Chapter Twenty-Five

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"Fili, you shouldn't be here." snarked Thorin. "I have every right to be here, Uncle! We're celebrating Bard's son birthday! What are you doing here?!" barked Fili angriliy. "That is none of your damn business!" snarled Thorin. Fili could see that Thorin is very drunk. "I hope you realize what you're getting into Uncle." snarled Fili. "What are you talking about, boy?" snapped Thorin. "Messing around with other women, knowing that you'll be getting married soon." shot back Fili. "Fili, I swear if you say one word to anyone about this, I will KILL YOU!" roared Thorin. "Thorin, they have every right to know. They have every right to know of your despictable behavior. Its callous, uncalled for, and you're showing to us that you're unfaithful to Sam!" yelled Fili, and he stormed out of the room  The young dwarf had too He came close of wanting to strike his Uncle, and deep down in his heart, he didn't want to, because he would never raise his fist at his own flesh and blood. "Fili? Is everything okay?" asked Merrilee."We must tell Samantha and Dis about this." said Fili. "No, we cannot tell Aunt Sam! She would be devastated!" snapped Judith. "We have to tell her, Judith. She's going to find out someway or other!" said Fili, and he left the pub. "Fili!  Wait!" called out Judith, and she followed the dwarf prince.

But no sooner as Fili and Judith stepped out of the pub, they saw Samantha, Dwalin and Dis approaching them. "Aunt Sam, Dis! Mister Dwalin! What are you doing here?!" cried out Judith. "We were worried about  you so we came down to see if you're okay!" said Dis. "But really? It took all three of you just to come and see us?" asked Judith. "Judith, I can tell in your eyes something is wrong. What is going on?" asked Samantha. "Sam, don't go in there! Please. Merrilee is okay with Bain, Kili and Tauriel." said Fili. "I just wanted to say hello to them? Is it a problem?" asked Sam. "Aunt Sam, I really don't think you should go in there." warned Judith. "Will someone tell me what in the hell is going on here?!" snapped Samantha. Fili looked down at his feet. "Sam, I don't know how to tell you this, but its Uncle Thorin!" said Fili gravely. "Yeah? What about him?" asked Samantha. "We found him kissing and making out with another woman, and he is in a very, very drunk state." said Judith sadly. "WHAT?!" screamed Judith. "Judith, don't go in there and make a scene! We don't want to see you get arrested." said Fili. 

"No. I'll go in there and handle this!" snapped Dis hotly, and she bolted inside the pub.  Dwalin made sure Samantha had stayed outside, so she wouldn't go in and make a scene.  Meanwhile, DIs entered the pub, and stormed into the room where Thorin was sitting. Dis could see the same woman still all over her brother. Dis charged at the woman, throwing fists at the woman, knocking her to the ground, Thorin quickly stood up, trying to pull Dis away from the human, but there was no stopping Dis, she pushed Thorin back, continuing to attack the woman. "Leave my brother alone, bitch!" roared Dis, as she continuing throwing punches at the woman. Finally Thorin couldn't take it anymore,and he lifted Dis away from the woman. "What is the meaning of this, sister?!" barked Thorin. Dis, suddenly struck Thorin in the nose, with every strength she had. "OW!" barked Thorin, reaching for his nose. 

 "What was that for?!" yelled Thorin. "You know bloody well why I done it, Thorin!" fumed Dis. "Will you be a more specific? What is going on?!" yelled Thorin. "You tell me. I thought you wanted to get married Thorin! I thought you loved Samantha! She is outside right now, as we speak, hurting. They told her." said Dis. Thorin fell silent. "You need to think what you are doing, Thorin. You're going end up losing someone for good over this. Someone who means more than to you than all the treasure of Erebor. Then you'll go back to the grumpy Thorin we all know." said Dis darkly, and she walked away. By the time Dis stepped out of the pub, Dwalin had already took Samantha back to their home, followed behind Merrilee, Judith, Fili and Kili.  And Dis shortly followed them. Once they arrived back home, Samantha went straight to her and Thorin's private quarters, and she collapsed on the bed, weeping heavily.  Meanwhile, Thorin left the pub, and he walked over to the pier, and he sat down, looking over the Lake.  Thorin closed his eyes, and he could see images of Samantha in his mind, remembering her gentle touch, and the way she kissed him, and charm. Tears slid down his face

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