Chapter Twenty: Special Visitors

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"You don't look so good Trigger." Gabriel stands outside your cell, concerned. His voice holds a caring tone yet his demeanor is the same as always, he's leaning upon your cell casually.

Your eyes are sunken, and your face is pale. The cuts on your face vanished, leaving pale scars in their place. Your hair has only been finger-combed for the past month and a half, and you're malnourished. Your bones' shapes have started to poke out beneath your skin. You skin has become thin, like a hasty webbing over your muscles and bones.

You don't seem to notice any of it; the last few days have been an emotionless haze. You just have a sinking feeling in your gut. You've resigned yourself. It shows.

"Some... people are coming over today. I'm not sure what they'll do to you. If they want to... experiment on you, then...." he takes a deep breath.


You look up at him, startled. He's urged you not to run for the past month. He's told you time and time again that they'd just hunt you down and kill you.

"Who are they?" You ask, voice shaking. "And... what would they do to me?" Fear echoes in your glossy eyes, the only part of your face that looks alive.

"I'm sure you've heard of them. Talon. And, I'm not sure. I just.... I don't know, (Y/N)." He pauses and looks at the ground while. Then he raises his head and his eyes meet yours.

"Can I come in? For a while?" He asks sheepishly.

"Yeah. Misery loves company." You chuckle.

He lets himself in the cell, and sits across from you. "Look, (Y/N). I- I wanted to let you know that you mean a lot to me. I mean, you're the closest thing I've had to a friend in awhile." He chuckles, blushes slightly, and looks back up at you.

"I know that the feelings aren't mutual, and all of that, but I love you Trigger. A lot. I mean, you're the only person in the world who's ever been nice to me. Who's just... y'know... been there for me. And I appreciate it. I'd take a bullet for you." His eyes start to gloss, tears forming. "I know you don't feel the same-"

You pull him into a tight hug. "I don't know what I feel right now Gabe. But I appreciate it. I appreciate you looking out for me, for just letting me cry on you- you've been my only escape from this hellhole of a place." You break from the hug and smile at him.

"In a different world I'd love you too." He smiles.
"Now, Gabe. Here's the deal. I want you to get out of here, go find yourself a nice young woman, get married, have a girl, and name her Jane (Y/N) "Trigger" Brown. Actually, scratch that. Have as many kids as you want. Keep my name though." You laugh and smile at him.

In another life, you could see each other being a couple. But you aren't sure you've even processed your feelings for Jesse... but you can't feel them now. You tell yourself that every day.

"Brown!" You hear Martin calling for Gabriel from down the hall. "Stop making out with (L/N)! They're here!"

Gabriel turns, tears falling down his face, and mouths a single word. "Run." Before exiting and locking your cell.

You go cold as you hear footsteps echoing from down the hallway. You shiver as a woman as cold as ice turns to face you. She's dressed in all black, the only color you see on her outfit is the bright red talon insignia. She stares at you, and people begin to gather behind her.

"Is this her?" The blue woman asks.
"Why would we have reason to believe otherwise?" A woman wearing a strange pack on her back steps to look in on you.

All of a sudden, a woman materializes out of thin air, and leans on your cell bars. "Yeah, she's the one from (Y/City). Her legs are pretty expensive." The woman chuckles and turns to you. She waves mockingly at you. "Can she even speak?" The redhead with the weird gear asks.

Martin strides over. "Yeah. Now how much you want her for? We couldn't get much out of her."

"We never said we wanted her." A man with a skull face mask chimes in. "We just said we wanted to see what you had for us. She doesn't look like much."

"Report to Doomfist, Sombra. He'll want to know about this. So sad he was hung up with killing that ridiculous Lena Oxton that he couldn't make it here."

Your heart pounds in your chest. "Such a shame. She seemed like a lovely girl." You start to panic, and the redheaded woman starts to laugh. "Ah yes. There's some emotion. Where is Doomfist actually?"

"At some Gala getting some information. Not that he needed to. I already knew what he's looking for." The woman named Sombra replies sarcastically.

"I'll go tell the boss man. Hopefully he can punch the information out of John because it was hard enough with blackmail. Adios chica!" She waves at the redhead.

"Moira." The blue woman says, still staring at you. "What will we do with her if we get the ok?"
"Do what we did to you, sweetheart." The blue woman narrows her eyes. She seems... angry?
"Ah. Yes." Her face fixes into its normal blank stare. They begin to walk away, but the blue woman looks back at you, almost sadly.

"Widow, come on" you hear the redhead who Sombra called Moira calling for the blue woman. She simply turns and walks away.

Gabriel comes back 20 minutes later and says, "They'll be back tomorrow. You need to get out of here before they come back." His voice is laced with urgency.

"Gabe- I don't know if I can. I'm so weak, I can barely stand."
"(Y/N), you have to. Please. I'm begging you. I don't want you dying in here. You have to go!" He bangs on the bars of your cell.

"Gabe..." You look at him, his eyes lit with a fire you've never seen before. Then he does something unexpected.

He unlocks your cell, and hoists you up. "One way or another, I'm getting you out of here, (Y/N)."

"Gabe- Gabe no! They'll kill you!"
"You have to leave!"
"Gabe! Stop!" You pound on his arms, trying to get him to stop walking.
"No! I'm not going to stop. I don't care what happens to me. You have to get out of here!"
He "yells" at you quietly, trying not to attract attention.

"Brown." You turn to meet the eyes of another guard.

"Bedroom's that way." He points down a different hall. The opposite way of where you're going.

"That's not what's going on, James." Gabe drops you, and puches the guy in the face. His head flies back and hits a pole, and knocks him out.

"Hey! Break it up!" Martin comes over, shoving Gabriel backwards. Then he turns to see you on the ground.

"What's going on here?" He asks in a low tone.

"Nothing sir. I was trying to stop her from leaving."
"Horsesh**t." He growls. Martin picks Gabriel up by the collar of his shirt and holds him up against a wall.
"I'll ask one more time. What is going on here?" Gabriel doesn't respond. He stares Marin dead in the eyes, and spits in his face.

Marin throws Gabriel down on to the ground, and kicks him in his face. You're stunned. You start to move towards the exit, hoping this is your chance.

Then you see Martin draw his gun.

"You think you can talk to me like that boy?!" Martin stomps on his face, and you hear a crunch as Gabriel's nose breaks. Gabriel gets up and punches Martin in the face. At this point, it's a full of fist fight. Soon, Gabriel has Martin on the floor and is punching him over and over.

The rest of the gang breaks up the fight. They have to restrain Gabriel. "No one talks to me like that!" Gabriel says, spitting blood. "And no one hurts my friends."

He turns to you, looks you in the eyes, and mouths, "go."

You smile back and him, and start to turn, but then...

There's a hole in his forehead.

Gabriel crumples to the floor.

You don't freeze.

You run.

JESSE (Mcree X Fem Reader) | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now