Chapter Ten

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Everyone smiled when Thorin and Samantha entered the dining hall. They also looked at Samantha in amazement, seeing her al dressed up for the first time. "Aunt Sam! You look so beautiful! You look like a Queen!" beaned Judith. And someday she will be my queen, Thorin thought to himself and smiling. Thorin and Samantha took their seats with Gandalf and Lord Elrond. They first discussed Thorin and Gandalf's weapons and their history. "I spoken to Arwen before getting my bath." Samantha said to her nieces. "ARWEN? The Arwen from Lord of The Rings, who marries Aragorn?!" exclaimed Judith. "Yes,yes! But don't say that too loudly! We don't want to raise suspicions here that we know many things of the peoples of Middle Earth." whispered Samantha. "Auntie, Judith and I been talking,and we noticed that you've been acting secretive lately. And it doesn't have to do with Thorin either. Is there something you've been wanting to tell us?" asked Merrilee. Merrilee had been suspecting her Aunt had been withholding information from them. And they needed to know about it. Samantha sighed. I think its time for me to tell them who I really am, Samantha thought. 

And so Samantha confesses to her nieces who her true identity is. After she told them, it shocked them. "But you know what that means?! That means we're wizards too!!" exclaimed Judith and Merrilee together. "Wizard's in Training! Gandalf told me he is willing to mentor us when it comes to controlling our powers.I don't need any training since I have used some of my magic already." said Samantha. "You have?" asked Judith. "Yes, I have! Remember that strange light you saw out in the battle field with all the orcs, pushing all the orcs away?" asked Samantha. "Yes, we saw the light, we assumed it was Gandalf that done that." said Merrilee. "That wasn't Gandalf that did that! I did that!" smiled Samantha. "Wow! That was you, Aunt SAM? That was beautiful!" chirped Judith with excitement. "Hey Judith! Catch!" called out Fili, and he tossed an apple to her. "Excuse me!" said Thorin standing up. Thorin looked at Samantha. "You care to join me, Sam?" asked Thorin. "Of course I'll join you, Thorin!" smiled Samantha, and she followed Thorin to another part of the dining hall, and she sat with him. Thorin took out his flask, and began drinking it, as he and Samantha watched the company laughing and talking.

Suddenly, Samantha heard a conversation between Kili and Dwalin about Elf Maidens. The conversation angered Merrilee, and jealous feelings clouded over her. She thought Kili liked her. Her eyes clouded in anger. She wanted to shout at him, but she didn't want to make as scene, or ruin everybody's fun, and so she decided to leave the table. "Merrilee, where are you going sis?" asked Judith. "To be alone!" snapped Merrilee. "Somethings wrong! Lets talk about it!" said Judith. "I want to be alone, Judith!" shouted Merrilee, and she walked away. "What's gotten into your sister?" asked Kili."I don't know. She doesn't want to tell me." said Merrilee. Thorin looked at Samantha. "Samantha, I just saw Merrilee leave. You may have to go and talk to her. She looks upset." said Thorin, a concerned look on his features. "Yes, I better go and talk to her." said Samantha quickly.  Samantha walked out on the balcony where she saw Merrilee headed out to. She saw her niece sitting, weeping softly, her head between her hands. 

"Merrilee, are you okay?" asked Samantha. "No! Just leave me alone, Aunt Sam." said Merrilee softly. "Something is wrong, lets talk about this. Did one of the dwarves anger you?" asked Samantha. "Yes." said Merrilee looking up at her Aunt. Samantha sat down next to her niece. "Which one?" asked Samantha. "Aunt Sam, its Kili. I thought he really liked me. I don't think he finds me attractive at all. And I really like him. But now this evening, I over heard him talking to the other dwarves about his taste in women. I understand he's a dwarf and all, but still, he took an interest in me in the beginning, and now tonight, I think he lost that interest." said Merrilee, tears streaming down her face. "Is that what all this is about? I thought you and Kili are already courting?" asked Samantha. "He hasn't asked me yet." said Merrilee. "Merrilee, you cannot keep quiet about this. You need to talk to Kili and tell him how you feel. You cannot keep this feelings bottled up." said Samantha. "You're right, Aunt Sam. I should talk to Kili." said Merrilee. "Well then, that's settled. Lets go back inside, shall we? And listen to Bofur? He's starting a really fun song, we should go in there and dance!" said Samantha encouragingly. 

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