Chapter Seven

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"Well it began two years before the girls and I arrived here.  I was on my way home from grocery shopping, when suddenly my car broke down. That was just the beginning of my bad day that day. And where I was located, I tried to call home for help, but my cell phone had no signal, so I was stuck. I called and called for help, but no help came.  Suddenly, I saw two men dressed all in black approach me. At the time, I was hoping these men would help me with my car, so I decided to ask them. Then men nodded and kindly looked over my car.  The first man said my battery was dead. I was like 'shit, ths isn't good' I thought to myself.  Then the second man spoke up offering me a ride back to my hometown. And stupid me, I agreed on their offer. As I sat in the car, the first man smiled at me, his breath stunk of alcohol, and lord only knows what other drugs he's taking.  He made quite a few compliments about how beautiful and sexy I am, then he went into a interlude where he said he wanted me, to take me to make me his slave. I told him he isn't going to touch me, not without my consent. And what does this man do? He grew angry, jumped into the back seat, stripped me of my clothing, and raped me! He nearly stabbed me in the chest, but I kicked him so hard and I tried to make my escape, but the second man stopped me. I  fought these men off of me, kicking them out of their own car. I snatched the first man's keys, and I made my way home." said Samantha.

"Sam, I'm so sorry. Any man who would do such a horrible act to a woman is an evil good for nothing bastard, and should be killed." said Thorin. By the time I came home, I phoned the police of my situation, giving every detail of the profile of these men.  Two days later, the men were arrested and placed and jail. But here is the kicker, the thing that really angered me the most. When I appeared in court for their trial, the judge set them free! Set them free! And the judge had the nerve to blame ME for the frikken ordeal!" said Samantha, wiping a tear from her eyes.  "That isn't right. This judge man had no idea what he's doing. Is all people like that in your world?" asked Thorin. "Not all people, but most people, yes." said Samantha, as she laid her head on Thorin's chest. "Well you have nothing to worry about now, Sam. You're here with me, and you're safe. I will allow no one to land a hand on you."  said Thorin softly.

 As Thorin held her for a while, Thorin hummed a soft tune to help Samantha relax.  Samantha had forgotten all her worries when Thorin started humming.  The next morning, Samantha woke up, still in Thorin's arms. Thorin shortly woke up. "Its time for us to get going." said Thorin, as she mounted on his pony, followed by Samantha. Judith and Merrilee smiled at Samantha. "Has he asked you to court him yet, Aunt Sam?" called out Judith, as they rode that day.  It started to rain, but it didn't effect the women any, because they are used to rain. "No, he hasn't asked me yet. But I'm expecting him to ask. But really, we really shouldn't rush into a relationship. You two remember how my past relationships turned out." said Samantha. "Aunt Sam, Thorin will treat you a lot better than your past boyfriends you had in your life." said Judith. "I know." said Samantha.  As they ridden that day, Samantha could hear Dori complain about the rain.

 Samantha couldn't help but chuckle at Gandalf's reply.  The subject shortly turned to other wizard's like Gandalf, which was brought up by Bilbo.  "Pallando is a blue wizard, I very rarely remember meeting, and there is Saruman the White, and Radagast the Brown." said Gandalf.  The name of Pallando sounded familiar.  "Why does that name ring a  bell to me?" asked Samantha.  She remembered her father's name was Pallando.  She shook her at head.  There are times that different people in the world could share a same name.  Samantha's father is named Pallando, but doesn't necessariliy mean her father is a wizard.  Later the company stopped to make camp near some old ruins.  Samantha didn't like the feel the presence of the area. She had a feeling this place would be far too dangerous to make camp, but Thorin insisted they would stop there.

 She wanted to bring this subject up, but it appeared that Gandalf had beat her to it.  Samantha walked over to Thorin and Gandalf. "Please Thorin, take Gandalf's advice, and lets go to Rivendell. They are nothing like the wood elves, Thorin Oakenshield." spoke up Samantha.  "This conversation doesn't concern you, Samantha, no go back and sit with the others." scowled Thorin. "Thorin, Miss Williams is part of this company too, she has every right to express her concerns." said Gandalf. "Thank you, Gandalf!" smiled Samantha. "You are wrong, Gandalf. She's defying me, the King and Leader of this company. When I say we're going to stop here, we're going to stop here! And as for the elves, we'll bypass Rivendell!" snapped Thorin angrily. "You self centered son of a bitch! You're going to put you entire company in danger because of your selfish needs! I'm not going to have it!" shouted Samantha.  "And I'm not going to have a woman in my company giving me attitude! I should've never allowed you and your brat nieces to join our company!" yelled Thorin.  Samantha quickly and angrily turned away walking back to the camp, tears running down her face. 

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