Chapter Twelve: Departure

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You both board the aircraft and sit down in the seats. It's sort of cramped, but at least the seats are facing each other. You put your bags in an overhead container, and settle in for a long ride. "So, where are we exactly? I mean Jo took a taxi here, so I'm assuming we aren't far from (Y/City). Yeah, the Overwatch world headquarters is in (Y/Country)." You see that Jesse isn't making eye contact with you. "Jesse..." He still isn't looking at you.

"Jesse, what haven't you told me? Because you haven't told me much and my brother-"
"Do we have to talk about this right now?" He huffs and pulls his hat over his eyes. "I'm going to take a nap." You glare at him angrily before standing up and taking the hat from his head, and smack him across the face.

"Jesse McCree!" He stands up angrily, and the aircraft starts moving towards takeoff, causing you fall over. He looks dangerous and threatening standing over you. He takes a step towards you, and you're honestly scared he's going to hurt you.

But instead, ever the gentleman, he extends his hand out to you, and helps you to your feet. "Look, I owe you an explanation. But... I don't know how to tell you without everything getting personal. Jo gets it because he has outside information. Look, can I tell you when we get there? Maybe the scenery will give me a burst of confidence." He chuckles weakly. You can tell he's trying to avoid telling you at all costs, so you give up for the time being. You want the unknown amount of time you'll spend together to be pleasant. It will about 6 hours by jet to arrive (these are from my numbers from the original OC I used for this.) on the outskirts of Santa Fe, far enough that they won't see you come in. You spend your time (doodling, reading, drawing, listening to music, or other). Jesse takes a nap, and soon he wakes up, and the two of you talk for a bit. Just small talk, and soon, darkness falls.

The pilot announces that he's landing near an aircraft landing strip so it will seem like you're just another incoming plane. The bay door opens and you see the cragged rocky landscape of Deadlock gorge. You've landed in a valley, with walls of the cavernous rock reaching towards the sky. There seems to be no end, reaching towards the night sky above. "What'll we do? It's dark..." You turn to Jesse, who seems on edge; he's assumed an angry demeanor.

"We begin the climb," he says bluntly. You nod, before observing, "The nearest cave isn't far up. Our eyes will adjust, there isn't much light pollution out here, and look." You point to the moon, which is full. It should provide enough light to guide you. You hear a voice call from the jet, "Good luck." The pilot salutes you before returning to his seat and taking off, leaving both of you in the dark. You both lean up against the wall, waiting for you eyes to adjust enough for you to start climbing. It takes a long 10 minutes for your eyes to adjust, and you sit in silence, each noise causing you to stand on edge. After 5 minutes, you whisper, "This is real. I'm here. I'm on a mission. What are we doing exactly? What's the full plan?"

"Ah, right. We didn't exactly go over what to do when we get to their headquarters... ugh." You can tell he's frustrated with himself, even though you can't see his face. He whispers, "I'll go through the back if you make a distraction by the front. Hopefully it'll be more concentrated at the back like it used to be, so you'll be okay. Then, once I sneak in okay, get out of there. Join me in the back, and finally, only kill if necessary."

You nod. After a few more minutes of plan making, you look up, and you can see the cracks and handhold shapes in the craggy tower of rock. You put on your harnesses, and you both get out the rope and attach them to the harness. You throw a grapple up to the ledge, and it catches. (Sorry if this is inaccurate, I couldn't find what that thing is called) you both begin the climb, which is fairly easy. Soon, you find yourself at the entrance to a small cave. Jesse goes in and you hear, "Dead end. It's not a tunnel." from the other end of the cave. He emerges, and you climb once more. This one takes a lot more time, and you feel an adrenaline rush as you teeter high up in the air. By the time you get to the top, it's approaching sunrise, and you find yourself tiring. Jesse helps you up the last little bit, extending his hand to pull you to the top. From there, you see it's mostly a downhill battle, with little paths that have been largely forgotten, but the faint outline still holds on. There are. A couple hills, but nothing that will involve as much climbing as you just did.

JESSE (Mcree X Fem Reader) | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now