Chapter Fifteen: Break

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You awake to see Jesse's bloodshot eyes looking at you warmly.

"Hey there." He smiles at you. You can see the exhaustion in his face, and say, "You should get some sleep. I'm up, plus my legs work just fine, I can stand and move and all sorts." He chuckles lightly, yawns, and says, "No can do. We have a plan to go over." You glare at him, and say, "Fine." He turns towards you and kneels down, constantly looking over his shoulder and listening carefully.

"I'm not sure what to do. The original plan is still perfectly fine, but...."
"But what Jesse?"
"It's dangerous. If they're all at the front... you could get hurt."
"Isn't all of this about risks? I'm not some damsel Jesse."
"But you're inexperienced!"
"Well taking me here is your fault!"
Silence lingers. You avoid eye contact.

"Look, I already bought stuff to blend in, I won't look too out of the ordinary when I'm in their space. That enough is odd to attract attention. Maybe I'll challenge them to an arm wrestling match or something." You chuckle. Jesse cradles your cheek in his hand and says, "I'm aware that you aren't a damsel. You've proven that much. I just don't want you getting hurt."
"It's a bit too late for that. We can always pull out if it gets too tough. But I'm determined to finish this. We started it, even though it was a bad idea. Maybe you thought too much of me, maybe there's more to you than you've told me... I don't know. What I do know is that I'm sticking with this." You smile.

"Get some sleep dummy. I'll watch." He begins to protest, before you say, "You. Need. To. Sleep!" You poke him with every word. He chuckles, and relents. "I guess we all need a break from time to time huh?"
"You bet. Now sleep."
"Yes ma'am."

A few hours pass, and Jesse doesn't stir. He really needed some sleep. You hear rustles from outside the cave, and you consider waking Jesse... No. I can do this. Whatever it is, I'm ready. You pull your gun out, reposition yourself to be more balanced, and wait. Nothing happens for a moment, then you see a man walk by. He has dirty blonde hair, and stubble all over his face. He's wearing combat armor, but under that the standard apparel for people in this area. He takes one look in the cave and your eyes meet. He draws his pistol, and soon you're just staring at each other. "I don't want to shoot you lady. Drop your gun. I don't mean no harm."
"Who are you? Why are you here?"
"I was just passing by-" he abruptly stops speaking.
"My god. Jesse McCree?" He swears under his breath. He's standing perfectly still, petrified. Jesse sits up, awoken by the commotion, to stare him down.

"Gabriel. How nice to see you." Jesse smiles slightly, eyes lost in memory. "Jesse, sir, please don't kill me... I didn't mean to betray us, I swear, I didn't!" Jesse chuckles once more. He stands and begins to make his way towards Gabriel. "The past's the past. I don't care about that anymore. Now get going. Doesn't the wife need her husband to help with her kids?" He looks at Gabriel with a sense of familiarity, warmth. A look you'd give an old friend. "Run along, and take your gun. Never know when you need it to shoot someone who'll actually hurt you." He nods. He picks up his gun slowly, tips his hat, and runs.

"Who was that?" You ask.
"Old friend. Good guy. Hope he got past the gang stuff same as I. He had a family though. Prison was hard on him. I just hope he has his life sorted out. Now come on. We have work to do."

The sun falls beneath the blank desert landscape as you walk, and darkness takes its place. After traveling a hour or so, the light of the moon is bright enough to shower the areas around you in a cold but soft glow.

Jesse sits down, and motions for you to do the same. He talks in a low tone, trying to keep quiet. "Now, what will you do, (Y/N)?" You feel an impulse to roll your eyes. You've been over this a thousand times in the last twenty minutes. Instead, you smile a bit and say,

"Go up to the front. They'll either be super hostile or super drunk. Fingers crossed for the latter. If they're hostile, let them bring me into the building. Don't fight back with all of my strength wait until you're there with me. Take 'em out, cuff 'em. Your words, mind you, not mine. If they're drunk, mess around with them until you hear my signal. Your signal is just a message to my watch. After that, take 'em out, cuff 'em. After all of that, call in a ship and have support groups help us load them, and go home. Sounds about right?"

"As always your memory is perfect." He smiles warmly at you, then looks down, "If all goes to plan we should have them all down within twenty or thirty minutes." He takes hold of your hand and squeezes it. He pulls you into a hug and whispers, "Please. (Y/N). Try not to get hurt. I love you." You smile as you rest your chin on his shoulder.

"I love you too."
Jesse's POV

Adrenaline rushes through my body as I rush behind the warehouse they use for their base. The hug I gave (Y/N) seemed to be forever ago already. We spilt paths, running opposite directions towards the warehouse. She's going to distract the guards at the front and I'll take the more congested back area. I slow my sprint, and start to move more quietly as I reach the building's edge. I hear quiet chatter a couple of feet away, and silence myself. I breathe deep. My mind is empty as instinct kicks in.

The guards chat without a care. Just another crack in this stupid gang. Soon, two out of the three go inside, and I sneak up behind the other one. I put my hand over his mouth and choke him out. I attach a metal bracelet which locks him in place. Thanks Winston. Another one of the space gorilla's helpful inventions. Besides being unremovable from anyone who wasn't in the Overwatch database, it sent a signal to HQ, letting them know who we have, and who we don't. Handy for bounty hunting.

I hear voices calling for the other guard, and they rush out, only to see me. I take them down quickly, just like the others. I wait. I hear noise coming from the front, but can't distinguish between good and bad. I hope she's okay... No other noise emits from the warehouse, so I open the door, pistol in hand. And just as I enter, my finger twitches. The world slows as the familiar click of the trigger pulling fills my ears. And before I can do anything else, the gun fires. All of the heads in the light turn to face me, and in the middle of it all, I see (Y/N). She's sporting a black eye and a cut across her face.

I've just screwed us over.

JESSE (Mcree X Fem Reader) | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now