Chapter Ten: Mission Prep

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Hey it's me, Zia. Sorry that last chapter was so short, I just felt it was an appropriate place to leave off.
"Funny.. how we tend.. to meet here." You spin to see Jesse stumble over towards you. "Jesse? Are you okay?" "Huhyeahimfine" he slurs. "Jesse... are you drunk?"
"What? Pfft. No. Maybe."
"Why are you up at 5:00 in the morning stumbling around?"
"Idunno because I feellikeit?"
You sigh, and turn to walk away, before you hear a quiet, "wait..." you turn your head. "What?" Jesse's face is right next to yours, just inches. "Uh, Jesse?" You can see something in his eyes, something he's fighting... He wants to kiss you. But before you can think more than that, he turns around, walks away without a single word, leaving you dumbfounded.
The next hour is a daze, and soon the bell dings. The rest of the unassigned agents get ready for the day. You're called to the announcement hall for mission assignments at 6:30. You're in a daze until your name is called. "(L/N), (F/N), and McCree, Jesse." Your heart stops, and it's like the world lost all sound. Your eyes meet, and he smiles at you. "Dismissed." Commander Morrison waves everyone off. "Pair up and discuss mission tactics, most of you leave today at 6:30, only four pairs leave tomorrow or the day after. The ship leaves on the dot, so I suggest that you learn to get your butts out of bed on time." He glares at a group of stragglers who were 5 minutes late. Jesse walks up to you and says, "C'mon, the old man's right, we gotta discuss strategy." You follow him into a strategy room. There's an electronic sign beside the door reading, McCree, (L/N). It was reserved for you two. Jesse holds the door open for you, you enter with a small smile, and sit down at the table.

A digital map lies in the center of the table, displaying a place called Deadlock Gorge. "You know, I didn't even have to pull any strings to have us assigned as a team. Apparently Morrison knows that we make a good one." He smiles at you, and you smile slightly, still lost in thought. "Hey- you've been acting weird lately, what's up?" You smile shyly and say, "Well... I'm still thinking about what happened last night. I mean I don't know what happened, one minute everything was normal and the next- boom!" He looks at you confusedly.

"What happened last night?" You stare at him, and then say, "You.. you were drunk... and you um..... almost kissed me." You feel heat rising in your checks as you remember what happened. "I... What?" He blushes slightly as well before saying, "Well.... I..." your heart sinks. "Forget about it, let's move forward to the task at hand. What is this place, and why'd you choose it?"

"I thought it was time I settled my past, and lock up a dirty gang at the same time." You nod, head still spinning. "So what's our game plan?" He stares at the map a bit, before saying, "We'll land 5 miles Away, I know if they search they'll only go out 3 at most... So," he takes a deep breath.  "We'll come in here, there may be some hostiles guarding at 2 miles out. They report you from far away and rather discreetly, if you're on their list of people they want to kill." He chuckles, before continuing, "I'm on their list." You smile at him, and wonder how many "lists" the cowboy is on. "So, we'll have to sneak behind them, and take 'em out." You nod. "So..." you stare at the map, thoughts whirling in your head. You spread your fingers on a panel, and little dots representing you and Jesse appears on the screen. "So, we drop in here," you point to the ship, "but if what you're saying is true, than it'll be hard to sneak up on them." He raises an eyebrow, and says, "oh? How so?" Jesse can see the gears turning in your head, and he looks at you, waiting. "If these guys are such a threat, then they'll change up their tactics. They might go 3 or 4 miles out if they get wind of hostiles... So we go this way." You point to some rough terrain to the side. "We're tough, well, you are, and it'll only delay our trip to their base by a few hours." He chuckles, and you look up to meet his eyes. "That'll work. A lot better, even." You both smile, before he says, "Now, what do you think we'll need for supplies?" You think some more, before laughing slightly and saying, "I have no idea, what do you think?" He smirks and says, "I'm supposed to be testing your initiative. What do you think?" You smile, before tapping a code into the desk. "Well, we'll obviously need food and water... will finding shelter be hard? Wait- don't answer that." You turn you attention to the map, which you make holographic. You zoom in on the new route, and find plenty of caves. "Okay, that won't be difficult. Now, this is a covert operation, so we can't have anything big, we can't draw attention to ourselves. We'll need our weapons, maybe some practical equipment too, like things for scaling cliffs just in case we hit a tricky stuff- but nothing overboard." He smiles. "My thoughts exactly."

"Let's get to packing." It didn't take long for you to pack, you both just had a backpack that you put a sleeping bag, rope, rations, water, some matches for fire starting, (you both weren't sure if it was the best idea but you took them anyway) and a few small medical kits in. Light, like you said. "So, we have two more days until departure, since we'll leave later, we'll get back later. I'm not sure how long this will take. But until then, we can hang out, if you want to of course. We both get two days off to rest, so that can be whatever you want- you can even invite family over for a day to see them."

"Are you going to invite family?" You ask, wondering about his relationship with his parents. "Ah, no. Definitely not." He laughs as he says this. "You want to invite yours?"

You invite your Dad and Jo to see you, but only Jo can make it because your Dad had a work trip, and your Mom passed away years ago. You count down the hours before his arrival, waiting anxiously for your twin brother. You lay on the lower bunk of your bunk bed and wait, staring off into space. All of a sudden Athena says, "Joseph (L/N) is being escorted from the airfield, now, Agent (L/N). He'll arrive in approximately ten minutes"

"Thank you Athena." You jump out of bed and take one last check in the mirror to make sure you're presentable before sprinting out of the door, running to the entrance as fast as you can. "(L/N)!" Shoot. Commander Morrison approaches you as you halt and salute, petrified. "I understand that your brother is arriving."

"Yes sir." He chuckles. "At ease soldier. You'll have plenty of time, this isn't a battle, just walk. But that's your only warning." He pats you on the back and walks in the other direction. You smile to yourself as you make your way towards the entrance. You arrive at the entrance only a minute before Jo does. As soon as he enters, his eyes light up. However he's not looking at you. You smile as he gapes at the facility around him. It didn't hurt you too see him looking around at the place that housed the organization you'd both idolized instead of you. "Hia Jo." You wave at him with a smile on your face, and his face lights up even more. "I'm so glad I get to see you." He says, hugging you tightly. "Me too. Hey, want me to give you a tour and introduce you to some people I know?"

"Heck. Yes." Jo looks like a little kid as he marvels at everything around him. He gets a guest pass and you show him around the whole facility. However, it's pretty deserted. "I'm sorry you couldn't meet Lena, Genji and Angela, but they're on missions with lower agents, like me."

"I can't believe you're an agent. Thats's so. Flipping. Cool." You chuckle as you show him the weapons room, and his face lights up once more. "These are so advanced, so much better then anything I've ever built... wow." You let him marvel for a few minutes before you say, "Come on, I've got some people I want you to meet." He smiles contently, so exited his hands are flying, spinning a rubix cube just to keep his energy contained.

I knock on the door I once approached with fear, Jo behind me, curious to who he was about to meet. The door opened and Commander Morrison said, "Yes? Oh, (L/N). What can I do for you?"

"If you wouldn't mind, I'd like you to meet my brother."

JESSE (Mcree X Fem Reader) | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now