Chapter Twenty-One

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Later that night, Thorin felt in a good mood. He given Bilbo a mithril chain shirt. Samantha smiled. "I can imagine the folks at home will laugh at me if they saw me in this." said Bilbo. "Actually they would much prefer you in that armor than the one the people in Lake Town gave you!" said Samantha. Bilbo laughed. "Yes, I really looked ridiculous of what the Master gave me. Thorin's armor is much better." said Bilbo. Thorin grinned. "Thank you." said Thorin. "You're welcome." the hobbit replied. "I haven't forgoten you, Sam." said Thorin, motioning her to walk over to him. First, Thorin had given Samantha a beautiful emerald necklace. "I'm not done yet!" said Thorin. "You're not?" said Samantha. "This was my mothers, you would look very beautiful in it." said Thorin, giving Samantha a silver circlet. "Thorin, this was your mothers. I cannot take it." said Samantha. "You're going to be my wife and Queen. You must accept it." said Thorin. Samantha smiled. "Okay, I'll accept your gifts Thorin." said Samantha, taking both the necklace and circlet. Later, as everyone gathered to eat supper, Ori approaches them. "Miss Samantha, you got a letter." said Ori. "A letter?!' gasped Samantha. "Maybe its from Judith." said Bilbo.

Samantha hoped it would be from Judith telling them how Fili and Kili and the others are doing. But to her surprise when she opened it and read it, it was from Merrilee. Samantha began to read the letter:

Dearest aunt,

I apologize for my betrayal towards you and the company. I don't know what came over me, and I felt worried over you when I started having visions. I've decided to no longer court with Legolas. We both agreed it wasn't going to work out between us, and we decide to remain only friends.  We are making our way to the Lonely Mountain as we speak. Judith, Fili, Kili, Bofur and Oin are with me.  Please, give my apologies to the entire company of my mistake I made. I could not bear to see my Aunt angry at me for eternity. 



A tear slid down Samantha's cheek as she read it. She didn't know whether to laugh, cry, or shout for joy. "What is it, Sam? Who is the letter from?" asked Thorin. "Its from Merrilee...she apologized to me...she says everybody is okay, and they're on their way here." said Samantha. "Who's on their way here?" asked Dwalin, darkly. "Fili, Kili, Oin, Bofur, Judith and herself." said Samantha. "FIli and Kili? They're safe?!" gasped Thorin. "Yes." said Samantha. Thorin took Samantha, sweeping her into his arms. She could feel Thorin's own tears swell up. "Thank Mahal!" whispered Thorin. She knew Thorin felt worried of his nephews, and his companions. The others cheered hearing the news of the safety of the others. "When will they be here?" asked Gloin. "By nightfall tonight." said Samantha.  "And we shall give them a hearty welcome!" cheered Gloin. "Yes!" piped in Dwalin.  It was nightfall when Judith, Fili, Kili, and the others arrived, and the reunion was quite a merry one.

"Oh and by the way, Sam. Merrilee has decided she's courting with Bard's son Bain." grinned Kili. "Wait a minute? I thought you were courting Legolas?" asked Dwalin. "We agreed it wouldn't work out. Besides that I need to stick with some one my own age. Bain and I are very close in age." said Merrilee. Thorin laughed. "True true. That's very good that you are with someone your age, Merrilee." said Thorin.  Merrilee sat down. "And what of you, Aunt Sam?" asked Merrilee. "Should we tell them?" asked Samantha. "Tell us what?" asked Merrilee and Judith together. "Thorin has proposed to me, and I accepted. We're going to get married once everything is done." said Samantha. "Oh Aunt Sam! That is the best news I ever heard!" cried  out Merrilee, throwing her arms around her neck, pretty soon Judith hugged Samantha. "Give her room to breathe!" said Gloin with a chuckle.

"Sam, there is something else I want to show you." Thorin grinned. "What is it?" asked Samantha. "Just sit right here, I'll be back." said Thorin, and he walked away. "He's found it." said Balin softly. "Found what?" asked Judith. "His old harp." smiled Balin. "Oh Wow!" gasped Judith in awe. Shortly, Thorin returned, pulling beside him a large beautiful golden harp. "Your harp!" exclaimed Samantha. "You will finally get to hear me play my own harp, Sam. Its been years since I played it. And now it will be played again!" smiled Thorin, as he sat down on a stool, pulling the harp close to him. Shortly, Thorin leaned foward, placing his large hands on the silver strings. Thorin closed his eyes, as he started to play. Beautiful music echoed throughout the room.  As he played, the other dwarves decided to join in with Thorin with instruments they had found among the treasure. Even Fili and Kili were playing harps. "I didn't know Fili and Kili play the harp." whispered Merrilee. "Fili told me Thorin had taught them when they were younger." Judith whispered back.

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