Chapter Nineteen

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The next morning, the town square bustled with many of the townspeople as they prepared to watch the  Company depart to the Mountain. It was quite a fanfare, Samantha thought. It was almost like watching her parades back at her old home. Samantha gasped as she saw Thorin, now wearing full armor, and a red cloak  He truly looked like a king now dressed up like that. "You definitely look like a king now!" purred Samantha. Thorin smiled. "Thank you, but I don't like this armor i'm wearing." said Thorin. Thorin and the other dwarves, who all wore armor, didn't like the armor that was given to them. Some of them thought they looked rather ridiculous Samantha laughed when she looked at Bilbo. "I know, I know. I look funny. That's what the Master wants us to wear." said Bilbo, smiling. "You could've almost pass for a young prince, Bilbo!" grinned Judith. Bilbo blushed. Once all the dwarves, Bilbo, Judith and Samantha climbed into the boat. Fili and Kili approached the boat. But Thorin stopped Kili, who now was looking more worse than last night. "Not you." said Thorin. Samantha looked at Thorin in shock. What in the hell does he think he's doing?! thought Samantha. "But Uncle! You told us many stories of Erebor, and we've been longing to see our old home! Please let us go!" begged Kili.

 Thorin placed his hands on Kili. "Return to the Mountain when you are healed." said Thorin softly and gently.  Thorin took notice that Fili didn't ove. "Fili, climb into the boat We're moving." said Thorin. "No! If Kili's not going, I'm not going either." said Fili. "I'm not going risk the quest of some dwarf! Not even my own kin!" growled Thorin. The words angered Samantha. How dare he speak about Kili like this. She could see the hurt in Kili's eyes when Thorin said that. "Fili, into the boat." said Thorin. "I'm not going, Thorin!" said Fili. "Fili, you will be king someday, and you're part of the company. Now get in the boat!" said Thorin. "I belong with my brother!" stated Fili firmly, and he turned away from Thorin. Thorin quickly turned away, and climbed into the boat.  "You ass hole." snarled Samantha. Thorin quickly turned to Samantha. "Sam, I'm in no mood for this now." said Thorin. "Well if Fili's staying behind, I'm going to stay behind with him!" snapped Judith, and she climbed out of the boat. "I have no time for this!" shouted Thorin. "Thorin, get a hold of yourself!" hissed Balin.

Samantha could see Thorin changing drastically, and they haven't even got to the Mountain yet. She had to do something. During the boat ride, hardly anyone spoken. Thorin avoided looking at Samantha. Even if Thorin needed to sit down, he sat down, further away from her.  Bilbo could see the sadness growing in Samantha. "Sam, are you okay?" asked Bilbo. "No, not really." said Samantha softly. "Is it because of Thorin? He's been acting strangely, even before leaving Lake Town." said the hobbit. "I cannot believe he said that about his own flesh and blood. The look in Kili's eyes, Bilbo. Kili felt so heartbroken." said Samantha. Bilbo's eyes clouded over as he looked at Thorin. "He's a stubborn ass that is what he is. The sickness is slowly growing on him, Sam. I can see it as plain as the nose on my face." said the hobbit. "I can see it too. And its going to get worse. And that is why I am here." said Samantha looking to Bilbo's eyes. "You're going to try and save him?" asked Bilbo.  Samantha nodded. "Its going to be a very difficult task, Sam." said Bilbo. 

"I know, but I must do this. I promised Gandalf and Lady Galadriel I would do this." said Samantha, and that all she had said. Later, they arrived at the base of the Mountain. When everyone unboarded the boat, Thorin leads them to the mountain. Two hours later, Bilbo pointed out the side door. Thorin smiled. "You have keen eye sight, Mister Baggins!" smiled Thorin.  Thorin took out his map and looked it over, reciting the translation. "Well, its light out. Hurry and put the key in, Thorin!" said Dwalin. When Thorin did, nothing happened. Samantha couldn't believe this. This entirely misunderstood the translation! For one, it was the moon light they needed, and two they haven't seen any signs of a thrush yet. "Idiots." mumbled Samantha. Now she witnessed some of the dwarves trying to bash down the door.  "We're too late. Its over." said Balin sadly. "We went all this way--for nought." said Thorin sadly, tears swelling up in his eyes. "Wait! You cannot quit now!" snapped Bilbo.

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