Chapter Eight: Graduation

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Jesse's POV
"I've never felt this way." I mumble to myself, running my fingers through my hair. "Normally with girls it's instant attraction, other things, and never see you again, thanks. So what's so different about (Y/N)?" I light my cigar outside, looking at the moon. "This is some real bull I'm pulling." I sigh.

The air is nice, and the sky is cloudless. I felt like I could see each star from where I stood. "Why her? I mean, she's just like all the others, right?" I sat thinking this way for hours, and wound up flat out ignoring my cigar, which I never do. I swore under my breath when my watch started to beep. I would normally be up for the day at this time, but I'd only gotten two hours of sleep. I sigh once more, before pulling my hat down, throwing away my cigar, and walking inside.

I see her there, her face calm and peaceful, her (Y/C) hair in her face a bit. I brush it away, and plant a kiss on her forehead. She stirs slightly, but she shows no signs of knowing. "I love you (Y/N). You don't know it, but I only love you and you alone." I whisper, before quietly shutting the door.

The dawn breaks and I get out of bed. 2 hours of sleep isn't what I'd consider a good night's rest. I groan as I pull myself out of bed, and light my cigar, before I hear a knock on my door. "McCree it's Morrison, open up." He smiles slightly through the crack in the door. "What is it Jack?" I open the door wider, just enough so that I can see all of him. "It seems you've outdone yourself. She passed the test. She's a lower agent, and if I were to guess, she'll get placed in the higher tier of them too." He hands me a piece of paper with a certificate of acceptance. He laughs a bit, before wincing in pain. It must be bad, as Jack never shows his pain.

"She hits hard huh?" I ask, smiling. He chuckles, and says "Yeah, she really does." He smiles at me slightly, before saying, "Don't train today, you might kill yourself. You need more sleep." He smiles and shuts the door. I stand there, cigar lit, just staring at the piece of paper. She did it. She really did it. I smile widely. All of a sudden, Morrison flings open the door, and says, "And put a shirt on." He then shuts the door, and leaves me chuckling as I say, "yessir."

(Y/N)'s POV
You stare at the white ceiling again, and see Jesse sitting in the chair next to you. He's wide awake, and his cigar is lit. He blows smoke into the air, the acrid smell reaching your nose, and you begin to cough. "Jesse McCree!" Angela storms into your room. "What have I told you about smoking in here? Out! Now!" You laugh as she pushes him out the door and opens up the window. "How are you doing (Y/N)?" She turns to you, smiling kindly. "I'm great Ange. Thanks to you." All of a sudden, you hear a loud knock on the door. "Hey can I come in?" Jesse starts to open the door, before Angela grabs the handle and closes it.

"Not without the password Jesse!" She says cheerfully. "Oh- come on Ange let me in!" He bangs on the door. You smile widely, and try not to laugh. "Not without the password!" Angela insists. He sighs. "Angela is the best and I'm the worst?" You can picture him rolling his eyes on the other side of the door. "That's more like it!" She opens the door for him. You smile widely as he steps in the door. He looks like he didn't get much sleep. "Jesse, are you-" He walks briskly to the bed before cutting you off. "Not now- this is important." He looks seriously at you, but his eyes are bright. He sits on the end of your bed, and grabs your hands in his.

"(Y/N). I have some very important news for you. You passed the test." Your eyes shine bright and you sit up quickly and hug him tightly. He chuckles and hugs you back. You pull away quickly too, too confused to even blush. "That fight with Morrison, that was a test?" He nods. "Well shoot. I could've done better than that if I knew it was a test!" He laughs outright, and you punch him lightly in the shoulder, smiling.

"So, What now?"
"Hm?" He looks at you, smile still present.
"I mean, what do I do now? Do I stay here and train? Do I...." You trail off, not wanting to ask the question, scared of an answer you don't want to hear. "Do you what?" He asks, turning towards you, concern in his eyes.

"Do-do I join a team, have a new teacher, leave all of this behind?" He smiles sadly. "Yes.... But we can have one last hurrah. What do you say?" You smile. "I say yes."
You're discharged from the hospital the next evening, and you return to the announcement hall around dinner, to much excitement from your upper agent friends. You see some lower agents sitting to the right of you, but you feel Jesse's hand on your shoulder. "C'mon, you've got ages to get to know them. One last hurrah, remember?" He smiles at you, and you walk over to your friends, reminding yourself that you've got a long time to make new friends.

All of a sudden, you hear a zip! noise and you feel arms wrap around you as you're hugged tightly by one happy Lena. "You did it!!!" She squeals in your ear. As she lets go your eyes meet and you can't help but smile. She drags you over to the table, and Jesse follows you, smiling. As you talk, lower agents speak mostly out of earshot about Jesse. "That girl got him to smile?" "That man's so grumpy, and rude when he talks to you." "Why is she the exception?" "Hardened soldier..." "Tainted past...." you hear little bits of conversation and you can't help but drift into thought. Who is Jesse really? What is he hiding? Thoughts drift through your head, whirling, faster, quicker, never stopping- "Y/N!" Jesse says a bit louder than normal, his hand touching yours. You quickly withdraw. "Y-yes?" You look up. "You look sick, are you okay?" He looks concerned, his brow is furrowed and he's looking straight at you. " I-I'm Fine. Why?"
"You're just really pale love. You just started staring off and, well, you look kind of frightened as well, like you've seen a ghost!" Lena exclaims. "I... I'll be right back." You push your chair out and run. You turn into the bathroom and slam the stall door shut. Tears leak out of your eyes and you slap yourself. Why is this bothering me? Nothing has even happened to me! The door creaks open, and you quiet your sniffles, and pull some toilet paper from the dispenser, trying to pretend you're actually using the bathroom.

A Swiss accent rings throughout the empty room. "(Y/N), I know you're in there. Are you okay?" Angela walks into the bathroom, and stands in front of your stall. "I-" your voice catches and another tear streams down your face. "I don't know Ange. I don't know." She pushes the stall door open, which you forgot to lock well, she walks in a bit, and crouches down. "You can talk to me, (Y/N)."
"It's Jesse." You say quietly. "What about him?"
"I don't know what to think about him. Everyone else seems to have such a terrible opinion of him and-" "and you're worried that he isn't who you think." Angela finishes your sentence for you. You nod.

"Here's what I know about Jesse, (Y/N). I know that he thinks that if he shuts the world out, that people will forget what he's done. So most people have this idea of him that he hates humanity. The truth is that he's scared. He can't go back and fix his mistakes, so he's trying to hide from them. But every so often he'll let someone else in, a little ray of light, and if he lets you in, he won't let go. I don't know why you're a light to him, but you are." She puts her hand on your face and wipes away your tears. "Don't be scared (Y/N). Fear is the ultimate enemy." She begins to walk out the door, before you stop her.

"Wait." She turns back around. "Yes?" You stand up to face her. "What has Jesse done?" She looks down, thinking, before saying, "That's up to him to tell you, not me. You'll know in time."

JESSE (Mcree X Fem Reader) | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now