Chapter Six: Photograph

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You turn the key in the lock, and step inside your new room. It's nothing fancy, but it's better than your room in the hospital. It's the layout of a standard hotel room, minus the tv. There's a vase of flowers on the table, and little notes from Genji, Dr.Ziegler, and Lena. The flowers are from Jesse.

"How sweet." You think to yourself. Then you think about it. "Wait what?" You look at the note. It says,

"To my friend, and mentee."

You then realize that he was doing this in a completely friendly way. Your face is red. You shake your surprise off. "Come on (Y/N). Pull yourself together. He's just a friend, a mentor, nothing else. Nothing else."

You also find a small box, and a note with Dr. Ziegler's handwriting. It reads:

This was in your pocket before the incident. It's a little ripped and burned, but it's still useful.

You open the box, and there's a torn picture of you, your dad, and your brother in it. You pull it out, it's been carefully taped up. You smile. Then you see that there's a frame under it. You smile even wider. Dr. Ziegler is so thoughtful. You hold the picture close to your heart and think, "I'm doing this for you guys."
"Again." You throw a punch at Jesse, and once more he knocks it to the side. You punch twice, one upper, one lower, and he twists you around, and puts you in a choke hold. You fall limp, and slip out of his hasty grip. You aim a kick at his face, and he catches it, and throws you over himself. You land with a cartwheel, and take a bow.

"Better!" He smiles. It's been two weeks of training. You're halfway though. You redo your ponytail, smiling widely, before saying "I hope I'll be good enough by next month." "You will. Trust me. I've never seen anyone work this hard. Well, except for Lena. You'll get there." The next hour is full of sparring. Then Dr. Ziegler enters the training room. "Hello Jesse, (Y/N)."

"Hey Ange." Jesse greets Dr. Ziegler casually. "Hello Dr. Z-" "Oh please, call me Angela." She smiles at you. "I've been watching you spar (Y/N). You're doing fabulously. You'll be ready by the end of this month for sure."

"Thanks Angela." You say. Her first name sounds weird coming out of your mouth.

Out of nowhere, Tracer is behind you. "Whatcha doing?" She says, startling you. Jesse is unfazed. "Ah! Oh, hey Lena!" You smile widely. Genji dashes in too. "Hello Jesse, Lena, Angela, (Y/N)." If he didn't have his mask you would see him smiling.

"You up for one?" Jesse looks at all of you. Everyone nods. "What's going on?" You're puzzled. All of a sudden Genji closes the door, and says, "Prepare for the hardest thing you've done so far." He chuckles and pushes you into the center of the room. "Essentially, this is how we pick on the new 'kids'." Jesse says mischeviously. They all count down from three. Lena and Jesse in English, Angela in German, and Genji in Japanese.

They attack all at once. You manage to dodge all of their first blows, but Lena manages to trip you up, and you take a punch to the gut from... Angela. You laugh. You didn't expect a Doctor to hurt anyone. "Sorry." She says, rather bluntly, and she swings again. You duck under and trip her. She lands on the ground with a thud.

Genji and Lena are everywhere at once, it's hard to keep track of them. It's hard to keep track of the four Agents constantly trying to knock you down. Soon, they pin you to the floor, laughing. You can't help but laugh too. This was absurd- impossible even.

They let you go, all smiles, and you see Ana Amari standing in the doorway. "You know you're a member of their 'gang' if they Team Spar you. It's like a right of passage" She smiles a small smile as she walks over to you.

"(Y/N)." She says as she walks in the sparring room. "A photograph is in order, it's a tradition. Angela and Jesse started this when they picked on Lena." Lena turns slightly pink, and elbows Jesse in the ribs and says softly, "I was so close..."

Ana pulls out her camera, and says, "Group up." "Finnneee moooom." Lena says, pretending to be a kid. This makes you laugh, and all of the smiles in the picture were genuine. Ana immediately prints out the picture from the bottom of her camera, and hands it to you.

She comes up to you, and says, "Remember this: you'll make it into Overwatch, and these people will be friends for life. Don't let them go."

And you know without a doubt that her words are true.

You get a frame for that photograph, later in the day, and it goes right next to the picture of your dad and your brother. You lay on your bed and sigh. This feels like your home now. You need to stay, so you vow to work harder than you ever have.

You sit straight up in bed, an alarm is blaring loudly in your ears. You will never get used to the alarm. It's 6:00 like always. You essentially fall out of bed, and pull out a blue uniform.

It's a blue button up, you choose short sleeved for now- you could always get a jacket to wear later. It has the Overwatch logo stitched on to the lapel of the shirt. You put on some black leggings. You pull your (Y/Color) hair back into a ponytail. (but if your hair is short don't worry about it) You're ready.

You hear a knock. You head to your door, and open it. Jesse is standing outside, then moved to lean on your doorframe. "Morning, (Y/N). I have some good news." He moves aside, letting you out, and closes the door behind you. He quickly cocks his head to the side, gesturing that you should start walking.

Jesse is hard to figure out- but once you do- all the simple gestures make sense. "You can move up in your training with me a bit." He says casually, before saying, "We're almost done with Morrison's  'list' of requirements, but we have one more thing to cover."

"Yeah? What's that?"

He stops walking, smiles slightly, and simply says, "It's time to find you a weapon."

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