Chapter Twenty-Six: The Royal Wedding

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Three days later, one hour before wedding/coronation ceromony..

All morning, the entire kingdom had been busy preparing for the biggest event of that year. The wedding and coronation of Thorin Oakenshield and Samantha,daughter of Pallando. Samantha had been busy in her quarters, with the help of Dis, Judith, Merrilee, Sigrid, Tilda and Galadriel, who all helped her of getting ready for her big day. "You surely gave Thorin a whopper in the nose, Dis!" said Samantha. Dis laughed. "He had it coming, you know." said Dis. "He looks funny with that bandage on his nose. He looks like he's about to join a syncronized swimiming team!" said Merrilee. All the women laughed at Merrillee's remark. "That's one way to look good on your wedding is to wear a bandage on your nose. Thorin doesn't mind it though." said Dis. "I'm sure he doesn't!" laughed Samantha. "Have a look, Sam." whispered Dis, as they approached the long mirror in the bedroom. Samantha gasped. Se couldn't believe how beautiful she looked in her wedding gown. The gown was white, embroidered with diamonds on the full length skirt which, she had to turn sideways when she walk through the doors, because the skirt was very full. And it was how she liked her gowns. Samantha always loved gowns with very full skirts, just like in the old movies she once watched with Judith and Merrilee.

Upon her head, was the circlet that Thorin had given her that belonged to Thorin and Dis' mother. "I recognize that circlet!" smiled Dis. "Thorin said it would really look good on me on our wedding. At first I didn't want to take it, because ite belonged to you and Thorin's mother." said Samantha. "Sam,its yours. Thorin wants you to keep it, because its part of you. Father gave it our mother on their wedding day. And its tradition that it would be passed down." said Dis. Samantha smiled. "In other news, Kili and Tauriel is going to be married next month!" grinned Merrilee. "How do you know that?" asked Samantha. "Tauriel told me!" grinned Merrilee. "Wow, everyone is going to get married." laughed Dis. "Fili hasn't asked me yet. We decided with everything going on, we're going to wait for a little while." said Judith. "That's a good idea, Judith." said Samantha smiling at her niece. "Well, I'm ready." said Samantha. "We still have an hour untili the ceremony." said Judith. "Lets work on our nails then!" beamed Merrilee. "Good idea!" said Dis.  

Meanwhile, Thorin sat in the parlor chamber alone. Thorin, already dressed in his wedding attire. He truly looked like a king now. He wore a dark blue tunic, with gold buttons, and a dark blue fur overcoat. He worn his hair down, as always, with diamond beads in his braids. Thorin sat by the fireplace smoking his pipe, while waiting.  Suddenly, Balin and Dwalin entered the parlor, followed by another. The other person that came in with them, none other than Bilbo Baggins. "Wow! You truly look like a king now, Thorin. I almost couldn't recognize you!" beamed Bilbo. Thorin smiled as he watched his friends enter the room. "You look younger, just like the Prince I remembered!" smiled Balin. "Just take out the silver streaks!" chuckled Dwalin. "Hey! I earned those silver in my hair, thank ynou very much. Not to mention all of you had given me the silver." said Thorin, playfully. Everyone laughed. An hour passed. The Time came for the wedding.  Thorin stood up in front with Gandalf, Elrond, Thranduil, and Bard.

At Thorin's right side stood Fili and Kili dressed in their formal attire, alongside with Balin and Dwalin. The rest of the company sat in front of them.Dain also was there, and he stood on the left side of Thorin, holding Thror's crown on a small pillow.  Soon as the music began, the wedding/coronation ceremony started. Thorin gasped, as he saw his bride approached them. He had never seen Samantha looked so beautiful. Her father, Pallando walked beside her. Following behind her, was the bridal party. Dis, Matron of honor, Judith and Merrilee Matrons of honor, Tilda flower girl, Sigrid and Galadriel are the brides maids, who held up Samantha's long train of her wedding gown. Bilbo came too, as a ring bearer, carrying the wedding bands.  The ceremonies began, when Gandalf began to speak. "Who gives away the bride?" asked Gandalf. "I do." said Pallando, smiling, and he kissed Samantha on the cheek, and stood back, allowing Thorin to step foward, now facing Samantha.  Judith and Merrilee, kept wiping tears from their eyes. "We should stop! Its ruining our mascara!" said  Merrilee. Dis laughed. "We look like crows." said Judith. "Do you have a hanky?" asked Merrilee softly. "I got one right here." said Dis. 

After the wedding portion of the ceremony ended, the coronation ceremony began.  Dain handed over Thror's crown to Gandalf, as Gandalf placed the crown on Thorin's head. "Here stands Thorin II Oakenshield, son of Thrain, King Under The Mountain, and Samantha, daughter of Pallando, Queen Under the Mountain!" announced Gandalf, after placing a small golden crown on Samantha's head. Everyone cheered.  Thorin and Samantha turned and faced all the family and friends and guest gathered in the Throne Room. "Hail Thorin II Oakenshield, King Under the Mountain, and Samantha, Queen Under the Mountain!" announced Bard, and everyone chanted the line following Bard. Samantha wiped a tear from her eye. She couldn't believe its official. They are now husband and wife, King and Queen. Suddenly, to Samantha's surprise, Thorin began to chant in Khuzudul, followed by the other dwarves. And the sound of drums was heard as Thorin and all the dwarves chanted.

Samantha had never heard anything so beautiful. Her heart raced as she listened to Thorin's voice. His voice sounded more beautiful than it ever sounded. Samantha squeezed her husband's hand tightly. When the chanting ended, everyone gathered in the Great Hall for the feasting.  Many friends, family and guests gathered around Thorin and Samantha has they give them their congratulations on their big day. All this attention overwhelmed Samantha, and she felt the need to sit down. "And not to mentioni I'm getting a little hungry!" said Samantha. Thorin smiled. "Come, lets go and sit down. They are about to bring out the food." said Thorin, guiding Samantha to a large table, where the two of them sat, alongside Balin, Dwalin, Fili, Kili, and Judith and Merrilee. "Stop stepping on my foot!" hissed Judith to Fili. "I'm not stepping on your foot." said Fili grinning. "Hey you two! No playing footsies until later!" joked Merrilee. "We're not playing footsies!" said Judith.. Supper was shortly served, and everyone ate. "Slow down, Aunt Sam! We're not having a eating competition here!" laughed Judith. "You pig!" said Merrilee. "I cannot help it. All this excitement makes one hungry!" said Samantha. Thorin laughed. "I think Bombur is starting to rub off on you!" grinned Thorin. "Ha, ha! Very funny!" smirked Samantha.

When supper ended, the music and dancing began. Thorin and Samantha led the first dance, and the others followed. Merrilee and Bain danced, as well as Dis and Dwalin, Fili and Judith, and Tauriel and Kili. "Kee, you're stepping on my foot." said Tauriel grinning. "Oops. Sorry!" grinned Kili. All the dancing wore out Samantha, and she sat down again. "Why are you tiring out so easily, Sam?" asked Thorin. "I don't know, Thorin." said Samantha. Thorin sat down with his wife, wrapping his arm around his wife, when suddenly, everyone requested for Thorin to sing. "Thorin, sing us something!" called  out a dwarf. "You're getting requests, Thorin!" grinned Samantha. Thorin smiled. "And I know just a song to sing too! Dwalin, bring me my harp!" said Thorin..  Dwalin brought forth Thorin's harp, Thorin sat down, pulling the harp close to him. Thorin placed his fingers on the silver strings and he started to play and sing. His deep voice rose above the music, and he sang of his love for Samantha.

Samantha's heart pounded. Every time she hears Thorin, she couldn't help but melt. If he were to live in her world, and all the women heard him sing, they would throw themselves at him, and she had to do whatever it takes to protect Thorin from them. She chuckled to herself. Thankfully, she is glad she stayed in Middle Earth.  When Thorin struck a final chord on the harp, he ended the song, and loud applause and cheering came afterwards. Thorin stood up and approached Samantha. Samantha threw her arms around her husband, planting a long kiss on him. "The song is very, beautiful, Thorin." whispere Samantha. "Its for you!" purred Thorin. "Thorin--!" began Samantha. "Yes,Sam?" asked Thorin."Can we go to our quarters now?" asked Samantha. Thorin smiled. "Of course." said Thorin. While everyone else continued their celebrating, Thorin and Samantha retired to their private quarters, spending their first night as husband and wife. Thorin climbed into the large bed, shortly after Samantha, taking her into his arms, pulling her close to his chest. 

"This is the happiest day of my life." said Samantha. "Its the happiest of mine too. Samantha, I'm so glad you came into my life. I wouldn't know what to do!"  said Thorin, gently brushing Samantha's cheek. "This is the first night we start out lives together." said Samantha."Thank, Mahal!" purred Thorin, and he rolled on top of Samantha, blowing out the candle in their room. 


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