Chapter Twenty-One: Run

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You run for your life, tears streaming down your face. This time, the scene doesn't replay in your head. You hear the wind rush by your ears, you hear the yelling coming from the warehouse. But you run. You run like never before. Where? You aren't sure.

But then, something shiny catches your eye. It's cracked and damaged, but intact.

Fate is in your favor for a moment- it's your watch. You scoop it off the ground and keep running, blood pumping through you. The adrenaline coursing through your veins allows you to kick it into a gear you didn't know you have. You sprint through the rocky terrain until you reach a cave. You dash in to the very back and catch your breath.

Then the sobs come. They're ugly, sobs of a beaten woman who lost everything. Do it for Jo. Do it for Dad. Do it for someone... You miss Gabriel. Your only friend for weeks, a guy who came off as flirtatious but just wanted to be with someone. You miss your brother. He's so close, yet so far. His smile lingers in the back of your head. You miss your dad. His worn hands and comforting advice. You sit. You let the ugly sobs break down the walls you've held for so long.

Soon, the sun sets, and you find yourself drifting off to sleep, in the cold. This has taken everything from you. But you still have one thing left.


You have no dreams that night. It's all black. But you remember every single second of it. Occasionally you hear Martin's voice, speaking words you can't understand. You swear you hear Gabriel comforting you from far away. But you can't reach it. Jesse's voice is muffled by gunshots. But you don't see anything.

The worst part is, you remember every last second of it.

You wake up the next morning feeling like you hadn't slept. But that doesn't stop you. Nothing can stop me. Your stomach growls. Oh yeah. You haven't eaten in 2 days. Except maybe hunger.

"I guess I'll have to go into town." You say aloud, to no one in particular. You stand up, brush the dirt off of your clothes, and start walking. The sun was already blazing in the sky, and then you realize something critical.

You don't have a gun. Not only do you not have a gun, you don't have a supply pack. But you came here to get something done and darn it you're going to do it.

You take an hour to job back into the small town where you bought clothes just a month ago. It seems like a lifetime away now, and your time at Overwatch casually sparring with Jesse an eternity ago.

You're dirty and haggard but you march in to town as the sun hits noon. You enter a dusty old diner, full of people. They're dressed from head to toe in wester clothing, the men wearing oversized cowboy hats. You look down. Everything about this reminds you of Jesse.

You push your feelings down. You can't handle it anymore. There's a sign by the door that asks you to seat yourself, and feeling selfish, you go and sit at a booth. You deserve to feel selfish. You sink into the old mushy booth cushion; it's the closest thing to a bed you've slept in for awhile.

"Howdy, I'm Jessica, how can I help you hun?" The waitress slides a menu in front of you and pours a glass of water for you. She has brown hair pulled back in tight curls, with a baby blue apron over her uniform.

"What would you say is the most filling?" You know you'll throw up after eating so little for so long, but you're hungry, and (Y/N) (L/N) ain't calming down for no one.

"I'd say our full stack of blueberry filled pancakes."
"Wonderful, I'll have that. Could I also have 2 sides of bacon?" Go big or go home. I'm going to regret this later. Ooh, maybe I could use my projectile vomiting as a weapon!

"Okay, I'll get that in!"
"No problem, hun."
She walks away to who knows where, god you're tired. Everything is a blur and you cant pay attention.

You take the time to loosely observe the exits and escape routes if Deadlock decides you want a knuckle sandwich for brunch.

There're two doors, one where you came in, and one near the back where the kitchen is. You assume they'll be another one in the kitchen where you can't see. The front enternece has a glass door, and there are quite a few windows.

You walk into the ladies' room to find one small window towards the top of the room that you could easily kick out.

Okay. Got it. You return to your table, and casually sip your water. You catch your reflection in the window. Oh jeez, I look awful.

You then take to observing the people around you. There's a man and woman having s dull and boring conversation, there's a jolly looking bearded man sitting alone at a table, eating an omelet. You take another look for the rest of the people. You can't sense any ill will. Either way you keep an eye out.

"Here you go dearie." She sets down your large meal. You gape at it. "If you don't mind my asking, did you have a tumble with Deadlock? We get a lot of escapees around here- and they all look as rough as you." She chuckles a bit.

"No. No, I just had a scrape with some rotten folks a couple miles back. Shot me in the back, but I got it cleaned up." The waitress doesn't really buy it, but respects your privacy.

"All right honey, I'll bring you the bill whenever you're ready."

"Gotcha." You smile at her, before eying your breakfast. Ugh I'm starving. Time for round one of I'll regret this later. You start to shovel the food into your mouth.

It only takes 10 minutes for you to finish your full stack (6) pancakes, and 10 pieces of bacon. You immediately feel bad, but it stops the hunger pains.

That was stupid. I literally can't care though. You flag down your waitress and hands you the bill. Your eyes widen. The price doesn't alarm you, it's that you don't have any money. You begin to panic, trying not to draw attention to yourself as you try and think of a solution.

Suddenly, a woman wearing big earrings and bold eye makeup walks towards you. "Howdy, honey." She sits down at your table. "I reckon you can't pay for that judging by the look on that face 'a yours." She smiles sweetly, bright red lipstick sticking out to you.

"I'll offer you a deal. Beat me in an arm wrestle and I'll cover the bill." She smiles again.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" You ask her, not sure wether you buy this whole deal she's making you.

"They call me Clara. Toughest woman in the south. If you beat me, I cover your bill. It's not easy, but I'd say it's worth a shot."

"So, you just walk around boosting your ego or paying bills?"

"And gathering intel. You beat me..." she looks you straight in the eyes.

"And I don't tell Deadlock where you are."

JESSE (Mcree X Fem Reader) | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now