Chapter Nine: Remember

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You wake up in a room with 15 other people, and you sigh. I've been spoiled. You didn't have anything left to do after dinner, so you packed up your stuff and moved to the undecided barracks of the lower agents. You were given instructions for the following week(s), (it was undecided and unknown how long the assignments would take.) You would be paired with an upper agents and you'd shadow/work with them on a mission of their choice. Based on your performance, you'd be put into 1 of 5 groups. Red Team and Blue Team are the lowest groups, then there's Bronze Team, Silver Team, and Gold Team, the highest tiers with gold being highest of all, bordering Upper Agency.

Only one group of lower agents had been placed, and very few Lower Agents had been placed in the higher tier. You were the first one to wake up. The bell didn't ring as it normally did, so you got up and got ready without checking your watch. As you sit in one of the chairs in the lounge, you turn your watch on to see that it reads 4:30. You groan. No wonder the bell didn't ring, and no wonder no one else is up.

You step out of the barracks and make your way to the balcony where you watched Genji and Lena spar for the first time. You breathe in and out slowly, allowing your eyes to adjust. You see nothing but dark shapes and dimly lit hallways, and you hear nothing but silence. You lean on the railing, and you soon become lost in thought.
"(Y/N)!" You jolt awake to see your brother Jo standing over you. "Come on! Get up!" His two front teeth are missing, and he is lisping slightly. His shaggy brown hair is falling in his face. "Ugh. What is it Jo? I'm trying to sleep."
"Yeah no duh, get up!"
"I've got something for you..." he says tauntingly. "Oh? Why?" You ask groggily. "Because it's our birthday!" He squeals. You shoot up in bed, and grab the present labeled Jo on your nightstand. Two sets of feet stomp down the stairs, making quite a ruckus. "There they are!" Your mom is in the kitchen making your favorite breakfast, (Y/Favorite). Jo smiles happily and sits on a bar stool by your counter. "Can I give her my present already? Please?" Your dad smiles at you two, and nods his head. Jo jumps off the stool and runs to your dad's workshop. Your dad chuckles and scoops you up. "Hello there." He says to you, as he boops your nose. You giggle. "Hi daddy." He puts you down just as Jo comes running in. "Okay!" He skids to a stop in front of you, and hands you a card and a sloppily wrapped present. The card read: Hi (Y/N), happy 8th birfthday
Luv Jo
He hands you the present, eyes wide with excitement. You open the wrapping to reveal an Overwatch pendant with a glowing gold light on the back. "I know you want to be like them when you grow up- a hero!" He says. "So I made you that!" He smiles wide. "Daddy helped too." He says as an afterthought. "I have one too, and if you ever miss me, you can press the button, and it'll make this red light glow- let me know to visit you. Mine can do the same thing for you!" You smile and hug him, before handing him his present. He opens it excitedly, it's a poster of Commander Morrison, signed by him. Jo squeals with excitement, before running to find poster putty. You smile wide, knowing that if Jo doesn't thank you, that his brain is too excited to remember, and he rushes to do something with it.
You feel around your neck, press the gold button, and wait. Leaning against the balcony, you hold the pendant tightly, tears streaming down your face, and a few moments later, you see the red light flashing back.

JESSE (Mcree X Fem Reader) | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now