Chapter Sixteen

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The next morning, the company continued on into the forest.  Hours and hours went by, the more further they went, the more miserable they felt. "I don't feel so well." mumbled Judith. "Okay, is it me? Or are we going around in circles?" asked Samantha, starting to feel grumpy, and also very tired from the long hours of walking. "I don't know!" said Fili.  Samantha felt very frustrated. Gandalf had warned all of them, especially Thorin, to keep on the path, but apparently Gandalf's advice didn't sink into Thorin. "Thorin, you should've listened to Gandalf! Now we're lost! We walked around in circles three times already!" snapped Samantha. "Are you questioning my authority, Sam?!" snapped Thorin darkly. "No! I'm not questioning you, Thorin! I'm just speaking my opinion, damn it! Why do you always take things the wrong way?!' snapped Samantha. "I'm not taking things the wrong way! Now shut your damn trap woman and let me focus!" barked Thorin. "You are a bastard you know that?!" shouted Samantha. "I said SILENCE!" barked Thorin.  Now Judith discovered that everybody is fighting. Fili and Kili are fighting with several other dwarves. Finally Judith couldn't take it anymore. "STOP IT! STOP IT! All of you stop fighting!!" screamed Judith covering her ears. Fili quickly came running to Judith. "We're sorry Judith--its this damn forest getting the best of us." said Fili gently, wrapping his arm around Judith.

"I wish we just took another way!" said Judith softly. "I know, but this is the only way we can go, Judith. I don't like thisas much as any of us." said Fili, gently stroking Judith's hair. "Lets keep moving!" called out Thorin. "Why cannot we just stop for a little while? I'm tired." said Samantha. "We're going to keep going!" said Thorin darkly. "Thorin Oakenshield, if we don't stop now, I swear.." began Samantha. "Fine! We'll stop!" snapped Thorin. And so they decided to stop for a rest.  Samantha noticed that Thorin didn't bother sitting with her at all. She knew he was angry at her. Samantha leaned back against a tree, closing her eyes, tears streaming down her face. What have I done to deserve this? Samantha  thought to herself. Thorin took out a small piece of wood from his his bag, taking out a knife. He seemed to appear to work on a carving. Something he hadn't done in a long time. Judith took notice of it, she thought mostly she would see Bifur work on something of the sort. 

She also took noticed that Thorin was not sitting with Samantha, and she then glanced over at her Aunt, who sat away from the company, and she looked very sad and depressed. Please tell me they're not fighting again! I better go and talk to her, thought Judith. Judith stood up and she walked over to her Aunt. "Aunt Sam? Are you okay? Did you and Thorin have another row?" asked the young niece. Samantha looked up at Judith. "Unfortunately yes." said Samantha. "Don't worry, Aunt Sam. I don't think Thorin will stay angry with you long. You two never stay mad at each other." said Judith assuringly. "I don't know, Judith. He seemed to be really angry with me this time." said Samantha sadly. "Why can't you two just talk it out, instead of staying mad at each other and not talking?" asked Judith. "Because Thorin is a stubborn ass, and he is known to hold grudges, and he will hold a grudge as long as possible." said Samantha. "Sam, that isn't healthy for the both of you." said Judith. "Try telling him  that!" snapped Samantha hotly, standing up, and she walked away from Judith.  

Woa, she really is upset. Somethings got to be done! thought Judith, as she walked back over to Fili and Kili. "Why did your Aunt snap at you for?" asked Fili. "She and your Uncle had another row." growled Judith. "Oh not again." said Kili. "I don't know. But Aunt Sam, she's so upset right now, she's beside herself." said Judith. "Maybe Thorin will talk to her eventually again. He just needs some time to cool  off." said Kili.  Meanwhile Thorin put away his piece of wood and knive. He was getting ready to go relieve himself, when he found Samantha in the same area he needed to go. "Excuse me." said Thorin. "Oh, I'm sorry. I'll give you your privacy. I'll just go." said Samantha sadly. Samantha hoped Thorin didn't notice her eyes being blood shot from weeping. Samantha sat back down in her spot, trying to hide the evidence from her eyes. Shortly, Thorin returned, and he sat down next to Samantha. And of course, he noticed. "Sam, you've been crying. Is something troubling you?" asked Thorin.

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