Chapter Five

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Samantha went to bed that night, not forgetting the kiss Thorin had given her.  He kissed me! That handsome dwarf king kissed me! We only knew each other for a night! How can this be possible? Samantha thought, as she drifted off into sleep.  The next morning, Samantha woke up early and started on breakfast.  Judith and Merrilee shortly joined her. The rest of the company soon followed. "He kissed me! And I liked it! The dwarf kissed me!" said Samantha loudly to herself as she prepared breakfast. "Aunt Sam!" called out Judith.  But Samantha ignored Judith's call, and she kept going on her musings about Thorin's kiss. "Aunt Sam! Earth to Aunt Sam!" called out Merrilee. "Lass, your nieces are calling for you!" said Balin.  Samantha snapped out of it at the sound of the older dwarf's voice. "Oh! I'm sorry. I was in deep thought." said Samantha quickly. "You're acting a bit strange this morning, Aunt Sam. Are you okay?" asked Judith. "I'm fine! Quite peachy in fact." said Samantha. "Peachy? You seem more than just peachy, Aunt Sam." said Merrilee. "Girls, Thorin kissed me last night." smiled Samantha. "WHAT? That hotness of a dwarf kissed you?!" exclaimed Judith softly. "It came out of the blue and quite unexpected actually." said Samantha.  "Fili really likes me a lot! He told me that himself!" smiled Merrilee. Samantha laughed. "And Kili likes me too." piped in Judith.

Samantha laughed. "It seems all three of us have a Royal!" chuckled the girls Aunt.   "Yes" laughed Merrilee. "How is my little apple this morning?" asked Fili, sitting next to Merrilee "Little Apple?" exclaimed Samantha bursting into laughter.  Thorin shortly came in and joined them. "Breakfast! Thank you Sam! I didn't know you cooked." said Thorin. "Aunt Samantha always cooked! She's superwoman! She can do everything!" spoke up Merrilee. The other dwarves smiled and chuckled at Merrilee's words. "Where's Bilbs? Why isn't he awake yet?" asked Judith. "He was up late last night talking to me." said Merrilee. "No wonder he's sleeping in." said Judith.  "He doesn't want to go, he told me that himself. I even tried convincing him to come. But he seems very adamant about it." said Merrilee. "Well its for the best. The hobbit would be only a nuisance to us anyway." said Thorin, overhearing the conversation.  Merrilee stood up, glaring at Thorin. "How dare you talk about Bilbo that way! You shouldn't judge people when you barely even know them! Bilbo is a nice hobbit, by all means, which doens't make him  nuisance, you disgusting beast!" shouted Merrilee.

"You don't raise your voice to me, child! Samantha! Don't you ever discipline your nieces?" boomed Thorin. "Thorin, she has every right to speak her mind, and I agree with her. Talking trash about a kind and gentle person is wrong, and you're being an-excuse my language, an ass hole about it." said Thorin.  "This discussion is over." growled Thorin. "Why is he like that?!" asked Merrilee. "He and the dwarves had a hard life, Merrilee! They lost their home many years ago because of a dragon. Thorin lost his grandfather and brother during an orc war," explained Judith.  "Well it doesn't mean that he has to take it out on us and Bilbo, Miss Nerd bomber of the year!" snapped Merrilee. "Who are you calling a nerd bomber?!" snapped Judith. "I'm calling you a nerd bomber, fart face!!" yelled Merrilee. "You take that back!" screamed Judith. "NO!" shouted Merrilee. Before the twins fight elevated in even more, Samantha interevened. "ENOUGH! You two shouldn't be fighting! And name calling is immature. Now the both of you apologize!" said Samantha. "No!" growled Merrilee. "Don't you say no to me, Merrilee Elizabeth! I said apologize!" said Samantha sharply.  "No, we won't apologize!" said Judith. Now, this time Thorin intervened.

 "You better apologize, or you will be left behind!" snapped Thorin, glaring the girls.  "You can't tell us what to do! You're not our father! Just because our Aunt got her kiss last night, doesn't mean you have to take over our lives!" shouted Judith.  Damn it! This is getting out of control! And Damn that girl for bringing that subject up! thought Samantha. Suddenly, Samantha grabbed both girls by the ears, taking them outside. Thorin chuckled. "Now that's how it should be done." said Thorin softly. Samantha came back inside, leaving the twins outside to settle their differencs. "Thorin, I really do apologize about my girl's behavior. They are young teenagers, and young ones teen to act out  at times." said Samantha. Samantha worried that Thorin would yell at her and criticise her parenting skills, but he didn't. To her surprise, he placed his hand on her shoulder. "I have two nephews who are the same way, Sam. You're not alone!" smiled Thorin softly.  Samantha chuckled. "Is it safe for me to go outside to check on Judith?" asked Fili. "Yes, just don't get them angry!" said Samantha. "Trust me, I won't!" grinned Fili. "I'll come with you!" said Kili.

  "I just hope my girls behavior don't rub off on your nephews." sighed Samantha.  Thorin laughed. "I believe it already has!" said Thorin.  

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