Chapter Seventeen: Caged

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Slight gore warning for later in the chapter if you're squeamish. I'll say right before when it happens just so you don't have to skip the whole chapter.

You're shoved harshly into a cell with an iron bench suspended from the wall. You grab the bars, shaking, desperate to get out. "No! No. no..." You scream but your voice quickly becomes a whisper. You fall to the ground, tears in your eyes. "This has gone horribly wrong..."

You aren't sure who to blame. Jesse, yourself, Morrison for not stopping you, Martin... all that you know is the pain you feel. Your brain forces you to replay the gunshot over and over and over, never relenting. You watch Jesse fall time and time again, and each time you become more sure that it was fatal. That he won't come back. That you'll rot in this cell...

Then you remember. Your watch. You can call Overwatch HQ. Request backup. However the watch is sorely missing from your wrist. You swear loudly, still sobbing. Everything feels hopeless. Your curl up on the bench. You're not sure what comes next. You're not sure what to do. But you need to get home. For your family. For your friends. For Jesse. Or his memory. You just aren't sure where to start.

So instead, you allow yourself the small comfort of crying. Holding on to some sliver of hope that Jesse is out there somewhere, waiting to come and save you. Maybe he got to the packs. Maybe it didn't hit his heart. Maybe it was a clean shot. Maybe. Maybe. Maybe. Maybes are the only comfort you have.

But they're better than being hopeless.

Days pass. They drag on, your mind starting to become numb. You sometimes hear screams from down the hall, days like those you feel a pit form in your stomach and blood drains from your face.

Each day you hold on to a new strand of hope. Jesse will find a way. He's strong. He'll find a way to get us out of here without calling Overwatch, and if he has to call Overwatch in so be it.

You sit on the bench, stomach rumbling. You've only been fed once. You notice the lack of guards by your cell. They really do think I'm that weak. You sigh.

You stand to your feet, and pace around the room. "(L/N)." You turn to see Gabriel leaning against the bars of your cell door. "What do you want?"

"Just wanted to tell you that I've got nothing against you. Jesse, yeah. I do. I wasn't sure if they were gonna kill him right away, but all that we knew is that getting you here is a surefire way to make sure he's here too." You turn away. "(Y/N), you chose to be here. You can't blame anyone but yourself."

You spin around faster than you ever have, and stride over to the bars, grabbing them. "I have plenty of people to blame." You snarl. He smiles slightly, and reaches through the bars to try to touch your face. Before he can, you grab his wrist.

"Do you want a broken wrist?" You let his hand go. He pulls it back and chuckles. "That would be less than ideal." You scowl at him. "Would you like your wife to find out about this?"

"Wife's a cover story. I'm single and ready to mingle." You scoff at him before returning to the seat.

"Look, I'm sorry that you're stuck here. I don't make the rules. If I did, I'd at least feed you more, at most I'd... I'd let you go." He smiles, looking down. Your heart beats faster. "I'll go see if I can grab you something to eat. You look hungry." He walks away, still smiling.

You scoff. At least I get food. He returns later with a tray of less than appetizing mush. "Better than nothing." You say. He opens the door, and closes it behind him. He hands you the tray. You start to wonder wether the door is locked or not. "Don't bother." You look up from your food to meet his eyes. "The second I came in another guy stared guarding out of sight." He keeps his voice low. He pulls out his gun. "I don't want to hurt you (Y/N), but I don't want to die either. And I'd rather be here to help you than be dead and have you be hurt more." He puts his gun away when he sees the fire in your eyes die. "Sorry for the scrapes earlier." He traces the cut on your cheek with his eyes. "I guess we both had parts to play, huh?" He chuckles again and turns for the door. You stay silent. "If you need anything, let me know with this." He proceeds to tap out something on the wall.

JESSE (Mcree X Fem Reader) | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now