Chapter Two: Laughter

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All you see is white. You hear Dr. Ziegler calling your name, but it's faint and distant. When you look back on this moment, all you think of was your want and need to die.

But then, black. The pain is gone. There is no noise, no pain, just an empty void. Are you dead? It's this way for hours, but it's just sleep. You have hazy dreams of a flowery meadow, a place you visited in your youth. But as quickly as the dreams came, they left.
You finally wake up in the same room, and you get a distinct feeling of deja vu. But this time, there are multiple nurses bustling about the room, along with Dr. Ziegler.

A red headed nurse is the first one to notice you're awake. "Ange!" She says, alerting the doctor of your consciousness. "Oh, thank you El." You observe that the use of nicknames is common among the nurses.

"How are you (Y/N)? How do you feel?"

You look down to see new silver metal legs.

"I- wow." You stutter, unsure what to say, or even think. "How will this work?" You realize that the pain is gone. "I-is there a remote or?" Dr. Ziegler laughs at your confusion.

"You can walk like you always have. Your nervous system is attached to the electronic nerves- fundamentally nothing has changed."

You stand shakily, and try to walk to the door. You stumble, and the red headed nurse catches you. "Thanks." You say, and then start laughing. There are times when a predicament is so strange that you can't help laugh at the absurdity of it. This was one of those times.

Soon the whole room echoes with laughter. Laughter, is indeed infectious. Genji comes in, and sees you doubled over on the floor laughing, and the whole room laughing along. "Genji!" Angela says loudly in between laughs, "she needs help laughing."


"I mean walking!" This just causes more laughter, and soon Genji is laughing too. That day, there weren't more cheery people in the whole of Overwatch. You finally stumble towards Genji. He catches you, and though you can't see it, he smiles warmly from behind his mask.

He leads you to an empty room, where there are crutches and other things. He sees you observing them and says "If you use crutches you'll never know your full potential." He lets go of you and sits. He gestures for you to do the same. You sit there, just deep breathing for 5 minutes. It's clear that he knows what he's doing, you just don't know what he's doing. All of a sudden, he stands.

"You need to relax. If you're stiff, walking, even with actual limbs is hard. Sure, it's doable, but it makes it so much harder." You do as he says, and relaxes. Then after a good two minutes, he tells you to stand. It's a little shakier than you're used to, but it's better than it was. "Good. See? Just relaxing makes progress."

You worked for a good hour before you sit again. Just in an hour you already know each other pretty well.

All of a sudden you hear a weird whoosh noise. You turn, your head swinging to where you heard the noise. There's a girl there now, her spiky hair still moving. "Hi-a!" She says. "Yo." Genji says hi in Japanese. She chuckles a bit. "Now, who's this Genji?" Her British accent stands out to you. "Oh, I'm (Y/N)." You say, introducing yourself.

"I'm Lena Oxton! Or Tracer." She says the last part like it doesn't matter as much as her real name.

You finally ask the question you were wondering the whole time. "How-how'd you get here? Well, so quickly?"

"Oh that? That's what Winston and I call blinking. I can control time!" She says, then corrects herself.

"Well, my own timeline I guess. I can zip back and forth using this Chronal Accelerator. It actually fixes my Chronal Dissociation. I wouldn't stay in one time and would disappear for hours! Teleporting jet accident, basically, it's a long story."

She's obviously explained this a lot because of her assurance in her words. She's spoken them before.

"Wait, Genji is she training or?"

"No nothing like that. There was no more room in the other hospital, and mercy had all her materials here, so she came to the actual HQ instead."

All of a sudden, Genji and Tracer's watches beep. "I forgot about the celebration! We have to go fast! It's in 5 minutes!" Tracer starts panicking a bit, which you find amusing. "I trust that you can go back to your room by yourself?" Genji asks.

"Yeah! I'll go there now. Good to meet you Tracer!"

"Call me Lena love!" She says as she zips off. Then she comes back, recalling. "And good to meet you too!" And she zips off again. Genji gestures with two fingers casually, and dashes away.


Mercy is about to leave for whatever celebration is happening when you get back to your room. "Oh! Hello (Y/N)!" She smiles before looking at her watch. "Would you like to come? I mean you're only a patient, but you're here."

"What is it?"

"It's a celebration for the reforming of Overwatch. We no longer have to be an underground organization. All Overwatch activity is now legal!" She sounds excited about this.

"I'd be honored to come! My little brother was obsessed with Overwatch as soon as he could be." You start to walk with her, and you smile at the memory of your brother, but then panic sets in. "Do you- is he?" You don't want to ask Dr. Ziegler the question that's in the back of your mind.

"He's fine." She says. "Eliana took care of him herself. That's the nurse that first saw you awake. In fact, the reason she's here is because we can hire again, as we are once more an international peace keeping force." Dr. Ziegler was very excited about this, you decide.

You walk briskly towards where the ceremony will be held. It's a grand hall, with white arches forming a domed ceiling, with glass in between the arches. You marvel at the architecture. You see a platform at the front of the room, with a banner reading "Welcome to the New Overwatch"

There were so many people there, you saw Lena and Genji talking to a floating Omnic, and there was a guy DJing at the front who was talking to a girl with pink face markings. There was also a very, very tall man talking to a very, very short one, and a cowboy talking to a woman with a cool eye marking. The noise of all the chatter echoes off the walls, and you attempt to take it in. Everything seemed so happy. All of a sudden, the music faded, and everyone gathers towards the front.

The ceremony is about to begin.

Hey! I hope you liked this chapter better than the last. I hope it's long enough.

What will happen at the ceremony? I have a secret.

Ceremony stuff.

JESSE (Mcree X Fem Reader) | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now