though." He says back. "You can't hit squat." "Not like you're much better though." More people join in, jokingly insulting Jesse and Dr. Ziegler.

Finally, you say something, just as silence falls. You hear the clatter of forks before you say, "You hit like a girl Jessica." He turns to you. "Talking to me (Y/N)?" You nod slightly, and Lena just bursts out laughing. "She called you Jess-ica!" It wasn't even funny. It was just some lame attempt at a burn. "Don't call me that." He says and smiles as he elbows you in the ribs.

The rest of the night is this same merriment, and some others have started calling Jesse, Jessica.

He walked you back to your room, and said goodbye. He put his hand on your shoulder and said, "Stay out of trouble you. Don't go calling anyone else names now." He puts on a thicker southern accent than he already has, a mocking one, and smiled as you close the door.

You find Eliana inside. "Hey Eli." You say. "Can I call you that?" You ask. "Sure, why not?" She says, all smiles. You sit in one of the chairs, and think about the day. You wish you could stay, but you're not an agent. All of a sudden, you shoot out of your chair. You have an idea.

"Eli? Is there any chance that I could talk with Commander Morrison about something?"

Hi it's me, Zia. I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and if you're wondering why it's taking so long to get somewhere with Jesse and Y/N's relationship, that's because that's life. So don't complain. It's all in time.....


JESSE (Mcree X Fem Reader) | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now