Chapter Twenty-Two: Bombshell

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Your face pales. They really do have guys everywhere.

Clara chuckles. "Y'know, this is a deal you really can't afford to refuse, sweetie. Where I come from, people do what I say." Her voice becomes a growl. You swallow, tired of this. The anger returns. It's the only thing that can chase the fear away, the only thing that doesn't make you feel empty.

"Bet." You glare daggers at her. "I'll take your deal, but don't think for one second that you can tell me what to do." You growl right back. She suppresses a smirk as she puts her arm on the table.

"Bet." She chuckles, repeating your words. Gah, I'm too tired for this. You put your arm on the table, praying to whatever gods there are that your pre-Deadlock strength returns. The strength that you sparred with just months ago.

You breathe in, before grasping her hand. You underestimated her strength. She takes you by surprise, shoving your hand almost to the table. Your muscles scream as you shove back with your rage filled strength. You manage to push her arm back into a neutral position. She smirks. "You're tougher than I thought you'd be..." She says lightheartedly.

"Yeah, well you haven't seen me when I'm pissed off." You reply.
"And you aren't right now?"
"More like mildly infuriated."

You start to overpower her, and say, "You all taught me better. I've got more fire than ever, and it's all your fault." You smile sadly.

"Yeah, we tend to do that. When you step into that warehouse you're one of us, and you'll break wether you like it or not." She puts more power into her push, but you stay strong, and hold her exactly where she is. "Here's the thing about that, lady." You stare her down, anger coursing through you as you think of all of the pain you've experienced. You're preparing to give one final push as you feel her strength weaken. "You can't break what's already broken."

You push as hard as you can, slamming her arm down onto the table. She smiles, and looks content. "Looks like you are tougher than I thought. We'll have to fight sometime. Real fightin', not this child's play." She smiles, white hair hanging in her face as she blows it away.

She flags the waitress down and pays for your meal, pretending like you're good friends, even though everyone in the tiny diner saw what was happening and knew who she was.

"Catch ya' later, (Y/N). But don't come 'round these parts if you ain't lookin' for trouble, y'hear?" She walks out the door and strides into the distance.

You slump into the booth, lost in thought. There had to be some way to get all of those people in cuffs and jailed. But you can't think. Your head swims as you watch Martin shoot Jesse and Gabriel over and over. Your blood boils, and silent, angry tears fall down your face.

You can't take it.

Then you have a thought. It's risky. It could kill you.

But it just might work.

"Clara?" You call after her as you head out the door. She turns.

You wait in darkness and silence behind a large rock formation. You had to punch a few people to get what you needed, plus it took the promise of a ton of money to get Clara to listen to you, much less help you.
"And why would I do that?" She'd asked you.
"Because I've got a lot of money that has your name on it once this gets done." She'd smiled at you, and said, "That's more like it."

You snap out of your haze, ready to go. You look over the rocks to see the Deadlock warehouse, fluorescent lights shining in your eyes. You take a deep breath and look at the case of explosives in front of you. Yeah, this'll do it.

JESSE (Mcree X Fem Reader) | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now