Chapter Five: Agent

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You march over to the office section of Overwatch around 9:30 at night. You are determined to not be terrified, but it's not working. So you try to march, which just makes you look like a terrified idiot. You sigh. If you can't even get a good composure, this won't go well.

You find his office and knock on his door. No reply. You knock again. Still no reply. All of a sudden, you hear a voice from behind you. "What do you want kid? I'm right here." You spin to find a towering, terrifying Commander looking down at you.

"S-sir. I have a request, and you're the only one who can grant it. Also, I'm not a kid. No disrespect- sir." He sighs, before unlocking his door, and pointing towards a chair on the other side of his desk. "Sit down."

You do as he says, and he sits across from you. "Before you say anything, why at 9:30? Is it that urgent? You leave tomorrow, I don't know what I can do for you." The look on his face says otherwise. He knows what you want, but he wants you to say it.

"Sir, I want to become an Overwatch Agent. A-and before you say anything about that- I sparred with Jesse McCree today, and I did well! If I just had some training-" He holds up a hand. "Let me stop you there. You need to have prior training, not just a sparring session. There are lots of requirements and-"

"But-" "There is a list. If you can check off half of those things, I'd be surprised." Your face falls. You thought there'd be a polite no, but not this barrage of entrance requirements. All of a sudden, you hear a knock.

"Jack, open up." You'd never heard someone call Commander Morrison by his first name like that, in that tone either. Well, Jesse lets himself in.

"I can do it." He says simply. "Excuse me?" Morrison says,  turning to face Jesse with a semi-deadly glare.

"I know the real reason you won't let (Y/N) join is because you don't want to train her, or have anyone else quote, 'waste their time' training her. But I can. I will! We wouldn't be here today if we followed the rules to a T. Actually, you know what? I say screw the rules!" Jesse doesn't like rules.

"Jesse, stop." You say. "Don't land yourself in trouble. I'm not worth it. Thank you for your time Commander. You are making the world a better place." You walk out the door, closing it behind you.

You expect to be more disappointed, but you still need to settle things with your brother. You need to go home.

"(Y/N)." It's the Commander. You turn. "Yessir?" You say, wondering if he wants you to leave now. "McCree will train you, but if you aren't ready in a month for the lower agent ranks, then you're gone. Got it?" You smile widely. "Yes sir!" You turn and semi-skip away.

And as you walk away, Jesse running after you, Commander Morrison smiles a small smile.

"This is useless." You're on the floor again. Now that sparring isn't just for fun, you find yourself getting worse. "It's not useless, get up." Jesse gives you his hand, and helps you to your feet. You sigh. "I'm not getting any better." You've been sparring for almost 3 hours now.

"(Y/N)! I heard the news! Congratulations!" It's Lena. "Uh oh. Someone's grumpy." She says in a fake grumpy tone. She zips in. "Well, show me what you've got!" "I-I'm not that good..." "That attitude doesn't get you anywhere. Go on."

You sigh, and assume ready position. You strike first, and Jesse catches your fist with his hand. He swings with his other elbow, and you duck under it, and twist around him, and pin his arms to his side. However, you're not strong enough, and he breaks free, pushing you further away. You slide backwards, and once you recover, you immediately run at him.

But on impulse, you slide under him. He blinks, you did something different. Soon you have an imaginary knife to his throat, and you force him to his knees.

You hear Lena applause. You forgot that she was there. "H-how did I do that?" Jesse shrugs your grip off. "That was the best one so far!" He smiles widely.

The complement makes you blush a bit, but you shake it off. "Yeah, that was great!" Lena says.

"Now, my turn, no blinks. Pay attention to my technique. You need to find a way of being unpredictable."

Jesse and Lena both get ready, and as soon as go leaves your lips, Jesse runs forward, punch aimed at Lena. She slides under him, throwing a kick as she does, but Jesse catches it. Lena goes into a cartwheel, breaking from his grip.

He was going easy on you.

This time Lena punches, aiming for his gut. She hits, and he buckles from the impact. But this doesn't stop him. He flips over, kicking her in the face. That'll leave a mark.

The both walk back a bit before Lena fakes Jesse out for a punch, and he raises his arms a bit, which allows Lena to sprint as fast as she can, and put his arms behind his back. Once again, he is forced to his knees. "You could use work too Jess-ica. That was sloppy towards the end. Probably because you're getting old." Lena teases him as she releases his arms. "Good job (Y/N). You'll get there eventually."

She zips away to go to something, you knew this because her watch was beeping.

"You were going easy on me!" You say. "Yeah. And?" He responds, slightly amused. You frown at him and say, "Don't."

"Fine then." That's all he says before he runs at you punch aimed to your face. You barely manage to dodge before your hands are wrapped around yourself, Jesse pressing you to himself, locking you in place. You wiggle a bit, but his grip is iron.

"You're not trying hard enough." He's holding you very tightly. You start to feel uncomfortable, and your face goes slightly pink. And it's not because of the pressure. You try to kick his ankles, but then he forces you to your knees, and puts his knees on your ankles. You can barely move.

"Now what?" He says simply. "Give me a reason not to kill you." He says, as if he was actually incapacitating an enemy. "I don't know. I'm pretty?" You laugh at your feeble attempt to bargain. "Yes you are." He says softly, before saying, "but can you use that to your advantage?" You think about this, before saying. "I can't." "Well then." He pushes you to the floor, before standing up and saying.

"That's what we need to work on. Your quick thinking skills. If you're quick on your feet, that's fine and dandy, but you need to think quick to be effective in any given situation." You stand on your feet, your arms and face aching, your arms from Jesse's iron grip, and your face from the floor. Your legs hurt faintly, not as much as they should. A part of you is no longer human. With this realization, your face falls.

Jesse misunderstands this and says, "Chin up, head high. It's only your first time. I think we're done for today." He puts his hat on, and helps you up. "Here. I have a surprise for you."

You both get changed, and then he walks with you, guiding you where ever this "surprise" is. You are taken through the agent training building- you've gone past the training section, and now you're in the sleeping quarters.

Jesse opens a door, labeled Upper Agents. He leads you down that hall, and you see there's a door labeled McCree, and right next to it is a door labeled (Y/Last Name).

"Now that you're training to be an agent, you get to stay here. Technically it's the upper agent section, but I'm training you separately, so you can stay here." He smiles, as if he had to bend some rules, and enjoyed it.

"Thanks Jesse." You say, and you pull him into a big hug. He freezes, startled by this, then he hugs you back. "It's no problem." He says, breaking from the hug. He hands you a key, and then says, "Go check it out, it's all yours." He tips his hat to you as his watch starts beeping. He swears loudly, before bolting out towards the exit door. You laugh.

Jesse is quite a character.

JESSE (Mcree X Fem Reader) | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now