Chapter Twenty Two

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Shortly, he found Samantha out on the balcony. To his shock and horror, he discovered that her left wrist is bleeding, and she was about to take a dagger to her other wrist. "SAM STOP!" Thorin boomed running to her, and taking the dagger from her. "What the hell? You give that back!" shouted Samantha. "I'm not going to let you do this to yourself, Sam." said Thorin firmly and gently. "Oh, and when did you decide to care? Oh gee, wait? You don't care! You value your gold more than you do humanity. Especially someone who was going to marry you!" cried out Samantha. "Sam." said Thorin emotionally. Suddenly, Pallando appeared. "Father!" cried out Samantha. "Let me mend your wrist, nd three of us are going to talk." said the blue wizard. "You must be her father!" said Thorin. "Yes I am, Thorin son of Thrain. Do you have any idea what you are doing to Samantha and everyone else around you?" asked the blue wizard. "No. I don't. I was just getting ready to talk about that with Sam, and my actions towards her earlier." said Thorin, trying to hide back the tears now swelling up in his eyes. Shortly, Gandalf came out. "I se that we got a little party out here. Thorin, Bard is here." said Gandalf. "Tell Bard, I'll talk to him later. Samantha's more important." said Thorin.

"No, we're going to talk now." said Bard walking behind Gandalf. "Damn it, Bard! This is delicate situation here. This could've waited!" snapped Samantha angrily. "What happened to Sam?" asked Bard. "It doesn't concern you, Bard. We'll discuss the treasure later." said Thorin. Bard sighed. As Bard walked away, Thorin stopped him. "Wait." said Thorin. Bard turned around, and looked at Thorin. "You will have a share in the treasure." said Thorin. Bard's eyes widened. He didn't know what to make of this. "Why all of a sudden a change of heart, Thorin? Where did this come from?" asked the man. Thorin sighed. "I had to save my future wife from making the most terrible mistake in her life, all because of my actions of greed. She was close of taking her own life when I stopped her." said Thorin. "She really loves you, Thorin. I haven't seen such a special bond since my wife lived. My wife and I were so very much in love." said Bard, sadly. "What happened to her?" asked Thorin. He really hated to ask this, he didn't want to make Bard feel sad.

"She died from pnemonia not too long after Bain was born." said Bard sadly. "I'm sorry for your loss, Bard." said Thorin. Suddenly, Thranduil came out. "Thorin is willing to share in the treasure." said Bard, smiling. Thranduil and Thorin looked at each other in awkward silence. As much it pained Thorin to say this, he looked at Thranduil and said. "You too will have a share---and there is something else you might want to have--in fact a couple things, that do belong to you!"  said Thranduil. The man and elf followed Thorin inside the mountain. "Where did Thorin go?" asked Samantha. "He has given a share of the treasure to Bard and Thranduil." smiled Pallando. "What made him change his mind?" asked Sam. "You ask him." said Pallando and he was about to walk away, when Gandalf stopped him. "Come and join us for supper, Pallando. Its been years since we last seen each other, we got a lot of catching up to do!" said Gandalf. Pallando smiled and nodded. "Come lets go and join the others." said Gandalf.

As they entered back into the mountain, Fili and Kili ran to Samantha. "Sam, we were so worried about you! Are you okay?!" asked Fili. "I'm Fine." said Samantha smiling. "Did you hear what Uncle is doing?" asked Kili, grinning. "Yes, I already know." said Samantha sitting down. Samantha sat down. "Lass, why are you bandaged up?" asked Balin."I don't want to talk about this now, Balin." said Samantha. Balin nodded. Samantha saw Tauriel sitting with Kili.  Merrilee was talking to Bain who is also there, because he came with Bard. "Look at Merrilee and Bain! See how happy they are together?" said Judith. "Its so cute its disgusting!" said Samantha with a chuckle. Dwalin laughed. "She finally found someone her age." said Dwalin. "I couldn't say the same for Kili." chuckled Balin. "Tauriel is older than Kili. But they're different." said Samantha. "I always knew Kili was an elf lover!" chuckled Bofur. "He fancied elf maidens since Rivendell!" grinned Judith. "HEY! Please don't bring that up again!" said Kili. "Oh come on, lighten up will you Kili?" said Judith.

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