Chapter Eleven: Family

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Jo stopped moving completely as he gazed at his idol. Commander Morrison just smiles slightly, before saying, "Come on in kid." Jo follows, still speechless. "Y-you sure you have time to talk to me?" Jo finally says as he sits down across from Morrison. "I've got a good hour before Ana will get on my case about paperwork." You weren't one-hundred percent sure if Morrison would humor you and your brother, but you were happy to see he had time to talk.

"I'll leave you two to it. Jo, I'm going to go find my friend, we'll be down in the sparring area, you remember where that is, right?"

"Umm yeah. Yeah." You don't even need to ask, you know he'd already memorized the path you walked and the layout of the facility. "And there are directories everywhere just in case. When you come find me, we can chat, and if you want we can hang out with my friend too." You tell him as you walk out the door. "Sure thing." He smiles at you as he mouthed "Thanks."

You duck as Jesse aims a punch at your face. You swing and he catches it, before twisting your arm sideways. "Ah!" You yelp in pain before elbowing him in the stomach. His grip breaks, and you punch him in the side of the face. He falls, but almost immediately gets back up. "Is that all you got McCree?"

"Oh you wish (L/N)." He runs at you, and fakes you out with a punch, but you anticipate it, and duck. Turns out he accounted for this and soon his knee collides with your jaw, and you're knocked to the floor. You continue to fight the best you can, struggling back and forth for a solid 5 minutes. Finally, he knocks you on the floor. You feel him lift you to your knees as he puts your hands behind your back, and you say, "Surrender." He chuckles. "Well, you almost got me at one point." He holds his hand out to you and helps you up to your feet. For a brief moment, your faces are closer to each other then they've ever been, but Jesse steps back to say, "Looks like you've got company (Y/N)." Jo waves happily from outside the sparring area.

You both walk out to greet him. "Jo, this is my friend Jesse. Jesse, this is my brother Jo."
Despite you already introducing them, Jo says, "Hello, I'm Joseph (L/N)." He extends his hand and Jesse shakes it. "Pleasure to meet you Jo. I'm Jesse McCree."

"M-McCree? Woah..." he looks down at the floor and ruffles his hair. "You've got quite a reputation down south..." Jo moved down south for four years getting his masters in engineering. "Well I hope it's better than it was a couple years ago." Jo laughs. "Some people are angry, others are, well.... happy you're gone. But Deadlock activity has grown, it was pretty bad while I was down there."

"Yeah, I know. And I'm planning to do something about that."

"About what Jesse?" You see him tense up a bit, before saying, "I'll tell you about that later. So Jo, where were you in New Mexico?" Jo perks up as the conversation involves him once more. "Oh, I lived in Santa Fe, the outskirts. Actually wasn't far from Deadlock Gorge, but I was told to avoid it at all costs so I never took the time to go anyway- but honestly I was just too busy, you know school work and stuff, so no time for friends or field trips-"

"Red light." You say, your code for when either of you were rambling. "Hah! It's been awhile since I've heard that." Jo smiles, before pulling you into a hug. The hug is too short, but Jo breaks first, and turns to Jesse. "So, Mr.McCree-"

"Call me Jesse." He looks slightly annoyed by Jo's odd attempt at formalities. "When are you going to fix that?" Jesse looks downward a bit, like he doesn't want to tell Jo the truth or something. "Tomorrow." Jo puts the pieces together within seconds, and he looks up at Jesse. "Are you insane?" He glares at Jesse.

"You and my sister, an unprepared unplaced agent and their #1 target..." he swears quietly. "How do you think that she's going to live?" You feel your heart drop and you become nervous. "Jo, what are you talking about? This is a mission hand picked by Jesse, he knows what he's doing, and plus, I know the risks of this job, but I'm doing it."

"But you don't know what you're up against!" Jo raises his voice. He looks like he's having a hard time processing the information, something that never happens. "What is he talking about Jesse?" You look at your friend. "Nothing, we'll be fine."

"Jesse, why are you being so dismissive?"
"I'm not!"
"Then look at me!" He turns to face you, and you see that at first glance he's a bit angry, but he holds worry in his eyes. "Jesse, I trust you, but I need you to be honest with me. Why is Jo so concerned? Who are these people? What are we-"

"Enough!" Jesse raises his voice, the first time he's ever done that to you. "We will be fine, thank you." He huffs and turns around, swearing under his breath. "Look, Jo, this seems risky."

"Um yeah, you think?" Jesse looks annoyedly at Jo. "But I will take care of your sister, and if she gets hurt, you can slap me, punch me, whatever, and I won't fight back. But if there's one thing I know, it's that (Y/N) doesn't back down from a fight. Whatever we go through won't stop us. And we can always retreat and back out if it proves to be too much for us. I promise I will do everything I can to keep her safe." Jesse puts his hands on Jo's shoulders reassuringly. "Now, why don't you two spend some more time together? I'm going to go talk with Morrison for a bit."

"See you Jesse..." you can't help but feel like Jesse is hiding something huge from you, but you put your nervous feelings aside to hang out with your brother.

You had been talking in the room where you'd been sleeping, with one girl scheduled to go with Mei the next day on her bunk. It was odd with her being there, but she had headphones on so she presumably couldn't hear your conversation. All of a sudden you heard a knock. "Excuse me, is Joseph (L/N) in here?" Jo looked at me confusedly. "Yes?" The door opened, it was a man in a black suit, looked like he was a taxi driver of some sort. Jo swore. "I need to go home I guess. Dad's getting home too- he wanted you to be there too, but..." instead of saying anything, you just hugged Jo. "Don't run your mouth you dork." Jo chuckled. "Stay safe. Promise me you'll be okay."

"I'll be okay... I promise." All of a sudden, Jesse knocked on the door, and poked his head in. "(Y/N). They changed our plans." Jo perks up. "We have to leave in 15 minutes." Jo sighs, and gives you another hug. "Promise me..."

"I love you Jo."
"I love you too." You hug, before he lets go, and you two head your separate ways. You head right to the aircraft wing, and he heads left towards the exit. A single tear streams down your face as you walk down the halls. After 10 minutes of walking, you both sling your bags over your shoulders and face the aircraft.

"I'm ready."

JESSE (Mcree X Fem Reader) | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now