Chapter Twenty-Three: Wasted Fury

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You shake. Your hand curls into a fist. You close your eyes. Take a deep breath, and look back up at him.

"(Y/N)." A tear falls down his face. You swing your fist. You watch as he stumbles backwards and hits a table. "(Y/N)- what?" You swing again.

"You were dead!" You roar. "You were dead, they put a bullet through your skull, they killed you!" You shove him weakly, angry tears rolling down your face.

"Why didn't you come for me? They tortured me! For a month, Jesse! A month! What did you do for a month, what, get drunk?" You shove him backwards again. He doesn't fight back.

"(Y/N)..." He whispers. His eyes meet yours.

"Screw this." You laugh, and turn away from him. "Screw you Jesse. Screw all of this. I'm leaving. You can come, or you can walk. I'm tired of this dusty town with its crappy people. Screw this." Your watch gives you an estimated time of 30 minutes until they landed at the warehouse to pile in the prisoners.

"(Y/N), you're drunk."
"So what? That doesn't excuse what you did, and you're one to talk."
"Ah, shut up." You pay the bartender and walk out the door. You hear him say a few words to the bartender before rushing after you.

"(Y/N).... what did they do to you?"
"Oh, now you care. So good to know that Jesse McCree, the righteous Overwatch agent, is pretending to care about me."
"(Y/N). Don't say that. I lo-"
"If you loved me we wouldn't be in this position right now, would we? Love is selfless. You, McCree, are selfish." You walk faster. je|||\|-/McCree\-|/|||se doesn't slow, however, and matches your pace. You stop, and face him.

"You wanna know who is selfless? Gabriel. My good friend, right now my only friend. He died for me Jesse. He DIED. All he wanted was a family. Someone to love. That's all he wanted. And I... I took that away from him." You turn away. Hot, guilty tears falling down your face.

"H-he's dead?" je|||\|-/McCree\-|/|||se seems stunned. His eyebrows furrowed. "Not like you cared. All you care about is yourself and booze."
"(Y/N), that isn't true!" He raises his voice, and grabs your wrist. You pull away. "Oh don't play that game with me McCree! You're going to let go of me right now or I'll break your arm!" You scream at him. The tears don't stop.

"This is all your d**m fault anyway. You wanted to get something done, and instead of doing it on your downtime, you do it for an assignment and brought me along. And look what happened! All of these people died!"

"I'll remind you that you killed some of them! You blew up that warehouse, you burned to the ground! How many people died, if that's what you're concerned about?"

"You act like life is meaningless! You act as if all that matters is that you get paid."
"Well, I am a bounty hunter, I am just a pile of sh-"
He stops when you turn to face him, gun drawn.

"I'm done, McCree. I don't want another word out of you. I'm tired of this. If you want to get on that ship, I suggest you start walking. Because they just landed." His mouth forms a tight line as he stops talking. His mouth opens to say something, and you hear the familiar click of a gun. It startles you, you don't even realize it was you. He closes his mouth, and starts walking.

You swear you saw a tear roll down his cheek.


The ship is a prison ship, and Overwatch flight crew are already loading the prisoners onto the ship.
je|||\|-/McCree\-|/|||se marches in without saying a word, and lights a cigar. The prisoners start shouting as they see him approach, and they try to run at him, but the crew's grip is iron. You help load the rest of the Deadlock gang into the small cells on the ships. A couple swear at you, but you get them into their cells with little to no issue.

Your brain can't think straight, you just feel angry. You sit across from je|||\|-/McCree\-|/|||se. He tips his hat over his eyes so he doesn't have to look at you. Smoke fills the aircraft as
je|||\|-/McCree\-|/|||se smokes, and one of the crew members grabs it and throws it out the closing hangar door.

"No smoking McCree. You know the rules." He doesn't say anything. Your heart hurts for a moment before anger takes it over again. You've never seen him like this before. Part of you think$%*{€•£|[{^
|||\|-/ he deserved everything he got.\-|/||| The other.... %{*_>|!\>>> you suppress the rising guilt.

The ride is slow and uneventful. About an hour into the ride, a crew member approaches you. This one looks tired, like he just woke up. He also looks to be in charge.

"What the hell happened out there? You two were gone for a month. Longest introductory mission to date. Even when Overwatch was active before, the longest anyone gone was a week."
"Complications." You say, and try not to glare a hole into je|||\|-/McCree\-|/|||se
"Well, you certainly set multiple records here." He leans against the ship.
"It's impressive, y'know. Never met a newbie with a month's training who can do all of that. Though I'm sure je|||\|-/McCree\-|/|||se did a lot of the heavy lifting."

<>^^*#>>Yeah. Sure.>>#*^^<>

Your thoughts are jumbled. $@-"362>> My thoughts are perfectly clear. <<295"-@$

I'm fine.


Not ##^[>>j3$£3<<]^##

I'm fine.

I'm fine.

JESSE (Mcree X Fem Reader) | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now