Chapter Three: Celebration

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An older man walks on to the platform, armor, and all, and an older woman follows him. "Welcome, old and new agents, to the celebration of the newly re-formed Overwatch!" Applause echoes around the room.

Now the older woman speaks. "Now, there are some very important things to get out of the way. First, the different buildings. Now that we're fully funded and staffed;" she nods to the nurses and other people bunched together, and applause breaks out again.

"There will be different buildings for the different sections of expertise. This is the core of the building, where there will be announcements, mission assignment for the agents, and most importantly, meals." You see the foldable tables stacked against the walls to make room for the crowd.

"The Northwest wing will be for medical purposes, and the Southwest wing will be dedicated to engineering." The very short man you saw earlier bursts into applause. When he realizes that he's the only one applauding, he clears his throats and responds in a thick Swedish accent. "Um, sorry."

"Thank you for your enthusiasm Torbjorn." The woman says. "We're calling the Western side of the building the Research and Medical Center."

The man speaks once more. "And the whole Eastern side is dedicated to agent training and offices. The northeast will hold all of the training equipment and armor, which will be provided by the engineers. If you have a problem with your armor, or any weapon related request, take it up with them. The southeastern will be the offices of the commanders. Now- "

The woman interrupts him. "You know this man as Soldier 76, as he refuses to reveal himself to you, but today, he decided that today would be best to do so."

The man takes off his visor, and a mangled and scarred face is underneath. Lena gasps. Then everyone knows.

"I am Jack Morrison." He says.

There's silence. Mouths are agape in awe at the man standing in front of them. This man was supposed to be dead, but here he was. Then a cheer rises. Lena blinks up to him and gives him a big hug. Then she says: "You wouldn't let me do that if you were Commander Morrison. Right?" "I don't like hugs..." he grumbles.

She laughs and blinks off the platform as multiple people rush up to greet their old commander, and the newer agents still look in shock. This man may have been their idol or hero, and here he was.

You don't know who Jack Morrison is, but you think that you remember your brother talking about him. He was obviously very important.

"Okay okay, now Ana, and I will be commanding Overwatch again, and you can address me as Commander Morrison, Morrison, or Soldier. No funny business. I'm looking at you Hanna." The girl with the pink markings on her cheeks laughs and says, "Fine Soldier." She looks grumpy about this.

"But we will be looking for a person who could command after us. We aren't getting any younger." Everyone laughs at this.

"That's it. Enjoy the party. Hit it Lucío!" Ana says. The music comes back up in full swing. "(Y/N), are you okay with mingling by yourself a bit? I want to go talk to Jack."

"Okay!" You say. You just watch the party, observing these close friends reunited. All of a sudden, someone bumps into you, and spills their drink all over you. You look up, and there's the cowboy that you saw earlier.

"Oh! Excuse me miss. I'm so sorry about that." He has a thick southern accent. He looks flustered. "Well that's one way to introduce yourself." You say cheerily. He looks surprised that you're not mad.

JESSE (Mcree X Fem Reader) | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now