Chapter Thirteen

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That day as they traveled to the Mountain Pass, Samantha had remained quiet the whole time, worried and saddened about her niece's departure. She didn't understand what happened. Nobody said anything wrong to her. But the one who really took Merrilee's departure the hardest is Kili. Kili loved her, and he asked her hand in courtship during their stay in Rivendell. But he began to wonder if Merrilee really loved him, and started doubting her actual feelings for him, that made his heart sank. He really truly loved her, and if something happened to her, he would be lost.  Samantha told herself that the next time they would make camp, she would try and use a spell to determine Merrilee's wherabouts. But she dismissed her thoughts quickly, as they started climbing the Mountain, and the weather had turned for the worst. It rained, thundered and lightening, with heavy gusts of wind.   Suddenly, something caught everyone's attention. Two stone giants appeared, throwing boulders at each other. They're actions caused the entire mountain to shake. "We must seek shelter!" called out Thorin. Suddenly, Judith quickly slipped from the Mountain's ledge, but Samantha quickly came to Judith, pulling her back up. "Thanks, Auntie." said Judith. "Please be careful. Its very slippery up here." advised Samantha.  

Suddenly, a boulder came crashing down in between FIli and Kili. "KILI!" cried out Fili. Thorin moaned. Samantha closed her eyes. She decided she can remove the boulder herself. "What are you doing, Sam?" asked Dwalin. "Watch this." said Samantha, and she closed her eyes, mumbling an incantation. A bolt of lightening came down, striking the boulder, breaking into two. "Jump, Kili!" called out Samantha. "Did--Did-you just do that?!" stammered Fili, looking at Samantha in amazement. "Yes, the lightening thing I just did." said Samantha. "You are full of surprises, Miss Sam!" grinned Gloin.  Unfortunately, it wasn't the end of their troubles. They could hear a loud cry coming from Bilbo. "Oh no! Bilbo's slipped from the Mountain!" cried out Judith. Dwalin quickly ran to the hobbit, trying his best to pull the hobbit back up. But the surface was so slippery, Bilbo had a hard time reaching for Dwalin's hand.  Thorin quickly climbed down, grabbing the hobbit and pulling him back up on the Mountain.  "I thought we lost our burglar!" sighed Dwalin.  "The hobbit has been lost since he left his home. He has no business being out in the wild. He has no place amongst us." growled Thorin.

Thorin's words angered Samantha, and Judith. They could see the hurt in Bilbo's eyes when Thorin made the statement. "I cannot believe you! How dare you speak about Bilbo like that?! He couldn't help it that he fell, damn it! He has a place amongs us, he's our friend! And if you don't like that, well deal with it! You and your companions came 'uninvited' to his home, treated him poorly and trashed his place!" shouted Judith.  "Judith is right. You shouldn't be judging him, because you barely know two cents of him, Thorin! He will prove to you his worth. And if I don't see any kindness from you towards him, our courtship will end!" demanded Samantha, as she entered the cave and the others followed.   Thorin sat down after getting settled in the cave, thinking over Samantha's words. He noticed Samantha didn't want to sit with him, because she is angry with him the way he treated the hobbit.  

"Your aunt is angry at our Uncle again is he?" asked Fili. "Yes, Fili. I just wis your Uncle would be a little nicer to Bilbo. Blbo eventually would prove his worth. Thorin just haven't given him time to do that." said Judith. "I know. I don't understand what his issue with the hobbit is either. I like the little fellow. He's a very good cook, and tells good jokes. He was the one who taught us the Cat in the Moon Song. He wrote it himself you know." said Fili. Judith laughed. "Yes, I enjoyed Bofur's little performance in Rivendell." said Judith. Fili wrapped his arm around Judith. "You look sad, Judith." said Fili. "I don't understand it, Fili. Why would my sister just go off and leave us, without a word of good bye or anything. That isn't like her, you know." said Judith. "I know, Judith." said FIli. "I always thought Merrilee and I are two sides of the same coin. Now with her gone, its different." said Judith. Fili held Judith closer to him, while Judith laid her head upon Fili's chest. "Its okay, Judith. Maybe she'll return someday. She's your sister. She wouldn't stay gone long." said Fili.

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