Chapter Twenty-Four: Reunion

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You wake up with a small headache as the ship lands. You shake off your stupor. You don't remember falling asleep. You stretch a bit before standing up.

McCree has already woken, or he never fell asleep. He's standing by a window, looking out to Overwatch HQ. You smile. You're home.

"Look, (Y/N)." McCree turns and faces you.
"You don't have to like me, but can we at least pretend for everyone else? I mean, try to be... nice to each other? For today..." You don't say anything, you just sigh and nod. McCree opens his mouth to say something, but he doesn't say anything. You hold your head, the headache smarts.

"You okay?"
"I'm fine." You stand, and feel like you're going to fall over. Crap. You steady yourself on the ship. The hangar door opens and you and McCree walk out.

You hear a squeal as a flash of blue light appears in front of you and you're nearly tackled by Lena.

"(Y/N)!" She's wearing a black tank top and grey sweatpants. "We were so worried about you! Y'know, Jesse told Morrison not to contact you but I wanted to so badly!" She zipped over to McCree and gave him a bear hug. You saw his eyes dart over to you, mouth in a thin line. He put on a good fake smile, and Lena didn't seem to notice.

"Aah, (Y/N), you're so bloody! You need to see Ange. Go on! I'll take care of Jessica." You can't help but smile, even though it's the last thing you want to do. You're bone tired, and the huge Deadlock shaped scab on your back must've broken. That better leave a pretty frickin cool scar. You chuckle a bit. Everything seems more under control.

The second Angela sees you step through the door, she runs over to you and hugs you. "Thank God you're okay." She breaks from the hug and smiles at you. You smile weakly, and try to stay calm as you feel blood drip down your back.
"(Y/N), are you okay?" You feel faint.

You tell her about how the massive scab came to be. "You're in luck." She says as she cleans you up. "This will be a pretty good looking scar once it heals." She chuckles. You laugh too. You haven't laughed in a long time. It takes you back to your first day at Overwatch HQ. Laughing your head off with Angela. You miss the simple things.

She lets you go, and tells you to find McCree and report to Morrison to find your ranking. You almost forgot about the fact that this was a placement mission.

You enter Morrison's office to find Jesse already sitting there. He doesn't look at you. Good.
"Ah, (L/N). Glad you could join us." Morrison sits down across from you.

"I have a couple questions. What the hell happened out there?"
"I was captured, sir. It took a month for me to escape. There were no good opportunities-"
"Then why didn't you call us in to pick you up?"
"Firstly, I don't quit. Secondly, I lost my watch."
"McCree? Why didn't you get her out of there. That's your job."
"I knew if I walked in there they'd shoot her just to get to me. They also thought I was dead."
"So did I. That's why I waited it out. That's bullsh-" Morrison's glare is enough to silence you.

"I've heard enough. McCree, I need to talk to you later, about how a supposed mission to take out one person ended up being a mission to capture all of Deadlock, with an inexperienced agent."

He lied to Morrison? No wonder he let the mission go through... he must've thought it was safer.

"As for you, (L/N), you've shown serious discipline, intelligence, and strength. From what McCree told me you managed to capture all of Deadlock by yourself. Lower Agents, Gold Team. I suspect you'll be taking the Upper Agent test within a few years. You can head up to the sleeping quarters and put away your things. Thank you for your time, McCree, stay here."

JESSE (Mcree X Fem Reader) | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now