Chapter Sixteen: Broken

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The hug with Jesse flashes before your eyes, disappearing quicker than you would've liked. You look a bit dirty, but you look the part. You start to make your way to he entrance when you hear, "Hey, you!" A guard is approaching you. You remember how to act with these guys. Feed their ego. Pretend you're scared.

You whimper for a second before saying, quietly, "Yes sir?" He pulls you up to face him by the front of your shirt. "What are you doing around here?" He snarls. "I, I was just trying to get home and I took a wrong turn... I'm sorry I never meant to come here."

He throws you to the ground in front of the rest of the guards, and they start laughing. They're definitely not drunk.

One kicks you in the ribs, and yells, "Stand up, now." You do so, at this point you're actually scared. He grabs you by your jaw and pulls you towards him.

"Why are you here, huh?" Gabriel himself looks you right in the eyes. He too, shoves you to the ground, and says, "Can't believe it was that easy to get you to come here." He throws his head back and laughs. "Thanks for the heads up." He snickers. "Get her on her feet. Boss'd love to see this one."

He starts to walk away as once more you're brought to your feet. The two guards handcuff you, and start to shove you towards the entrance. You hear Gabriel say, "Search the perimeter for Jesse. He's bound to be around here somewhere." Oh no. Your head spins, and you struggle to think straight. Don't fight too hard. Wait until you get to the entrance and...

The minute you cross the threshold to the inside of the warehouse, you trip the guard to your left and elbow the other one as hard as you can with your arms behind you. Soon, despite your best efforts, you're restrained by more guards. They bring you to the middle of the warehouse in front of some windows that pour light into the room. You're blinded by the light, and there, they shackle you more. You're chained to a pole in the middle of the room, and some of the guards disperse. The rest, however, take the opportunity to beat you bloody. Soon a voice rings out. "Enough!" A man saunters out, in typical cowboy dress. However, it doesn't suit him the way it does Jesse. It looks odd.

"(Y/N) (L/N). Overwatch agent in training, in league with Jesse McCree himself." You look up at the man. His hair is dark, dark brown, so much so that it could be considered black, and his eyes match. His hair reaches his shoulders in a greasy dark pool, and he wreaks of tabaco. "What have you come here to do? To be noble, to prove something, to 'save' people?" He puts his hand on the pole right by your head and leans in. "Remember this (L/N). Don't go messing with something that isn't your business." He turns around and starts to walk away.

"It is my business." He turns around, strides towards you, and punches you in the face. Your head flies back and hits the pole. You struggle to stay conscious.

"It is most certainly not. But we do have plans for you, (L/N). So if you really want to stick your nose in our business, you'll become a prisoner to it. Leave her there. If she struggles or talks you know what to do. She's not the one we're concerned about." He turns to walk away once more, when you hear a gunshot ring from the shadows in front of you.


You see his eyes widen as he sees you, and he draws his gun for real this time.

"Step away. I won't hesitate to kill all of you." His voice shakes a bit. He's scared.

"Oh, Jesse." You hear the click of a gun before you feel cold metal against your temple. "I won't hesitate either. Drop your weapon." He looks panicked, looking at you for answers, but you have none. He draws a shaky breath, and drops his gun.

"Will you promise she won't be-"

Silence rings in your ears as you watch blood seep from Jesse's chest. He looks up, shaking. You hear nothing, you feel nothing, and you watch him crumple to the ground, a bullet piercing his chest.

You think you scream, but you can't hear it. You can't hear anything. Your ears are ringing, you're being freed, and the second you're free, you run to him. You still can't hear anything. You drop to your knees. You think he says something, but your eyes are blurry, the tears are falling to fast to read his lips. You're grabbed by the arms and pulled away from him. You think you scream again. You break free from their grip, only to be pulled again.

Martin saunters over to Jesse as you're pulled out of sight, and all that fills your ears are the click of a gun, then the sound of it firing.

You scream.

You still can't hear it.

JESSE (Mcree X Fem Reader) | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now